Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey 2011 Maternal Health
Antenatal care Delivery and postnatal care © 2005 Virginia Lamprecht, Courtesy of Photoshare
Antenatal Care by Provider Percent distribution of women with a live birth in the past 5 years *Skilled provider includes doctor, nurse, or midwife. 34%* of women received ANC from a skilled provider (*number does not match due to rounding)
Timing of Antenatal Care and Number of Visits 11% of women went to their first ANC visit during the 1 st trimester of pregnancy, as recommended. 19% of women had 4 or more ANC visits, as recommended. 57% of women had no ANC visits.
Components of Antenatal Care 17% took iron tablets during last pregnancy 6% took intestinal parasite drugs 20% were informed of signs of pregnancy complications 72% had blood pressure measured 54% had blood samples taken 41% had urine samples taken
Tetanus Toxoid 34% of pregnant women received two or more tetanus toxoid injections during their last pregnancy 48% of last births were protected against neonatal tetanus
Antenatal care Delivery and postnatal care © 2005 Virginia Lamprecht, Courtesy of Photoshare
Place of Delivery Percent distribution of live births in the 5 years before the survey 10% of births occurred in a health facility
Reasons for NOT Delivering in a Health Facility 61% of women said it is not necessary to deliver in a health facility 30% of women said it is not customary to deliver in a health facility 14% of women said a health facility was too far or she had no transportation
Assistance During Delivery Percent distribution of births in the past 5 years 10%* of births were delivered by a skilled birth provider. (*number does not match due to rounding) *Skilled birth provider includes doctor, nurse, or midwife.
Assistance at Delivery by Region Percent of births in the past five years assisted by a skilled provider* *Skilled birth provider includes doctor, nurse, or midwife.
How Does Ethiopia Compare? Percent distribution of live births in the past 5 years assisted at delivery by a skilled provider
Percent of women who received: Trends in Maternal Health Care *Skilled provider includes doctor, nurse, or midwife.
Postnatal Care 4% of mothers had a postnatal checkup within 4 hours of delivery 7% of mothers had a postnatal checkup within 2 days of delivery 92% of women had no postnatal checkup within 41 days of delivery
Summary 34% of women received antenatal care from a skilled provider at least once; this is an increase from 28% in % of women deliver in a health facility; 90% deliver at home. 10% of women were assisted at birth by a skilled provider, up from 6% in % of mothers received a postnatal check up within 2 days of birth.