Activating user account and Introduction of IT services at Omnia Omnia IT-Services
Contents Purpose of activation –Activating user account Recovering lost password Introduction for network services –Some hints and tips Contact info
Activating user account Meaning: –New accounts only –Agreement of Omnia information systems usage policy –Assuming you’re over 18, otherwise your guardians should accept with sigature in the application form. –Changin the password You can activate your user account by your home, work, library computer, or tablet. – At omnia workstations, you need to use special account: –Login: aktivointi, password: aktivointi
Password printout
New password Requirements –8 – 14 charachters –Alphabets a-z, A-Z and numbers 0-9 and underscore ( _ ) is allowed. –NO scandinavian or other special charachters. Password will expire in 4 months –You got several messages before expiration, ie. One month, 2 weeks and couple messages on last week. REMEMBER TO CHECK YOUR INBOX REGULARY!
Problems? Did you enter correct password? –Note the instructions from the green box!
Problems? You did not accept usage policy –You need to accept usage policy to continue.
Problems? Internal error Sisäinen virhe! -Please contact personally to IT helpdesk for assistance… -We apologise Managing the password
Where? –Choose either ammattiopisto or aikuisopisto –Opiskelijan sivut –OmaOmnia
What should I see… Check your own info You can see the date when your password will expire.
Change the password – before expiration -Read the instructions! -This is the place for the password change, when you have printed one-time password given by staff from student information office or IT services
Recovering forgotten password -Works when -You remember your login name and your mobile phone number is stored to database. -> I have forgotten my password
Recovering forgotten password - Enter all fields: -Login name -Date of birth -Mobile number -Safety number Your info will be verified and send the verification code to your mobile phone. Do not cancel message window or delete message. Verification code is valid only about 10 minutes!
Recovering forgotten password After receiving verification code, enter: -Verification code -New password in both fields -Remember the password requirements -When password is succesfully changed, you may delete the SMS message.
Introduction of network services Practical hints & tips
Provided services You may login with your user ID and password to –Student network computes at classrooms and public areas – –Moodle –TOP –verkkopalvelu – – password management –Student information database Ammattiopisto: Helmi Aikuisopisto: StudentaPlus –Some educational spesific systems To browse school timetables, you do not need to login. Only staff can reserve a classroom.
Login to computer -You may use all computers in classrooms and public areas wit your own userID and password. -No access to personnel computers. -You may use basic programs like word, excel, powerpoint, www browser etc. -It is strictly forbidden to install or use own programs. -Remember to log off or shut down computer after use. -Upon break also.. -Giving userID and password to your friend is stictly forbidden.
Saving files To Home folder ( H:\ or my files link in desktop) you can save your own documents and files. –Remeber to have your own backup – just in case. –And keep USB sticks in safe place The ”M –drive” has material from teachers. In some cases you may have additional network drives. Do not save your files to desktop or local computer hard disk. We do not give any guarantee.
Omnia Provides a electronic mail for your educational period. or –Begining of Aug 2014 Please, use provided only for study related. –Organization have a mailing list to send information, and the will be delivered to omnia mailbox. –Personell is instructed to use mail addresses. Remember to check your inbox to avoid password expiration! You may redirect your mails to an another address. Go to your mail preferences and create a forwarding rule.
Use of Cloud service called Microsoft Office 365 will be default store of mailbox for new Students –from July 2014, all mailboxes are created to O365 –During period of transition, students address still remains for primary address until end of year. –After 1/2015 works for students is leaved for personnel only. Omnia Exchange vs. Office 365 –More storage space for mails, files etc. –OneDirve for files –New services will be opened later.
IMPORTANT: when you’re graduated Your userID will be locked –No mail message delivery or access to your mailbox –You can not access your personal files –YOUR DATA WILL BE DELETED. Remember to handle your mail to another address before graduation. Omnia is not responsible for any loss. If you put your studies at hold for certain period of time, you may still use your mailbox etc.
CONTACTING INFO IT-Services and student information office
Student information office and IT-Services They can help you for forgotten password or user name. Remember the self service at Please provide a valid ID card: -Passport, SI-card, driver’s license or police approved ID card with photograph is valid. -Student card is not a valid ID card. -We recommend to use SMS service for recovery of forgotten password.
Contact to Student information office when… Your name changes You move to an another address Your telephone number changes Student information office staff can recover lost password and userID. Check contact info and opening hours from –If you have problems with HELMI (ammattiopisto): –If you have problems with Studentaplus (aikuisopisto)
IT-Services - -Security reasons DO NOT sent any confidental information like social nubmers etc. -IT services responds only mail sent from addresses. We can not validate non-Omnia addresses. -Only for defective comptuers, lost files, printer problems, accidentally deleted files… -Telephone: Service hours Mon - Thu 8-18, Fri After 4pm service is provided as telephone service only. In large offices we do have specialist at place –And smaller offices when requested. Look for for additional guides.
Thank you!