Announcements Health Records available now in OMSP Graduation Audits – if you do not receive an from OMSP you’re ok for graduation Add/drop function in Oasis will freeze – February 10 th GQ will open February 15 th Financial Aid Exit Interview – March 17 th Match Day – March 18th Graduation Activities Awards Ceremony/Hippocratic Oath – June 11 th Commencement Banquet Yearbook – Mark Farag and Gameli Dekayie
Congratulations ** Long Interview Process is (almost) Finished! ** Goals for Tonight: Overview of NRMP – Rank Order List Available Resources Note: A detailed ROL presentation will be available on the web soon.
Getting Started with your ROL Review ROL section of User Guide Use your AAMC ID and password to login to the NRMP’s Registration, Ranking, and Results (R3) System – this is the same log in as ERAS Couples must register both partners’ AAMC IDs in their NRMP files – See additional resources re: couples match
Definitions Match Status:ACTIVE Registered RANKING ROL started CERTIFIED ROLROL finished Fee Status:PAIDNo fees due Credentials: VERIFIEDBy school
How to get started The next several slides will cover: Login and Passwords How to update “My Profile”
How to create ROL The next several slides will show you step by step how to enter your primary and supplemental ROL lists “My Rank Order List” >Enter 1 or up to 10 at time >Sort by program – Advanced, Categorical, Preliminary > Sort by program code > Able to change order When you have completed your ROL... you must “CERTIFY”
NRMP Fees Registration fee$50 (already paid) Couples$15 per partner Primary ROL 1-20 programs: No charge Additional programs$30 per program ranked Supplemental ROL(s)1-20 programs: No charge Additional programs$30 per program ranked on all supplemental lists combined Couples ROL30 programs before extra fees are charged
Deadlines and Dates January 15, 2010Ranking opens in R3 January 31, 2010Final program quotas February 24, 2010 Ranking closes in R3 8:00 PM Central Your CERTIFIED LIST used March 15, 2010Matched/Unmatched? 11:00 AM Central March 16, 2010List of Unfilled Programs 11:00 AM Central (Unmatched Applicants can contact Unfilled Programs) March 18, 2010Match Day! 11:00 AM Central Sessions House Celebration
MATCH DAY CELEBRATION! When: Thursday, March 18, :30 – 12:00 p.m. Envelope Distribution:11:00 a.m. Where: Sessions House – Brunch hosted by Dr. and Mrs. Goodman
Strategies Refer to Charting Outcomes in the Match Assess the program Is the program a fit for you? Make your ROL long enough By not including a program on your ROL, saying I’d rather go Unmatched than be at this program. If True – Do not rank the program If False – Rank the program No risk to applicant for ranking what you consider a “long shot” program.
How the Match Algorithm Works Applicant driven Starts with an attempt to place an applicant in the program ranked #1 by the applicant A tentative Match occurs: > if the program also ranked the applicant and the program has unfilled positions > if the program is filled but the applicant is ranked higher than another applicant tentatively matched to that program
How the Match Algorithm Works Final Matches: > once the algorithm completes all cycles, tentative matches become final Couples: > the algorithm places a couple in their highest ranked pair of programs on the PRIMARY list where BOTH matched No Match: if applicant did not list a program if the program did not rank the applicant if the program ranked the applicant but filled with other applicants listed higher on a program ROL More specific information on algorithms
The Match Commitment SECTION 5.1: “The listing of an applicant by a program on its certified rank order list or of a program by an applicant on the applicant's certified rank order list establishes a binding commitment to offer or to accept an appointment if a match results and to begin training on the date specified in the appointment contract. Failure to honor this commitment by either party participating in a match will be a breach of this Agreement and may result in penalties to the breaching program or applicant…….” * Should a life event occur which impacts this commitment, immediately contact OMSP for clarification and/or advice.
Communication between Applicants and Programs 6.0 Restrictions on Persuasion “One of the purposes of the Matching Program is to allow both applicants and programs to make selection decisions on a uniform schedule and without coercion or undue or unwarranted pressure. Both applicants and programs may express their interest in each other; however, they shall not solicit verbal or written statements implying a commitment. Applicants shall at all times be free to keep confidential the names or identities of programs to which they have or may apply.
Communication between Applicants and Programs Section 6.0: It is a breach of the Match Participation Agreement for: (a) a program to request applicants to reveal ranking preferences; or (b) an applicant or program to suggest or inform the other that placement on a rank order list is contingent upon submission of a verbal or written statement indicating ranking preferences; or (c) a program to require applicants to reveal the names or identities of programs to which they have or may apply; or (d) a program and an applicant in the Matching Program to make any verbal or written contract for appointment to a concurrent year residency or fellowship position prior to the release of the List of Unfilled Programs.
Violation by an Applicant Final Report sent to: Applicant’s medical school Directors of residency programs American Board of Medical Specialties FSMB* (if applicant is to be permanently barred) Interested parties Applicant may be identified as a match violator in R3 System or barred from future matches for one to three years, or permanently. Applicant may be barred from match-participating programs for one year.
NRMP & U.S. Seniors Programs at match-participating institutions, regardless of match participation status, can offer positions to US allopathic seniors only through the NRMP or another national matching plan.
What are programs looking for?
FAMOUS EASTERN MEDICAL SCHOOL GENERAL HOSPITAL Dear Applicant: We have thoroughly enjoyed your visit with us and it is clear that you will excel wherever you choose to go. You represent the kind of candidate that has traditionally done well in our program and we hope to have the opportunity to work with you in the coming year. Yours sincerely, Program Director
Program Directors’ Criteria for Ranking CriteriaMean Rank Interview Interpersonal Skills4.851 Interview Interactions with Housestaff4.692 Interview Interactions with Faculty4.693 Interview Evidence Professional Attributes4.604 Letter Rec from Colleague in Specialty4.395 Clerkship Grade in Desired Specialty4.276 Interview Leadership Qualities4.257 Graduation from LCME Accredited School4.228 USMLE Step 1 score4.209 Clerkship Honors in Desired Specialty Data from “Results of the 2008 NRMP Program Director Survey”, December 2008
Final Considerations >>>>As February 24th approaches, the servers may be overloaded and very slow. Be sure to have a certified ROL in no later than Monday, February 22 nd. >>>>Be cautious about last minute changes. >>>>No changes can be made to ROLs after 8:00 PM CENTRAL time February 24, At that time, ONLY certified lists will be used in the Match. The NRMP will NOT enter a list; add, delete or move programs; or in any way to modify a rank order list.
Summary Prepare a rank order list worksheet with program codes in order of preference before entering them on the “My Rank Order List” screen. Be sure to save and certify your rank order list each time you make a change. Complete your ROL and certify before the 8:00 p.m. Central Time February 24 deadline.
We are here ready to help in any way! Dr. Mary Anderson Dr. Keith Boyd Dr. Susan Jacob Jennifer Sale Jan Schmidt Jill Volk
For additional information regarding NRMP visit: Residency Match Questions? or (toll-free)
Couples Match Next several slides contain information regarding the couples match
Couples Information Any two applicants may be defined as a couple. $15 per partner couples fee. 30 programs can be ranked by each partner before extra rank fees apply. Each partner enters their own list. Lists MUST have same number of ranks. Applicants participating as couple can rank same program more than once. Use special code ( ) to indicate when one partner is willing to go unmatched if other partner matches. Code should be used at bottom of lists when other acceptable program pairs exhausted. Couples matching done on PRIMARY list only – supplemental rank order lists are NOT linked.
Couples Verification