Do Now On this day in 1913, Rosa Parks was born. In 1955, Rosa Parks was arrested and fined for not giving up her seat on the bus to a white passenger. Many people admired her for her confidence and bravery. If you had been Rosa Parks in this situation, would have done the same thing? Why or why not? Title: Ancient Hebrews Review
Agenda Do Now G.R.A.P.E.S Thinking Map Map Activity Boom Box Game Exit Slip
G.R.A.P.E.S Please take out your notebooks and create a G.R.A.P.E.S sheet on the left side Make sure it takes up the entire page so you can get all the important information You will do this individually but we will review it as a class…be ready to participate! G R A P E S
Thinking Map Ancient Israel Judges Kings Patriarchs Israelites in the Desert Please set up this thinking map on the right side of your notebook. It may take up the entire page You will complete this first with your partner filling in all the important information. Do a complete job, we will be checking it as a class and adding to it.
Map activity I will give you a map as well as a handout with all the components you must list or color on your map. You need to do this individually and quietly. It is important that you know how to use the map as well as how to locate landmarks on different maps and translate it onto your own map. This is similar to what we did for Ancient Egypt. Please raise your hand if you have any questions and I will help you.
Boom Box game We have never played the Boom Box game, it is fun but you need to obey the rules in order for us to play. Here are the rules… Select a card form the bucket. If you answer correctly they will win 100 points for your team. If you are incorrect the other team may steal the points. If you draw a “boom” card you lose all your team’s points
Exit Slip Please take out a separate piece of paper and label it this way. Make sure your name, date and period is on the paper, I had 3 people not do this last week so they received a “0” on their quiz. Name Date Period
Homework Review your notes in preparation for your Benchmark test in just a few days!!