Discover Britain England
Today we are going to have a journey to England to visit main English regions to see the wonderful sights of the country to learn the names of English cities to find our location on the map to speak about our impressions
So, before the start Let’s practise some proper nouns which will be necessary in our journey today! Let’s practise some proper nouns which will be necessary in our journey today!
Bath [ba:Ө] Brighton [ ‘braitn] Bristol [ ‘bristl] The County of Kent [ðə ‘kauntΙ əv kent] Hadrian’s Wall [ ‘heidriənz wo:l] Heathrow Airport [ ‘hiθrəu] Newcastle-upon- Tyne ['nju¸ka:sl əpon'tain] Stonehenge ['stəunhendƷ] The Thames [ðə temz] Windsor [winzə] York [jo:k] Listen and repeat!
Now let’s read! Bath [ba:Ө] Brighton [ ‘braitn] Bristol [ ‘bristl] The County of Kent [ðə ‘kauntΙ əv kent] Hadrian’s Wall [ ‘heidriənz wo:l] Heathrow Airport [ ‘hiθrəu] Newcastle-upon- Tyne ['nju¸ka:sl əpon'tain] Stonehenge ['stəunhendƷ] The Thames [ðə temz] Windsor [winzə] York [jo:k]
Let’s try to find these places on the map! London Dover Newcastle Bristol Brighton Bath York
What do we know about the UK? The United Kingdom is very small compared with many other countries in the world. The United Kingdom is very small compared with many other countries in the world. However there are only nine other countries with more people, and London is the worlds seventh biggest city. However there are only nine other countries with more people, and London is the worlds seventh biggest city.
When you travel about the country you can see how the scenery changes right in front of your eyes. you can see how the scenery changes right in front of your eyes. Highlands turn into lowlands, forests and hills turn into meadows and plains very quickly. Highlands turn into lowlands, forests and hills turn into meadows and plains very quickly.
And so we are going to England the largest part of the UK, and visit its regions: the Southeast, the Southwest, East Anglia, the Midlands and the North of England.
And now let’s go!
The Southeast It is a highly populated region of England. There are a lot of roads and motorways. When people travel to Britain by sea or by air they usually arrive here. The main passenger ports and airports are situated here.
London, the capital of the UK, and such historical cities as Windsor, Dover and Brighton are situated here.
The County of Kent is known as the garden of England.
The Southwest It is the region where the main activity is farming
It also used to be known for its pirates. The romantic past makes it a popular place for artists, writers and holidaymakers.
The two main cities of the region are Bristol
and Bath
If you want to see the famous Stonehenge, one of the remarkable places of the UK, you should also come here!
The most westerly point of Great Britain “Land’s End” is also here.
We’ll stop to rest a bit And see what we have learnt about the regions of England! And see what we have learnt about the regions of England!
Where do people usually arrive when they travel to Britain? To the Southeast.
Which cities are situated here? London Dover Brighton Windsor
Which county is known as the garden of England? The County of Kent
Where is the main activity farming? In the Southwest
What did the Southwest use to be known for? For its pirates! For its pirates!
What are the two main cities of the region? They are Bristol and Bath. They are Bristol and Bath.
Which remarkable historic place is situated in the Southwest? The famous Stonehenge The famous Stonehenge
What is Land’s End? It’s the most westerly point of Great Britain. It’s the most westerly point of Great Britain.
Now we shall go to another region And we’ll go there by train!
The North of England The North of England has some of the wildest parts of the country, but also some of the busiest industrial cities. Here you can find deep valleys, rivers and waterfalls, hills and mountains. The North of England has some of the wildest parts of the country, but also some of the busiest industrial cities. Here you can find deep valleys, rivers and waterfalls, hills and mountains.
The North is famous for the Lake District
Many tourists come to look At the ruins of Hadrian’s Wall At the ruins of Hadrian’s Wall
It’s a stone wall It was built by the order of the Roman Ruler Hadrian to defend the North border of Roman Britain. It was built by the order of the Roman Ruler Hadrian to defend the North border of Roman Britain.
The main cities of the region Newcastle-upon-Tyne Newcastle-upon-Tyne
And York
Tourists come over to look at Tourists come over to look at Some of the wildest parts Some of the wildest parts Land’s End is also in Land’s End is also in One of the remarkable historic places in One of the remarkable historic places in Are Bristol and Bath Are Bristol and Bath Used to be known for its Used to be known for its The main activity is The main activity is Is known as the garden of Is known as the garden of Such historical cities as Such historical cities as usually arrive in the Southeast usually arrive in the Southeast a highly populated region a highly populated region begin our journey with begin our journey with
The end!