jdrft1.org.uk/sc hools
What is type 1 diabetes? A lifelong condition where the body is unable to regulate the level of blood glucose (sugar) Someone with type 1 diabetes does not make enough insulin, which is needed to move glucose out of the blood and into the muscles and other parts of the body Too much glucose stays in the bloodstream and isn’t able to be used as energy
jdrft1.org.uk/sc hools 1.Most commonly diagnosed in childhood but can affect anyone at any age 2.The body’s own immune system attacks and destroys cells in the pancreas that make insulin 3.Type 1 can happen to anyone and is not caused by anything that the person or their parents did or did not do 4.Multiple insulin injections or pump infusions are required every day 1.Is rare in children and young people, although the numbers are rising 2.Is caused by the pancreas not making enough insulin or cells in the body becoming resistant to insulin 3.Can be linked to lifestyle factors like diet and exercise 4.Can be treated through diet, or diet and tablets, and sometimes with insulin Type 1 Type 2 There are different types of diabetes, which have very different causes - the most common are type 1 and type 2
jdrft1.org.uk/sc hools Type 1 diabetes is the most common type in children and young people Type 1 diabetes is on the increase, particularly in children under five There has been a five fold increase in this age group in the last 20 years
jdrft1.org.uk/sc hools Signs and symptoms of type 1 diabetes More frequent urination Thirst Tiredness Weight loss
jdrft1.org.uk/sc hools What does having a young person with type 1 diabetes in school involve? Supporting their diabetes management Creating a care plan Having emergency procedures in place
jdrft1.org.uk/sc hools Type 1 diabetes management - testing Pupils who are treating their type 1 diabetes with insulin will need to test their blood glucose levels on a regular basis When? Where? Equipment
jdrft1.org.uk/sc hools Type 1 diabetes management - insulin Pupils need to administer insulin to manage their blood- glucose levels Some pupils may inject their insulin using an insulin pen Some pupils may use an insulin pump
jdrft1.org.uk/sc hools Care plans All children with type 1 in school should have an individual care plan Work with the child, their family and their diabetes nurse to draw one up Make sure all staff involved with the child have access to the care plan
jdrft1.org.uk/sc hools Emergency procedures Hypoglycaemia – ‘hypo’ Blood-glucose levels too low Treat with emergency snack or glucose tablets Hyperglycaemia – ‘hyper’ Blood-glucose levels too high Check care plan for what to do
jdrft1.org.uk/sc hools Type 1 and exercise Pupils with type 1 should be able to enjoy all physical activities There are things to remember: Before During After
jdrft1.org.uk/sc hools Further information Managing Medicines in Schools and Early Years Settings (DFES 2005) Managing medicines in schools website - JDRF – and for children and teenagers - NHS Diabetes – Diabetes UK – Children with Diabetes – Upbete An online resource created by Leeds Children’s Hospital and the University of Leeds