Freshmen Orientation to Naviance Career Cluster Finder Activity
What Is Naviance? Naviance is a web-based resource for students and parents that encourages and supports post high school career and college planning Family Connection is what your portion is called. We will be exploring that today.
How Can I Use Naviance? Career Planning College Planning Learning Style Inventory, Interest Inventory, Personality Inventory, Resume Building College Planning College Search, Application Process, College Major Exploration, Scholarship/Financial Aid Resources Success Planning/Graduation Project Personalized Goals and Tasks, Journal Entries, Student Planner
What will we be doing today? Add personal email in Naviance so your counselor can communicate with you and send you important information Complete the Career Cluster Finder The Cluster Finder will help you learn what career clusters may be a good match for you based on activities that interest you, personal qualities that you have and subjects that you enjoy studying in school. Add your top Career Cluster to your list
Getting Started Go to Find Methacton High School from the drop down menu Click on Counseling (on the LEFT) Scroll down to Naviance (click it) Click on the link under the two computers
Your username is your first name (space) last name ex: Leah Millrood Your password is your student ID
Click Here
Click Here to review your profile
What can I find under my Profile? The Profile link lists the following information: Graduation date Birth date Address Phone number Email GPA and Weighted GPA** **Please note GPA is updated a few weeks after each marking period ends.
Click the little pencil to edit your email
Please enter your email address
Career Cluster Finder The Cluster Finder will help you learn what career clusters may be a good match for you based on activities that interest you, personal qualities that you have and subjects that you enjoy studying in school.
1. Click on the careers tab 2. Click on cluster finder
Career Cluster Finder Activity To complete the Cluster Finder, follow the directions on the screen. Select the Let’s Begin button at the bottom of the page.
Wait for students to complete their survey – takes approximately 10 minutes
Click on your top cluster
Results Interpretation Overview – a general description of the cluster. Credentials – information needed for jobs Related Careers - look at a variety of jobs in this cluster area. Click on one to see what it is about. Related Majors – College majors to consider Plan of Study – high school courses you may want to explore for this area of interest.
Explore each tab for your cluster Add your top cluster to your list
Check out the Plan of Study
This will provide a general list of courses you should consider taking if you are interested in a specific career cluster Postsecondary means college; either community college or a four year university
Where Do You Go From Here? You will use your specific career cluster as a reference when working on your graduation project. This will be introduced to you next fall. Become familiar with this site, check GPA at the end of each marking period. Look for colleges as well as other career information to make sure you are on track to meet your goals. Emails from your counselor will come to the address you entered.