Introduction Skip Intro Connect you to next durga. Just buzzer by saying “help me”. We will connect you to the next durga near to you. Next
Feel free to go Be careful Danger area Our Safety map will always keep you update about the crime rate of the location where you are now. Introduction PreviousNext
Introduction We know privacy is more important is security. So we don back you on every time. Only we will do when you are in danger zone. NextPrevious
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Name : Prahathi Age : 22 Phone No : Sign Up
Name : Age : Phone No : Sign Up Gender : Select Country : Select V V Temporary Password has been delivered to your . Intimation OK
Forget Password One temporary password will be delivery to your -ID. Enter your -ID Done
Durga Buzzer Tips Use your sixth sense Awareness
Awareness : Your first line of defense. Most people think of kicks to the groin and blocking punches when they hear the term “self-defense.” However, true self-defense begins long before any actual physical contact. The first, and probably most important, component in self-defense is awareness: awareness of yourself, your surroundings, and your potential attacker’s likely strategies. Back
Use your sixth sense: “Sixth sense.” “Gut instinct.” Whatever you call it, your intuition is a powerful subconscious insight into situations and people. All of us, especially women, have this gift, but very few of us pay attention it. Learn to trust this power and user it to your full advantage. Avoid a person or a situation which does not “feel” safe-you’re probably right. Back
Durga Buzzer
My Durgas Prahathi Heera
Buzzer Durga Buzzer Services Tips My Durgas Invite Friends Help Others Settings Log out About Change Password
About app “No tracking. We maintain our privacy” We need not to tracking. We are being track. Durga buzzer is not a secure application. Durga buzzer is pre secure application. It is not user friendly application. This is mobile friend application. Because it will be automatically working. Basically now each and every woman has a smart phone right. And also everyone has some women security application because of fearness and secure purpose.
Services Good Not Bad Bad Hike
Good Location Feel free to go.. This green background indicates you are in safe location. In this situation this app will show some basic tips to protect yourself. This screen also have voice detection to recognize the hot word “Help me Durga”.
Moderate Location Little bit be careful.. This Orange background indicates you are moderate location. In this situation this app will tell some basic tips to protect yourself. This screen also have voice detection to recognize the hot word “Help me Durga” This shows Google map to indicate your current location.
Danger Location Be alert and very careful.. This Red background indicates you are danger location. In this situation this app will tell show some basic tips to control your mind make you as calm. When you enter into the red location this app automatically will send pre alert message to My Durga Group. In this red area you can chat with your my Durga Group. This will make feel like you were protected by some one. This screen also have voice detection to recognize the hot word “Help me Durga”
Hike Group Covered my many durgas.. Main thing is when you enter into any location it will update you are in which type of location via voice message. This is the pre build group called My Durgas. When you enter into red location this app will automatically send pre alert message to this group. In this red location you can chat with this group. Whenever it detects the hotword "Help me Durga" it will send your profile with current location to this group. So, nearby Durgas will help using this information. It will also book a cab for you with current location information. After that it will inform to your parents also.
Tips Awareness Use your sixth sense Self-defense training Escape Pepper spray Home invasions
Awareness : Your first line of defense. Most people think of kicks to the groin and blocking punches when they hear the term “self-defense.” However, true self-defense begins long before any actual physical contact. The first, and probably most important, component in self-defense is awareness: awareness of yourself, your surroundings, and your potential attacker’s likely strategies. Back
Pepper spray: Your first line of defense. Most people think of kicks to the groin and blocking punches when they hear the term “self-defense.” However, true self-defense begins long before any actual physical contact. The first, and probably most important, component in self-defense is awareness: awareness of yourself, your surroundings, and your potential attacker’s likely strategies. Back
Settings Notification Profile
Notification Vibrate mode Alert tones Record voice
Profile Name Prahathi Age 20 Phone No Delete Account
Help Others Name : Prahathi -ID : Mobile No : Location : Jaihindpuram Condition : Good Location Done
Help Others Name : -ID : Mobile No : Location : Condition : Good Location Done
Change Password Done
Durga Buzzer Detecting Voice Awareness Tips Are you sure to logout ? OkCancel Logout
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