(Tue) / Middle Auditorium
Contents Contents 1 Introduction : Graduate School Academic Calendar for New International Students How to Use the Homepage and Portal Site Graduation Requirement Scholarship Research Ethics Others
Graduate School Graduate School 2 Foundation : March of departments of master’s degree established Organization of the Graduate School (August, 2012 statistics) Master’s Degree : 5 fields - 52 departments (51 excluding logistics) (+13 inter-department programs) Doctoral Degree : 5 fields - 47 departments (46 excluding logistics) (+13 inter-department programs) Number of Students : Total 2,665 (on April 1, 2012) International students : 271 / 2,665 (10.2%) Percentage 1) Engineering : 46.9% 2) Humanities & Social Science : 24.2% 3) Natural Science : 14.8% 4) Inter-department : 7.4% 5) Medical Science : 4.6% 6) Arts & Sports : 2.1%
Departments of the Graduate School Departments of the Graduate School 3 ▶ Only for Master’s Program : Sinology, French Language & Literature, German Language & Literature, Visual Arts, and Visual Communication Design
PositionNameResponsibilitiesPhone DeanLee, Chong Ho Vice DeanKim, Young Soon Managing Director Lee, Seung Il CoordinatorLee, Dong Ae Courses/Comprehensive exams CoordinatorPark, Seoun YoungRegistration/Graduation CoordinatorCho, Kwon Hee Admission for Korean students/ Regulations CoordinatorKim, Ji Hee Admission for International students/Budget [International Call : ] CoordinatorSong, Ju HeeScholarship CoordinatorChoi, A Rum Korean Language Placement Test Organization of the Graduate School Office Organization of the Graduate School Office 4
Academic Calendar for New International Students Academic Calendar for New International Students 5 ContentsDate Date of Admission (Beginning of Classes) September 3 th (Mon) Application for Medical InsuranceSeptember 3 th (Mon) ~ 4 th (Tue) Korean language Placement TestAt 9 a.m. September 4 th (Tue) Orientation (Graduate School)At 10 a.m. on September 4 th (Tue) Orientation (International Center)At 11 a.m. on September 4 th (Tue) Information Session for Alien Registration ID Card & Student ID Card At 9 a.m. on September 5 th (Wed) Course add/drop periodSeptember 10 th (Mon) ~ 12 th (Wed) Additional Period for Enrollment (Tuition Fee Payment) Around on September 13 th (Thu)
Medical Insurance Medical Insurance 6 1) Mandatory Medical Insurance Policy 2) Suggested Insurance Company (1) Program : ① Hanhwa Insurance or ② Personal choice of insurance company by the international student. (2) Premium : Approx. KRW 100,000 (for 6 months) 3) Student Insurance Application for Hanhwa Insurance * Period : September 3 (Mon) 09:00 ~ 4 (Tue) 17:00 4) How to apply for Student Insurance ① Visit ISL (#504 at the Student Union Building) in person ② Talk with the staff of Insurance Company and make the payment 5) Insurance coverage will start on September 7 (Fri)! Therefore, students can NOT file an insurance claim for medical treatments received before September 7.
Korean Language Course Korean Language Course 7 Must take Korean Language course Test ResultClass Less than 40% 40% ~ 79% 80% or more Test Result Notification : September 7 th (Fri) on Graduate School Homepage's Bulletin Board. Type of Grading : Pass / Fail Beginner Intermediate Exempted
Registration Registration 8 How to register (enroll) 1) Log in to portal site ( * ID = your student ID number * PW = Male – , Female ) Print out your tuition fee bill. (Check the amount of scholarship you achieved.) 3) Go to the Finance Team (on the first floor) with the bill. 4) Pay your tuition fee and student union fee (KRW 8,000). All students must complete enrollment every semester. - Including full scholarship students, exchange students, etc. Additional Registration Period : - Around on September 13 th (Thu)
Course Registration Course Registration 9 How to register courses 1) Log in to portal site ( 2) INS 학사행정 > 수업 (Courses) > 수강신청 (Course Registration) * Choose and Save courses which you want to take. * The graduate school office will input the beginner/intermediate level of Korean language course for you, so do not save it individually. * Individual application needed for taking the advanced level of K.L.C. 3) Credits which you can take for a semester : Max. 9 credits (Max. 12 credits for students who take designated subjects.) 4) 1 course = 3 credit 5) No credit for Korean language course (beginner/intermediate) Add/Drop Period : September 10 th (Mon) ~ 12 th (Wed) - Access Inha Portal Site and change your courses. Drop Period (only dropping courses) : November 7 th ~ 11 th
(Graduate School Homepage : 10
(Portal Site : ) 11 Log In * ID: Student Number 8 characters * PW: Male – Female –
▶ Portal Menu : Portal( 포털 ) / Diary( 다이어리 ) / INS( 학사행정 ) / Notices( 게시판 ) (Main Page - Menus) (Diary ; ) 12 Department Korean Name
Portal Site > Diary ( ) > Set your ID 13 Save Input“ ID” Students can set their ID only one time.
(INS 학사행정 ) (Notices) 14 ▶ INS ( 학사행정 ) ; Enrollment services, Registration, Courses, Scholarship, Academic Results, Graduation, Dormitory
Portal Site > INS( 학사행정 ) Menu ▶ INS Menu : / Enrollment Services / Registration/ Enrollment services (graduate) / Courses / Scholarship (Graduate) / Academic Results (Graduate) / Graduation (Graduate)/ Dormitory, Army Reserves 15 Type of Language (Korean / English)
Portal Site > INS( 학사행정 ) Menu > Details 16
Portal Site > 환경설정 (Right Upper Side) > Change Password 17 Save Confirm New Password Input New Password Input Current Password
Portal Site > Enrollment Services > Personal Information/Address 18
Course Work Course Work 19 1) 3 credits = 1 subject 2) Maximum 9 credits for a semester 3) There is NO credit for the Korean language courses. (3 credits for the advanced level of Korean language course) 4) Designated course ① Students whose previous major is different from the present one have assigned some designated subjects when they got admission. (Master's : Max. 3 subjects, Doctoral & Integrated : Max. 5 subjects) ② Credits of the designated subjects are not included the total credits for graduation, but they will affect the cumulative G.P.A. Master's degreeDoctoral degreeIntegrated degree 24 credits36 credits60 credits * Check your department regulations for major credit requirements.
Comprehensive Exams Comprehensive Exams 20 1) Application for comprehensive exam ① Who can apply : Students in third semester (Usually) - Limitation about achieved credits & C.G.P.A ② When can apply : At the beginning of each semester ③ How to apply : Log in the INHA portal > INS( 학사행정 ) > Courses(Graduate) > Apply for the Major competence test 2) Comprehensive exam ① Examination Period : Twice a year (March / September) - Check your department office for the specific date. ② Conditions for passing the exam : - Master's : At least more than 60 points out of Doctoral : At least more than 70 points out of 100 Master's degreeDoctoral degreeIntegrated degree 3 examinations5 examinations8 examinations
Korean Language Course Korean Language Course 21 * One of three is mandatory 1) Students must pass the intermediate level of Korean language course during their degree program at Inha University. (Beginner & intermediate level : No Credit) 2) Students must submit the original certificate of TOPIK. (More than level 3) 3) Students must achieve more than 80 points out of 100 on the Korean language placement test by INHA Graduate School in the first week of each semester.
Thesis Thesis 22 1) Must submit their thesis plan in the end of the 3 rd semester. 2) Application ① Who can apply : Students completed successfully all the course work, comprehensive exams, and the Korean language course of intermediate level. ② When can apply : At the early of April/October in their last semester ③ How to apply : Log in the INHA portal > INS( 학사행정 ) > Graduation (Graduate) > Apply for Thesis Examination (for Students) 3) Students in Master's program must make a presentation on the contents of thesis. (Check your department for rules & regulations in details.) 4) Students in Doctoral program must submit a publications of 2 theses on the domestic journal or 1 thesis on the international journal. (Check your department for rules & regulations in details.) 5) Final submission : In early July/January in their last semester ◈
Graduation Requirements Graduation Requirements 23 * Homepage : Academics > Degree Requirements
International Scholarship International Scholarship 24 Jungseok International Scholarship ⇒ Full or Half tuition fee waive Duration of Jungseok International Scholarship * Master’s : Up to the 4th semester, Doctoral : Up to the 6th semester, Integrated : Up to the 10th semester Graduate School can cease International Scholarship or reduce the amount of it according to the result of scholarship evaluation. Every semester, international students will be evaluated. Factors of Scholarship Evaluation ① Accomplishment of study plan ② GPA (Under 3.0 ⇒ Lose Jungseok International Scholarship) ③ Language ability (Korean / English) ④ Dissertation accomplishment and research participation ◈
International Scholarship International Scholarship 25 ① Take English or Korean Language Test during fall semester * Minimum score (Higher score is better for full scholarship.) ② Prepare documents to prove your dissertation accomplishment or research participation TOEFLTOEICIELTSTOPIK CBT level IBT61 PBT500
Assistantship Scholarship Assistantship Scholarship Candidates : Full-time students Selection : Appointment by individual department (semester-based) Number of students : approx students each semester Selection Period : February (for Spring Semester), August (for Fall Semester) Amount of Assistantship Scholarship 26 ClassificationAmount of Scholarship (per semester)Remarks Lab Assistant (LA1)Master’s KRW 1,100,000, Doctoral KRW 1,450,000 Lab Assistant(LA2)Master’s KRW 1,600,000, Doctoral KRW 1,950,000 Take within 6 credits Lab Assistant (LA3)Master’s KRW 2,100,000, Doctoral KRW 2,450,000 Take within 3 credits Teaching Assistant (TA1,2,3)Master’s KRW 1,100,000, Doctoral KRW 1,450,000 Office Assistant (OA)KRW 3,000,000 (KRW 500,000 × 6 months)Take within 3 credits
Scholarship Guidelines Scholarship Guidelines 27 * Homepage : Admission > Scholarships
The Research Ethics Education The Research Ethics Education 28 Definition of the Research Ethics Importance of the Research Ethics Spectrum of the Research Activities Fabrication/Falsification/Plagiarism (Misconduct) Measures for Observance of the Research Ethics
Definition of the Research Ethics Definition of the Research Ethics 29 Definition of the Research Ethics 연구자가 연구를 수행할 때 인류의 기본가치 존중, 연구의 진실성과 개방성 유지, 공동연구원의 권리 보호, 생명윤리 준수 및 동물보호 유의 등의 책임과 의무를 진다. ( 출처 : 서울대학교 연구윤리 규정집 ) Problems of the Research Ethics - Fraud and Deception in the thesis (Forgery, Falsification, Plagiarism, Duplication) - Problems of the research writer - Problems with research funds - Careless presentation / report about the research achievement - Protection of research subjects
Importance of the Research Ethics Importance of the Research Ethics 30 Respect and Trust forward maintenance of the scientific technology → Continuity of the Excellent Outstanding Research - According to the extension or specialization of the research standards, and size or volume of the research equipment, the Recent Scientific Research can become Excellent and Outstanding Research, in the case if there is a strong cooperation between scientists and formulation and accumulation of the mutual respect and trust towards the norms of scientific technology Preservation of the Research Quality+ Relation and Harmony with the Society → Mutual Benefit and Development - The Recent Research is inseparable from the Government ㆍ Economics ㆍ Religion ㆍ Society and etc. However if it is biased towards various social understandings, the essence of the science, such as rationality and objectivity can be violated; and this is directly connected with the problems of the research ethics. As the result, Scientific Research = Scientific practice+ Social practice Research Ethics Practice = The harmony between Technological Regulations and Social Regulations → Foundation for the development of both Science and Society
Spectrum of the Research Activity 31 Fabrication Falsification Plagiarism Incorrect indication of the thesis author The research caught for biased view The Inaccurateness of the statistics / lab equipments Weak research design Negligence and carelessness in Data Control Insincere research record The goal driven from authentic field of study according to the research ethics : The truthfulness of the Research ▶ Source : “The Correct Writing of the Research Work and Reacearch Ethics ” (Ministry of Education, Science and Technology) ▶ Source : “The Correct Writing of the Research Work and Reacearch Ethics ” (Ministry of Education, Science and Technology)
Fabrication Fabrication/Falsification/Plagiarism (Research misconduct) 32 Fabrication Falsifying the research results or offering data that has never existed. Falsification Creating Research Material· Equipment ·Process from one’s mind, distorting the research results and contents by voluntarily changing or deleting the data Plagiarism Stealing someone’s idea, research contents · results without proper approval or quotation
Measures for Observance of the Research Ethics 33 Submission of the “Pledge of Ethical Conduct in Research” - All graduate students must submit this pledge to the graduate school office in their third semester. (At the same time with submission of their thesis plan) - Inquiry : To the staff in the charge of Thesis ( ) Operation of Thesis Plagiarism Investigation - Program of searching Thesis Plagiarism (expected) - Submitting Verification Confirmation paper after Library Up-load (expected)
Pledge of Ethical Conduct in Research 34 I, as a graduate student of Inha University, hereby swear that I will write a thesis under the guidance of academic advisor and carry out honest and rigorous research and I will not commit research misconduct as falsification, distortion of research findings, or plagiarism which damages the academic honesty and integrity, by signing this ethics pledge. I am also taking the pledge to accept the decision by the Academic Research Ethics Committee of Inha University as well as the Graduate School Committee sincerely if misconduct occurs at any stage of my research process. Graduate School, Inha University Pledge of Ethical Conduct in Research Degree Program □ Master’s □ Doctoral □ Integrated Department Major Student ID No. Date of Birth (yyyy-mm-dd) OO. OO. OO Full Name I, as a graduate student of Inha University, hereby swear that I will write a thesis under the guidance of academic advisor and carry out honest and rigorous research and I will not commit research misconduct as falsification, distortion of research findings, or plagiarism which damages the academic honesty and integrity, by signing this ethics pledge. I am also taking the pledge to accept the decision by the Academic Research Ethics Committee of Inha University as well as the Graduate School Committee sincerely if misconduct occurs at any stage of my research process. Date : (yyyy-mm-dd) Pledger : (sign)
Infirmary Infirmary Basic treatment for minor health problems Location : on the second floor in the Student Union Building Office hour : From 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. 35
Automatic Document Machine Automatic Document Machine 36
Leave of Absence Leave of Absence 37 Regulation : 「외국인학생에 관한 규정」 제 11 조 ( 학적변동 ) ① 외국인학생이 수학하는 동안에는 휴학을 불허함을 원 칙으로 한다. 다만, 다음 각 호의 1 에 해당하는 경우 1 회 2 개 학기, 통산 4 개 학기에 한하여 휴학을 허가할 수 있다. 1. 질병 및 부상으로 인하여 4 주 이상의 입원 치료를 요하는 경우 종합병원 발 행 진단서 제출시 2. 기타 총장이 인정하는 사유 발생시 ② 휴학을 하고자 하는 자는 수업일수 4 분의 1 기간 내에 증빙서류를 포함한 휴학원을 제출하여 총장의 승인을 받아야 한다. Students must contact the graduate school office at least 2 weeks before applying for leave of absence. Students must leave Korea within 2 weeks after submitting the application form for leave of absence.
Notices Notices 38 1)Students who achieved degree of bachelor or master in this summer must submit their original and final certificate of degree & graduation & transcript until September 5 th (Wed) to Graduate School Office. ※ If you don’t submit them, your admission will be canceled. 2) International Center (#330 in the main building) - Visit International Center to issue student ID card and to handle your visa affairs and health insurance.
Notices Notices 39 3) When your contact information( , mobile, address) is changed, input it immediately in your own INHA portal system. 4) When you achieve new scores of TOPIK, TOEFL(IBT), TOEIC, IELTS, and TEPS, submit the original certificate of it to the graduate school immediately. It will be useful for your scholarship evaluation.
Contact Information Contact Information 40 Address : Graduate School Office(#317), Inha University 100 Inha-ro, Nam-gu, Incheon, , South Korea Office : Main Building #317 Tel : Fax : URL : (Korean / English)