Good Afternoon! 1.Muckraking in the Modern Era Warm-Up 2.Project Overview 3.Project Research Time Essential Question: What is the nature of your Muckraker problem in the United States and our area (Bay Area or California?) Homework: Brainstorm possible interview subjects, complete first background question
Muckraking in the Modern Era 1.How did Muckrakers impact society during the Progressive Era of the early 20 th Century? 2.How does Asif Mandvi set the historical background for the issue of voter ID laws? 3.How does Asif Mandvi use his interviews to make his point about Voter ID laws? 4.How does Asif Mandvi use statistics to make his point about Voter ID laws?
Muckraker Project Due November 24 th For this project, you will team up with one research partner and become modern day “muckraker” journalists like those of the late 1800s/ early 1900s. Your mission is to investigate a problem that currently exists and is causing damage or harm to some sector of modern-day society. The problem may occur across the US, but your problem must have a local/Bay Area or Northern California focus.
Key DatesDetails / Assignment Monday, Nov. 3 In-class research day : Answer at least one of the four questions Tuesday, Nov. 4 In-class research day : List of potential interview subjects due for each group Wed/Thurs, Nov. 5/6 In-class research day : List of questions to potential interview subjects due from each group Wed/Thurs, Nov. 19/20 Last day of in-class research : All interviews completed (recorded, transcribed, or followed with notes) Monday, Nov. 24Projects due & in-class presentations / sharing – SMALL GROUP PRESENTATIONS Muckraking Project Overview: Due Monday, November 24 Your final product will be based on: 1.Online research 2. 4 interviews between you and your research partner. 1.The interviews must be taped or transcribed (can be over ) 2.individuals must be approved by your teacher before you conduct the interviews. 3.You are expected to get opposing views. Your final paper, podcast, or website must answer the following four questions: 1.What is the nature of the problem in the United States and our area (e.g., the Bay Area or California)? How is it affecting people? 2.What are the specific historical roots of this problem at the local and national levels? What are the causes of the problem today? 3.What are the previous attempts to solve this problem? To what degree have those attempts succeeded? 4.What can people in the Bay Area community do about this problem today?
Goals For Today: Before class begins tomorrow you and your partner must have completed the tasks below. Using you Muckrakers Planning Lessons: 1.Brainstorm at least 4 possible interview subjects and begin planning how you will contact two each. 2.Each partner should answer the first background question using a different source. Make sure you explain why the source you have chosen is valid BEFORE you begin taking notes. 1.What is the nature of the problem in the United States and our area (the Bay Area or California)? How is it affecting people? (I know little to nothing about my topic) 2.Google News ( I know a little about my topic, but not local information) 3.Statistics - PEW RESEARCH CENTER ( I know a fair amount about my topic) 4.Legal Roots of the Problem – ( I am very comfortable with my topic )
1 st Period Chomebooks 1.Nathan Adams 2.Kayli Bailey 3.Carlos Carbajal 4.Kaitlin Coad 5.Shana Duchin 6.David Garcia 7.Celeste Greaves 8.Brianna Hernandez 9.Emma Korobkin 10.Rose Lama 11.Stefi Leite 12.Rachel Lighthall 13.Ariana McElroy 14.Kevin Mendivil 15.Matthew Michel 16.Meizhen Mueller 17. Daniel Muguerza 18. Morgan Ohara 19. Rohit Padmakumar 20. John Patterson 21. Hunter Paulson 22. Jared Perryman 23. Aava Salehi 24. Elise Sandland 25. Kyana Smith 26. Sarafina Smith 27. Serena Smith 28. Liam Sullivan 29. Sola Takahashi 30. Tommy Tran 31. Jose Reyes 32. Ilana Winawer
5 th Period Chomebooks 1.Emily Andreas 2.Victoria Baney 3.Ian Buenaventura 4.Nick Butters 5.Corey Cantu 6.Cameron Conway 7.Andrew Corley-West 8.Connor Frietzsche 9.Jared Hansrajh 10.Maya Higa 11.Matt Hovda 12.Erin Kim 13.Victoria Klazura 14.Jona Lawrence 15. Rayna Mahnken 16. Josue Ortiz 17. Julia Pak 18. Kristin Pampeyan 19. Adam Pann 20. Felipe Rivera 21. Whitney Ross 22. Erin Rucker 23. Steven Schynert 24. Nicolas Seigneret 25. Jessica Sillman 26. Linnea Stoll 27. Jessica Welden 28. Katherine Williams 29. Julianne Wilson 30. Chelsea Yuipco
6 th Period Chomebooks 1.Seema Ahmed 2.Zipporah Alcaraz 3.Cassidy Barcelona 4.Devon Bartlett 5.Matthew Casali 6.Kyle Cazares 7.Darren Dawson 8.Melanie Frieson 9.Annie Iverson 10.Anne Johansen 11.Even Johnson 12.Ben Katin 13.Jane Kuzsmaul 14.Austin Menden 15. Sophia Moiseyenko 16. Katie Moran 17. Ays Narmaev 18. Madison Norona 19. Ciara O’Neill 20. Eder Rodriguez 21. Bella Schneider 22. Mason Thomas 23. Luis Vasquez 24. Anthony Villareal 25. Tommy Walter 26. Cameron Woods 27. Sally Wu