SNG via Webinar
Where’s Webinar?? Double click Aflac 2000 folder Highlight “SNGWebCommunicator” Right Click and “Send To - Desktop”
Always open your Web Conference application by launching the “SNG Web Communicator” Icon located on your desktop. Enter your WebEx user name and password; enter in Conference Code, Leader PIN and Account Type. Future logins will only require you to enter your password. The SNGWebCommunicator is the bridge that links WebEx to SNG. You can open up WebEx without using SNG and you can use SNG without using WebEx, the globe is the link or bridge that tells the system they need to be joined together.
Communicator Status Panel The panel continually monitors and provides real-time status of required connections (Internet, SNG, Meeting) and recording line participant count throughout your recorded session. When connections are lost or calls dropped, the panel will confirm current state of each connection and participant count. Status color will change from Green (connected) to Red (no connection). The meeting status will show red when no participants are detected. The meeting status will show yellow when less than three participants are detected.. The meeting status will show green when 3 or more participants are detected..
Setting up the Meeting Once you have communicated with the applicant and they are ready to schedule the meeting, you will need to go ahead and schedule the meeting in WebEx. This can be done at anytime prior to the meeting. So once you are ready to schedule a meeting with the applicant you need to schedule the meeting in WebEx. You can schedule the meeting by double clicking on the globe icon, logging in, and following these next step
Select “Schedule a Meeting” on the left hand side to start a meeting or to schedule future WebEx meeting. Schedule & start all WebEx meetings by launching the SNG Communicator icon (globe).
Enter information for fields highlighted in “Yellow”. Then press “Select tracking code”. Duration: Defaults to 1 hour; this is included in the invite to show how long the session will last Attendee: Enter the address of the applicant
Tracking Code Information is required for each meeting session created. Enter: Writing Number, Group Number and Number of Products you will be offering during the meeting session from the drop down list. Select ‘OK’ when completed.
Select “Schedule Meeting” when all information has been entered. If ‘Start Now’ displays, meeting was scheduled to begin within the next 15 minutes.
Select "My Meetings” to display calendar view of all scheduled meetings. To edit a meeting click on the meeting name under topic and then Edit.
The applicant will receive an invitation with instructions on how to join the meeting. By selecting the link provided, the applicant will enter their name and address as directed, then select “Join Meeting”. Applicant will select “I Agree” to enter the meeting.
Go Time…. On the day of the meeting at least 15 minutes before the applicant is scheduled to call in – you should: 1) Open SNG and navigate to the Account List screen Do not navigate past the Account List until AFTER the agent and employee have dialed into the conference line and the Webinar session has started 2) Launch the SNG Communicator icon, login to WebEx session. This is to allow you time to get the materials you wish to present ready. You must call into the meeting within 30 minutes of starting the meeting. –Ex: meeting is scheduled for 2:00, you log in at 1:45 to set up, join the teleconference before 2:15 or the call will not be recorded.
To start a meeting before the scheduled time: Open SNG Launch the SNG Communicator icon from desktop; Login In WebEx, Select “My Meetings” from left panel Locate meeting time and select ‘Start’
Getting Started…. Default Welcome Page Displays List of Attendees: Must have 3 total lines connected (Associate, Applicant and Recording Line (Caller 1)) Window Prompts for WebEx to Dial Host Enter your telephone number and WebEx will call you back. This will activate and record your session. Recording Indicator Your Name and Address
Adding Brochures and Other Forms From Welcome Page, Select orange button “A”. You should then see the log-in page for MyAflac. Enter your log in information.
Adding Brochures and Other Forms A new tab “A” was created To add a Brochure: Select the resident state of the applicant and Product from drop down lists Select “Find” Click the desired Brochure This will copy the document link to the clipboard
Adding Brochures and Other Forms Next, click the “Share” menu option, from the tool bar Select “Web Content…”
Adding Brochures and Other Forms In the Share Web Content window, right click and select paste or ‘Ctrl V’ to insert the document link you copied above in to the Address line. Select the “OK” button.
Adding Brochures and Other Forms A new Tab is added and displays the Cancer brochure. The Brochure form number is displayed as the Tab name. You can double click in the tab to rename Tabs can be reordered by dragging tab to desired position.
Adding Outline of Coverage to Presentation Follow the same steps as adding Brochure to presentation: Select Tab “A” Select State, Product Select ‘Forms’ Tab for list of forms Click the desired Outline of Coverage This will copy the document link to a clipboard
Adding Outline of Coverage to Presentation Select Share > ‘Web Content’ from drop down list Right click and select ‘paste’ to populate the document link into the ‘Address‘ field. Select ‘Ok”
Adding Outline of Coverage to Presentation New Tab for Accident Outline Of Coverage has been created Applicants must select the Disk icon to save the Outline of Coverage to their PC.
Presentation Select Share > ‘My Meeting Window’. This will enable the applicant to view the document as you scroll through the document.
SNG WebEx – Completing Applications For applicant to view the SNG app taking process: 1) Select “Share”, then ‘Application’ 2) In Application Share window – highlight ‘SmartApp Next Generation’, then click ‘Share’ button.
Meeting ID displays on all applications being completed. Conduct your SNG Enrollment exactly as you normally do Initials Box – click on ‘Collect Web Conf signature’ button. Click OK when error message appears. Then click in yellow initial box and SNG will populate the 10 digit number in the initial box. When application is complete and ready for signatures select ‘Collect Web Conf Signature’ to review the completed application with the applicant. After applicant acknowledges that everything is correct and they confirm their desire to move forward with the application, press “Close”
The Agents Signature will be populated with “NA Application Signed Via Phone and Writing #” Close Applications and Return to product selection if other applications are to be completed Close Web Session and SNG when web conference has ended. From the WebEx Welcome page, Select File Tab, Select End Meeting. Host WebEx session and ALL recording lines will terminate. Right-click Globe icon in bottom right tray and Select Exit. Log out of WebEx and close all internet browsers.
Helpful Tips Computer Requirements: NO APPLE PRODUCTS (MAC, iPad, etc.) Operating Systems: XP, Windows 7 Browsers: I.E. 9, Firefox, Chrome (no Safari). Sharing SNG Application: Before Sharing SNG (Employee remains on Welcome screen): Navigate to the Employee List page and highlight the employee name – or selects Enroll New ‘SNG Web Session is in Progress’ message must display – this is validation message that session was setup properly If message does not display: Navigate back to the Account List page and reselect the employee name - the message MUST display or signature on app cannot be collected. If no message displays and agent continues with the session – error messages will display during the session and SNG will not sign application. SNG Error Messages displays: Verify the SNG Monitor is green on all three sections. Stop sharing SNG, Employee remains on Welcome screen Navigate back to the Account List screen Note: The Account List page is like ‘home base’...for any error message, navigating back to Account List page will reset/sync WebEx-SNG Retry process and Share SNG once past the Employee list screen.
Intercall Tech Support Tips ( ) Provide Tech Analyst with your User Name, Conference Code# Please tell Tech Analyst that you are using the Aflac customized WebEx site ( Intercall Support does NOT have any knowledge of the SNG system – contact *IT Service Center to assist with any SNG/Web conference error messages displayed. Intercall Support DOES provide support for: Login Issue (reset passwords) Account billing/invoices Employees that cannot connect to web session – or dial in to conference line. Sharing application issues *Please contact IT Service Center for SNG related issues ( )