A. The United Kingdom B. The United States C. Great Britain D. The British Isles
A.the high cliffs of the coast B.the white cliffs of the coast C.the steep cliffs of the coast D.the old cliffs of the coast
A. England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland B. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland C. Great Britain and Ireland D. The British Isles
A.JackB. JohnC. TomD. Ben
A.B. C. D.
A. English B. Scottish C. Northern-Irish D. Welsh
A.BelfastB. Cardiff C. DublinD. Edinburgh
A. Windsor B. Stuart C. Tudor D. Buckingham
A. England B. Scotland C. Ireland D. Wales
A. 16 October 2010 B. 29 April 2011 C. 16 Nov 2010 D. 21 June 2010
A. Crows B. Pigeons C. Ravens D. Swans
A. Beefeaters B. Royal Guards C. Gatekeepers D. Goalkeepers
A. Henry VIII B. George VI C. Charles II D. James I
A. William and Kate’s wedding took place here. B. It is older than the Tower of London. C. English kings and queens have been crowned here. D. William the Conqueror had it built.
A.Caesar’s Wall B. Romans’ Wall C. Scott’s Wall D. Hadrian’s Wall
A. a lake B. a dragon C. a monster D. a mystery
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5
A.1910 B.1863 C.1888 D.1945
A. Nelson Square B. Victory Square C. Trafalgar Square D. Main Square
A. Art Gallery B. Whispering Gallery C. Round Gallery D. Walking Gallery
A. Beetroot B. Carrot C. Fennel D. Gherkin
A.The House of LordsB. Westminster Abbey C. The houses of Parliament D. Buckingham Palace
A. the Prime Minister’s house B. Prince Charles’s house C. Prince William’s house D. a V.I.P. hotel
A. Tony Blair B. Gordon Brown C. Hugh Grant D. David Cameron Bonus: How is the odd man still related to them?
A. first B. second C. third D fourth
A.English National Ballet B.Scottish Sword Dance C.Irish Polka D.Welsh Rarebit
A. five B. six C. seven D. eight
A. Sunday roast B. ploughman’s lunch C. continental breakfast D. full breakfast
A.B. C. D.
1D, 2B, 3B, 4A, 5A, 6D, 7B, 8C, 9A, 10D 11B, 12C, 13A,14A, 15D, 16D, 17A, 18D, 19B, 20C, 21B, 22D, 23C, 24A, 25C, 26C, 27B, 28A, 29D, 30A Notes: 8 – Dublin is in Ireland, not in the UK 25 – Hugh Grant is an actor, but he played Prime Minister in ‘Love Actually’ 30 – fish and chips
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