Future role for Maternity Services Scarborough and North East Yorkshire Healthcare Trust Consultation
Principle Health challenges.. provide a Minor Injuries service, integrated with local community services, to deliver 24 hour healthcare support care for increasing numbers of elderly people, work with larger acute hospitals to ensure patients who need other health services get them quickly manage the demand for emergency care deliver safe and secure maternity services
Proposed Acute Services at Bridlington Hospital (1) A “walk in” Minor Injuries service; working with the PCT to provide 24 hour service Continue ante natal and post natal obstetrics and maternity care, including ultra sound “Home from Home” births at Bridlington Hospital probably discontinued in common with other community hospitals range of diagnostic services including X Ray services
Maternity Services Ensuring safer births Ensuring fully informed choice Reducing neo natal complications
Facts & Figures In 2004, nationally 48% of women had a “normal” birth On average 2-3% of women have babies at home On average 4% in a community facility like a midwife led birthing centre
Facts & Figures 2006 MidwiferyTeamBridlingtonMaltonWhitby Bookings Non SNEY births “Local” births Scarborough deliveries
Facts & Figures – Local births HospitalBridlingtonMaltonWhitby Number of Births Homebirths21103 Number transfers In labour 11(40%)15(33%)11(25%)
National Comparisons 52 “stand alone” midwife led units 8 units provided no data for national sample Only 13 units with less than 100 deliveries (includes Isles of Scilly with 12 births) Distance from an acute unit varies from 53 (Berwick & Isles of Scilly) to 5 miles (Gilchrist, Suffolk)
National Sample Site Shepton Mallet Hillcrest, Alnwick Berwick Number Deliveries Transfers in labour 11%14%11.5% Miles from acute unit National range and average transfers Range 10% to 39% Average 23.1%
Proposed Maternity Services at Whitby Hospital Continue ante natal and post natal obstetrics and maternity care, including ultra sound “Home from Home” births at Whitby Hospital probably discontinued in common with other community hospitals
Proposed model Consultant led care linked to neonatal support (with 24 hour obstetricians and anaesthetists) Midwife led unit with swift access to consultant led services if needed Home births overseen by experienced Midwives where appropriate
Public Consultation Runs to 18 March 2007 Range of Public Meetings being held Feedback forms in all documents & available at public meetings Record made of points and questions raised at public meetings Trust Board will review at a Public Board on 27 March 2007 Outcome will be widely publicised