Mobile Applications for Foresters David K. Schnake, RF. CF NCDA&CS Research Stations Division
Overview Avenza PDF Maps USFS Forestry Toolkit Corvallis Micro Technology, Inc. Cruise Tally AcrGIS App
Avenza PDF Maps Mobile app that allows you to download GeoPDFs for offline use in the field. A lower quality, but still very capable, version is available for free on the App Store or Android’s equivalent. Can be used as a data collection app. Custom data dictionaries can be built, but require some knowledge of Keyhole Markup Language (KML) to fully leverage.
Functions of Avenza PDF Maps Finding your location Measuring Distances Calculating Area Recording GPS Tracks
Avenza Demonstration Loading a MapFinding your locationMeasuring DistanceMeasuring AreaCollecting a GPS TrackExporting to Google Earth Pro
USFS Forestry Toolkit Mobile app based on the famous Service Forester’s Handbook. Provides a quick reference for basic land measurement, tree measurements, volume tables, site index charts, and much more. The mobile version contains several useful calculators!
A Few of the Functions of the Forestry Toolkit Complete basic financial calculations Calculate basal area and other useful measurements Look up spacing guides Calculate or look up site index
Forestry Toolkit Demonstration Calculating basal areaCalculating site indexFinding a site index chartCalculating log volume
CMT Cruise Tally Mobile app that turns your smartphone into an angle gauge! Allows you to use BAF 5 through 80, mostly in 5 to 10 square foot increments. Also has some field measurement and conversion tools.
Functions of Cruise Tally Variable Plot Cruising Measuring Distances Measuring Area Calculating Limiting Distances
Cruise Tally Demonstration Tallying “in” treesMeasuring distanceMeasuring AreaCalculating limiting distance
ESRI ArcGIS App tablets Mobile app that allows you to view personal or publicly available spatial data. Made better with a license, but the free app has lots of functions. Contains a lot of very useful maps for foresters in this region!
Functions of ESRI’s ArcGIS App Finding Coordinates Measuring Distances and Area Viewing Published Web Maps Viewing Attribute Data
ArcGIS App Demonstration Finding a mapMeasuring distance and areaDetermining which watershed you are inLooking at attribute data
Closing We really just scratched the surface today These apps are updated very often, so check back regularly for updates. Feel free to give me a call if you have questions. Please call me if you find any other interesting apps! I’d love to hear about them! David K. Schnake, RF. CF