Biomass Composition and Conversion
Lignocellulosic biomass Hardwood (hybrid poplar, sweetgum,…) Softwood (pine, spruce,…) Grasses (switchgrass, miscanthus,…) Agricultural residues (wheat straw, corn stover, …)
Chemical Composition of biomass Cellulose (%) Hemicellulose (%) Lignin (%) Extractives (%) Ash (%) Hybrid Poplar 29.2-37.0 15.5-18.4 24.2-26.1 6.9-18.2 0.5-1.0 Pine 42.2-42.7 19.3-19.9 32.0-32.9 2.9-3.7 0.4-0.5
Analogous model of a biobased product flow-chart for biomass feedstocks. From Top value-added chemicals from biomass report -
b-methyl-g-octalactone (whisky-lactone) Non Structural: Extractives coconut odor vanilla odor clove odor b-methyl-g-octalactone (whisky-lactone) Vanillin Eugenol a-pinene Flavonoids (Antioxidant activities) α-Tocopherol (Vitamin E) Policosanols (long-chain primary alcohols)- improve blood lipid levels, reduce platelet aggregation Docosanol (C22), Tetracosanol (C24), Hexacosanol (C26), Octacosanol (C28), Triacontanol (C30), and Dotriacontanol (C32).
Non Structural: Ash Corrosion Slagging and fouling Catalyst impairment Catalytic properties
Structural: Cellulose Glucose: C6 sugar Paper products: paper, paperboard, Fibers: rayon, cellophane, Biofuels: ethanol, butanol, ..., Consumables: powder cellulose used an inactive fillers in drug tablets, thickeners and stabilizers in processed foods, Bioplastics: microbeads used inside a host of liquids that require abrasives such as toothpaste or cosmetics, Bottles,… Chemicals, …
Structural: Hemicellulose Xylose: C5 sugar Mannose: C6 sugar Galactose: C6 sugar Arabinose: C5 sugar Biofuels: ethanol, butanol, butanediol,..., Chemicals: furfural, lactic acid used in food, pharmaceutical and textile industries, Xylitol: used for food applications (sweetener, chewing gums), pharmaceutical and cosmetics (mouthwashes and toothpastes) Bioplastics: Polylactic acid is the raw material
CARBON FIBER (cars, wind turbine, aircraft) Structural: Lignin CARBON FIBER (cars, wind turbine, aircraft) Energy: power for biorefinery Chemicals: vanillin used a fragrance for food preparations, intermediate in herbicides, antifoaming agents, ingredient in household products,… Resins, concrete mixtures Fibers: carbon fibers, carbon foams Bioplastic: garbage bags,…
Biomass Conversion