Sophocles Born in 495 B.C. outside of Athens. Died in 406 B.C. Introduced the 3rd actor in Greek plays. Increased Chorus size from 12 to 15. Won first prize at the Dionysian at 28 years old. Wrote over 120 plays. Wrote Oedipus the King around 430 B.C. Concerned with the individual's struggle with fate. His plays contain moral lessons that usually pertain to man’s duty to the gods and avoidance of excessive pride.
Tragedy A tragedy is a serious drama featuring a noble, dignified main character–often a member of royalty– who strives to achieve something and is ultimately defeated. ◦Defeat may seem to be brought by a force beyond the control of the character due to their tragic flaw. ◦A tragic flaw is a weakness in the character’s character that usually causes the downfall of the character.
Characters OEDIPUS: king of Thebes PRIEST: the high priest of Thebes CREON: Oedipus’ brother-in-law CHORUS of Theban elders CHORAGOS: leader of the chrous TEIRESIAS: an old blind prophet/soothsayer JOCASTA: wife of Oedipus, sister of Creon ANTIGONE: daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta ISMENE: daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta
The Oedipus Story: The First Oracle King Laius and Queen Jocasta of Thebes learn from an oracle that their newborn son will one day kill his father and marry his mother. To prevent this fate, Laius orders the baby’s ankles to be bound and for the child to be exposed on Mt. Cithaeron. A shepherd finds the child and pities him. He takes it to his king and queen in Corinth for protection. Since they are childless, they decide to adopt the boy as their own. They name him Oedipus or “Swollen Foot.”
The Oedipus Story: The Second Oracle Oedipus goes to the Pythia (Apollo’s Oracle in Delphi) for confirmation about his parentage since he begins to question whether he is the son of the King and queen of Corinth.. However, the oracle gives Oedipus a horrible prediction instead: he will kill his father and sleep with his mother. Oedipus leaves Corinth and on the road, kills a man who refuses to give him the right of way. That man is Laius, the King of Thebes.
The Oedipus Story: The Sphinx A Sphinx is a creature with the head of a woman, claws of a lion, tail of a serpent, and wings of a bird. Outside of Thebes, Oedipus encounters the Sphinx, who slays all of those who cannot answer her riddle. The riddle: What goes on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs in the evening? ◦Oedipus correctly answers the riddle: MAN. The Sphinx kills herself, and Thebes is saved! Oedipus becomes the King of Thebes (since the previous one mysteriously died), and marries Jocasta. They have four kids: Antigone, Ismene, Eteocles, and Polynices.
The Oedipus Story: The Third Oracle Apollo sends a plague upon Thebes, revealed to Oedipus by the oracle, as a result of the unpunished murder of Laius. Oedipus believes he is the one to save the city from the plague since he saved Thebes from the Sphinx, so he vows to eliminate the source of the god's displeasure, unaware that he is the problem… As the play opens, Thebes is suffering a terrible plague because Laius’ death has not been avenged.
Literary Elements Dramatic Irony: occurs when the reader/audience knows something the characters do not. Characterization of Oedipus: elements of his leadership, nobility. The Tragic Hero Themes: ◦Fate v. Free Will ◦Quest for Identity ◦Nature of Innocence and Guilt