Back to School Night MRS. COMPTON SECOND GRADE/ROOM 112 AUGUST 27, 2015
Welcome Parents! I’m looking forward to a fun, exciting year with you and your child! Goals for tonight’s Back to School Night: Discuss Classroom/School Expectations Discuss Classroom Discipline and Management System Introduce Cold Spring Website Daily Schedule Homework Information Parties Contact Information
Cold Spring School Expectations Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Peaceful
Room 112 Expectations Follow Directions the First Time Given Keep Hands, Feet and Other Objects to Yourself Respect Each Other and Their Property Listen When Others are Speaking Say and Do Nothing When Someone Makes a Mistake
Clip Chart The clip chart has seven levels, each level a different color and representing a different classification of a student’s behavior. Each day, every student starts off in the middle of the clip chart, which happens to be green and represents “Ready to Learn”. Every student will have the opportunity to move their clip up on the chart. Moving up from green is blue (Good Day!), then purple (Great Day!!), and lastly Tie-Dye print (Excellent!!!). Moving up on the chart signifies that the student was performing their tasks correctly, showing appropriate and respectful behavior, and/or trying their best. If students are not showing any of these characteristics, they will clip down from wherever they “stand” on the clip chart. Below green is the color yellow (Slow Down), then orange (Think About It), and lastly red (Teacher’s Choice). The student will have two chances before they reach red to analyze and change their behavior and try to improve it or clip up before the day is over.
Clip Chart and Expectations If a student lands on red by the end of the day, this could result in In-School Suspension, write up, phone call home, or principal’s office. No matter where the student “stands” on the clip chart, they will always have the chance to clip up or clip down based on their behavior. At the end of each day, students “standing” will be recorded in the teacher gradebook and included in our weekly progress reports. If anyone reaches the top of the clip chart, Tie-Dye/Excellent Day, they will have the opportunity to pick a colored gem to place on their individual clip. This behavior plan allows students to move up and down by starting in the middle each day, instead of a pocket chart where you start on the same color and you can only move down. It not only puts awareness on the individual’s poor/negative behavior, but it shines a light on excellent/positive behavior by acknowledging it to everyone!
Classroom Website Each classroom will have their own web page attached to our Cold Spring Site. You can expect to find our Weekly News on that page, homework assignments, pictures of what’s going on in our classroom, and possible links to educational website that we may find and want to pass on to you. We are learning how to navigate through our pages now and hope to have it up and running within the next few days.
Homework Homework Folders are sent home each Monday. Inside the folder you will find: 1. Spelling Words and Spelling Homework for the week. The Weekly Spelling Test and Dictation Test is on Friday. 2. Reading Homework will consist of a fluency page. Your child will be progressed monitored weekly, and will have 3 formal assessments (DIBELS) throughout the year. 3. Math Homework will consist of three practice/review pages from lessons that we’ve already completed.
Special Area Schedule Monday:1:00 P.E. Tuesday: 1:00 STEM Wednesday: 1:00 Media Thursday: 1:00 Art Friday: Music
Handouts Translate handouts for parents for whom English is a second language. Handouts might include: A list of school phone numbers, addresses, and Web site addresses. Copies of classroom and school policies. A list of materials that children will need for class.
IPS Grading Scale A % A % B % B 84-88% B % C % C 75-78% C % D % D 67-71% D % F 64-0%
Engrade directions To view your child’s math, ela, science or social studies grades, please follow these instructions: Go to Click on “sign up” You may choose “student” or “student’s parent” account. I recommend choosing “student”, so that you and your child may monitor grades. It will ask for an access code. These are given out with the beginning of the year packet. Please me if you need yours replaced It will ask you to set up a username and password. For the username, please use your child’s first and last name without spaces. For the password, please use their IPS ID. Username: FIRSTLASTNAME Password: IPS ID Number You will then be able to view all assignments and current averages for your child.
My Contact Information Feel free to contact me at Or by calling between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
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