This document details the menu/ screens for Andes. This document shall be used in conjunction with the new UX/UI delivered by the UX team.
The following slides include Input widgets – Category of Needs, Needs – FAQs FEED cards – Category of Needs – Needs – FAQs – Action Requests Clarifications on Groups implementation - delayed Clarification on sales-view implementation on FEED views, favorite and stats; – hover to show team members who viewed; We also implement team members who currently favorite’d the FEED
Describe your Category of Needs or a Need or Cross-link Need Needs Category? Provide a list of previous Need categories; If this is not selected; the post will be a new Category of Needs; Attach File? List Self or Partner Pivot Page Titles for the specific partner or self company Order like-this: 1. Note, 2. Need, 3. Action Request, 4. Document, 5. Link, & 6. FAQ Priority? Cross-link Partner?Title of Cross-link Partner Pivot Page?
Add note, need, action request, document, link, or question to share with your team Need Post the answer; choose privacy and share. FAQ
Alex Paxton shared a Category of Needs – this-is-the-category-of-needs-for-loreum-ipsum-dolor-sit-amet It is a priority 1/2/3/4/5 File attach to the document Cross-linked to Pivot Page Title of Partner Company File attach to the document Icon Category of Needs Card
Alex Paxton shared a Customer Need under this-category-of-need – This-is-the-customer-need It is a priority 1/2/3/4/5 File attach to the document Cross-linked to Pivot Page Title of Partner Company File attach to the document Icon Needs Card
Alex Paxton shared a Question – the question is the …. Line 1. what is the best approach to do such and such a thing. The answer is here. FAQ Card
Alex Paxton requested an action description-of-the-action from Name-of-Team-Member by this-date. The current status is Pending-completed. A note if any goes here. Action Request Card
This Grouping of team members is for a later time
The grouping is for later implementation. But, the Seen by 4 & favorite by 3; statistic and hover over to list the people who have seen it is very useful implementation. This is to be implemented only for Self-company Pivot Owner/Admin. / Favorite by 3
Add edit/delete each content and how
The following slides include: Overall User Experience (UX design) – Style sheet – Intent of organizing information on a single page – Menu based on new UX and ANDES (Please use this in conjunction with the Excel sheet) – Discussion on folder organization
Top button menu should have the following – Notifications – Inbox (Change messages to Inbox) – My Pivots – My Company – My Action Requests – My Invitations – My Campaigns – My NDAs – Profile Picture Account settings Edit Profile Salesforce connector Logout Top button menu should have the following – Notifications – Inbox – My Pivots – My Action Requests – My Invitations – My NDAs – My Campaigns My Campaigns My Contacts & Lists – My Company Pivot Pages Employees Partnerships Click-thru NDA Terms Web-Leads (Pivot It Admin) Manage Help (Pivot It Admin) – Profile Picture Edit Profile My Subscription (New feature TBD) Salesforce connector (Pivot It only) Logout
Key change to user privileges. All users under a specific domain will have company admin privileges – We will change the company admin privileges as part of the subscription management for the company
TBM Top button menu PriF Priority Feed PivF Pivot Feed F-Filter Feed Filters PostWid Posting Widgets Cust-Intro Customer Introduction Column
ADD Logo of Company 1.Add logo of company that owns the Pivot. Also add the Pivot ICON or logo as well 2.Add ‘Star’ to create favorite/needs attention for customer needs & category of needs. If the User clicks a STAR; then color changes and the need appears in the attention window 3.Add social sharing buttons for public pivots, so followers can share the specific pivot ADD Logo/ ICON of Pivot
Pivot Page – Invite Team Members Auto-fill the ID from contact DB of the user. If the user ID is not in the contact DB, then incorporate that in the contact base.
Pivot Page – Sales View Changes Let’s have a detailed discussion on the items here.
We need to separate out the folders by specific company – POST ANDES IMPLEMENTATION We made improvements to the folder structure for documents – Company -> Pivot -> Documents -> List of documents Similarly we need to make improvements to the folder structure for all other content – Company -> Pivot -> (Customer Needs; Links; FAQs; etc.)
The following slides are TBM items My Pivot Pages My Action Request My Invitations My campaigns and lists My NDAs
My Pivot Pages in TBM For the Add a Pivot Page shall we consider Option 2: ‘Upload customer presentation’ vs. Enter the Title of the Pivot Page here? ‘Upload Customer Presentation; and also keep the Add a Pivot Page.
My Action Requests TBM Edit will be to edit the Status; Note will be for modal pop-up window to add a note.
My Invitations TBM
My Invitations TBM – with modal invite team members Auto-fill the ID from contact DB of the user. If the invitee ID is input by the user, then incorporate that in the contact base. The user may later include this under a specific list.
My Campaigns TBM
My Campaigns Edit Modal – Popup modal
My Contacts & Lists Let’s use the phpfox app that we bought called contact importer for importing contacts. Additionally, we use salesforce connector to import contacts from a user’s salesforce account as well. Each user will maintain their own contacts. Each contact will have , name, subscribed, hardbounce, unsubscribe, softbounce status. Clean up LISTS will merge duplicates into one single contact record; and each contact record can be part of multiple LISTS.
My NDAs in TBM 1.Edit: is mainly for approval of the NDA for those user who have the permission/role to approve the specific NDA. 2.View: will show the NDA agreement in flexpaper viewer; (I think this should be a modal view?) 3.Add a New Non-Disclosure Agreement button: Modal edit for a new NDA; The company ID of responsible person is mainly used to get the company domain name to determine the other company. 4.Modify click-thru NDA terms: is only visible to company admin or legal admin roles
My NDAs in TBM – Add a new NDA Modal Edit
My NDAs – click thru NDA terms modification
The following are slides for Pivot – Add – Edit – Clone
Pivot Create, Edit, Clone. For Pivot create, edit, & clone we use Modal window with the following wizard type capability – 0. Draft (is eliminated after the first publish) – 0. Publish – Pivot Page Title (has presentation + Description + title + Privacy) Pivot hash tag can now be a unique system generated 10 digit beginning of current hashtag created; No more created by UID + Date-timestamp Upon Cloning Append Unique system generated 10 digit # + Title of pivot being cloned (no more UID + Date-timestamp) – Invite Team Members – Customer Needs – Add documents – Add links – Add FaQs – SEO (only for public pivots)
This is a modal (pop-up) edit screen once the user clicks the add a pivot page; if the user enters the title of the pivot page on, then populate the title in this edit modal screen. Change the ‘Invite Team Members to ‘Invite Customers & Team’. Option 2: Let’s start with ‘Upload customer presentation’. Pivot Page – Pivot Page Title
Pivot Page – Invite Team Members Auto-fill the ID from contact DB of the user. If the user ID is not in the contact DB, then incorporate that in the contact base.
Pivot Page - Customer Needs
Pivot Page - Documents
Pivot Page - Links
Pivot Page - FAQs
Pivot Page - SEO Any publish must do social sharing by default.
The following are slides for Pivot cloning
Cloning – Pivot Page Title
Pivot Cloning – Invite Team Members
Pivot Cloning – Customer Needs
Pivot Cloning – Documents
Pivot Cloning – Links
Pivot Cloning – FAQs
Pivot Cloning – SEO
My Company – Pivot Pages
My Company – Employees Auto-fill the ID from contact DB of the user. If the user ID is not in the contact DB, then incorporate that in the contact base.
My Company – Partnerships
My Company – Add New Partnerships Auto-fill the ID from contact DB of the user. If the user ID is not in the contact DB, then incorporate that in the contact base.
My Company – Click Thru NDA Terms
The following section contains clarifications
A invitee gets an invitation and when they click the invitation, they see this presentation first. The next should be ‘Customer needs’. Here we don’t have previous. The arrows on the slides is about move back and forth the presentation. We must also have social sharing here, so if some likes the presentation, they share the link with their network. Customer needs F In t
A invitee views the summary of customer needs being addressed in this pivot page, and feels more engaged and finds this more interesting to talk to the sales team. Your Team F In t Category and needs cards – summary card per need
Here introduce the customer to the team. Keep the main sales person (self-company Pivot Owner) in big box; and the rest of the team as listed in our team menu (squares, and circles). Join The Discussion