Welcome, Students! Ms. Gallier 8 th Grade Math/STAAR Room 135
Learn About Our Class The teacher Supplies Policies Getting help Questions? Raise your hand, please.
I grew up in Nederland I attended: Helena Park Elementary C.O. Wilson Middle School Volleyball, Basketball, Track NJHS Nederland High School Volleyball, Basketball, NHS, SHS, TNT, UIL Get to Know Me
My Family
Hobbies/Interests Going to the Movies Watching Sports Music Running
Communication My School phone: My Conference: 1:45-2:35 Class web site: 7-Ms-Gallier
Math Pencils (Wooden or Mechanical) Colored checking pencil or pen Notebook Paper Binder with four dividers to keep up with handouts and graded papers STAAR Math Notebook paper Red pen or pencil (for grading) Pencil (Wooden or Mechanical) Folder with pockets Supplies
Grading Policy All daily work/quizzes will count 40% All tests and major projects will count 60% No Extra Credit Assignments A grade of less than 70 on a test may be made up by doing corrections. The corrections must be done a separate clean sheet of notebook paper and stapled to the original assignment. The highest grade you make on the corrected test is a 70. All work must be shown to receive credit.
Late Work Late work will be accepted, but a Pink Slip must be filled out. If a Pink Slip has been turned in then the work can be turned in one day after the due date. After the next day, the grade will be recorded as a 0. All late work will have the highest possible grade of a 70.
Make-Up Work It is the student’s responsibility to find out what assignment(s) they have missed (Check calendar). The make-up work can be found in the tray under the calendar. However many days the student is absent is the amount of time they have to make up the work.
Classroom Procedures Upon entering my classroom, the student is expected to copy the agenda, sharpen their pencils, and get prepared for class. I do not allow restroom breaks during the lesson, students may only leave my class in cases of an emergency.
Discipline Policy If there is a problem in class this will be the procedure: 1 st offense – A visual/verbal warning will be given. 2 nd offense – Home will be contacted about the issue. 3 rd offense – Home will be contacted and afterschool or lunch detention given. 4 th offense – A referral will be written. This policy is flexible with the severity of the offense and in severe cases a referral can be given with the first offense
Homework Student is to do assignments in pencil and use red pen to grade Work is to be done in neat/orderly manner Calculators will not be used on assignments unless instructed by teacher. Assignments will have proper heading in upper right corner of paper. All work must be shown in order to receive credit. NO WORK= NO CREDIT.
Tardiness You must be in your seat before the tardy bell rings. If you are tardy six times, you will be given evening school. (WATCH THE TIME!!!) Please take care of sharpening your pencil, getting water, going to the restroom before the period begins.
Textbook I will issue individual textbooks to students. The students must bring this textbook to class everyday. The textbook is also available online at Students will be able to access the digital version the textbook and suggested resources with the link above. They will be given a username and password at a later date. The digital version provides video tutorials, interactive simulations, and engaging math applications.
Let’s Have a Great Year!