1 eMOLST Implementation Patricia Bomba, MD, FACP Vice President and Medical Director, Geriatrics Chair, MOLST Statewide Implementation Team & eMOLST Program Director Chair, National Healthcare Decisions Day New York State Coalition Leader, Community-wide End-of-life/Palliative Care Initiative Katie Orem, MPH Geriatrics and Palliative Care Program Manager & eMOLST Administrator Member, Executive Committee, MOLST Statewide Implementation Team CompassionAndSupport.org
2 Session 1 Recap Any additional questions about eMOLST clinical functionality? Review NYACP eMOLST webinar & demo from 4/7 if you weren’t able to attend last week. It’s stored here: (password: benefit) For more info on the new CPT codes for ACP discussions view the webinar recorded here: Recommended Follow-ups
3 eMOLST Demo: Workflow & Administrative Functions eMOLST Training Site:
4 eMOLST Documents All documents are posted on NYSeMOLSTregistry.com
5 eMOLST Program Manual Describes eMOLST application, minimal technical requirements, enrollment & disenrollment process, specific user roles (both clinical & administrative), security, etc. Has “getting started checklist” on page 4
6 eMOLST Legal Agreement Includes eMOLST Participation Agreement & BAA eMOLST operates as a public health service Data in eMOLST are not owned by any particular health system or facility Return signed agreements to Katie
7 eMOLST Enrollment Review enrollment template
8 eMOLST Enrollment Steps Assign a project manager who owns the spreadsheet & collects all the data Should have expertise with Excel & be very accurate Export relevant user information from EMR system or HR database (if available) Avoid typing to guarantee accuracy Each user must have a clinical & admin role eMOLST project team should work to assign these roles using broad categories in a health system Sheet must be completely filled out in order to be uploaded to eMOLST Contact Katie with
9 eMOLST Patient Import Review patient import template
10 eMOLST Patient Import: Advantages Bulk import relevant patient demographics directly into the eMOLST system Generate list of eMOLST #s automatically Help jump start the process of converting paper MOLST forms into eMOLST Save time & improve accuracy vs. typing Insert patients into relevant providers’ eMOLST lists for MOLST data entry & signature Especially helpful in primary care practices, LTC facilities, home care agencies, hospices, etc.
11 eMOLST Integration Options Link in EMR or on desktop You will sign in with an eMOLST username & password Single Sign On (SSO) Pass user credentials using SAML message Link in EMR will automatically log you in to eMOLST You will not need to remember a separate username & password for eMOLST SSO + Patient Context Pass user credentials and patient demographic information inside a SAML message Requires entering eMOLST within a patient’s screen Allows for one-click search of the eMOLST system SSO Integration Guide with or without patient context specifics is available
12 eMOLST Implementation: Best Practices Get buy-in from relevant stakeholders Develop project team, including IT, operations, clinical users, physician & system champions Assign project manager Have team read eMOLST Program Manual Assign ownership to project tasks Identify areas for early adoption Schedule regular project meetings Set dates for “go live” with administration
13 Additional Considerations Advance Care Planning workflow Current vs. Future Advance Directives vs. MOLST Reduce variation Policies and Procedures Current vs. Future ACP as a process, Health Care Proxies, MOLST, NYSPHL Physician and Clinician Training Public education, engagement and empowerment Available educational resources
14 New York eMOLST If you would like your hospital, nursing home, physician office, palliative care/hospice program to implement and have your patients’ MOLST forms included in NY’s eMOLST registry, visit NYSeMOLSTregistry.com. NYSeMOLSTregistry.com Contacts eMOLST Program Director: eMOLST Administrator:
Additional MOLST/eMOLST Resources eMOLST Overview (5:37) NYSDOH Attorney's Perspective on eMOLST (1:38) Advantages of eMOLST: A Nursing Home Physician's Perspective (7:24) MOLST Video Revised 2015! (28:14) "Writing Your Final Chapter: Know Your Choices. Share Your Wishes" has 5 real patient stories (2 before, 3 after MOLST); originally released in 2007 & revised to comply with FHCDA. It is an excellent resource for staff, patient, family caregiver education; it can be used as a staff "lunch and learn."
Additional MOLST/eMOLST Resources "New CPT Codes for Advance Care Planning and MOLST Discussions" (1:00) webinar posted on YouTube eMOLST webinar sponsored by IPRO and includes Q & A (2:00) cba7863dab9ad1bf68ea cba7863dab9ad1bf68ea Link to a MMLIC Dateline Special Edition, includes NYSBA Health Law Journal article co-authored by Jonathan Karmel, JD, NYSDOH, and Pat Bomba, MD, FACP; three additional cases are included: here. here
17 Additional MOLST/eMOLST Resources Thoughtful MOLST Discussions in Hospital Thoughtful MOLST Discussions in Nursing Home Thoughtful MOLST Discussions in Additional Clinical Settings Planned Physician Office, Home, Vulnerable Populations
For up-to-date information, subscribe to NY MOLST Update. Contact
19 Additional Resource: ReachMD Dying in America PodcastsPodcasts