The Jewish Life Cycle Birth, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Wedding and Death
Birth ☼ Brit Milah: Circumcision ☼ The Bris is performed on the 8 th day of a child’s life ☼ Surgical removal of the foreskin by a moyel ☼ The boy is held by the sandek: Godfather ☼ Various blessings are recited, including the blessing over the wine and a drop of wine is placed in the boy’s mouth ☼ The child is given his name ☼ An ornate, empty chair is set aside for Elijah, the prophet who is said to look over all circumcisions
Birth ☼ Baby Naming: The giving of the formal Hebrew name for females that will be used in Jewish rituals such as: ♦ Aliyah: call to the Torah to bless a reading ♦ Ketubah: Jewish marriage contract ♦ Bar/Bat Mitzvah: son/daughter of the commandment ☼ A girl’s name (English and Hebrew) is officially given at the synagogue when the father (parents) take an aliyah after the birth
Bar/Bat Mitzvah ☼ Son of the Commandment (13 years old) ☼ Daughter of the Commandment (12 years old) ☼ Coming of age; formally marks the observance of God’s commandments, count in a minyan, take part in leading services, form binding contracts and marry ☼ Months of rigorous study ☼ Learn Haftorah portion, tradition chant or read ☼ Portion of weekly Torah portion (Fri evening or Sat morning service) ☼ Aliyah ☼ Family aliyot ☼ Celebration
Wedding ☼ Chatan: Groom ☼ Kallah: Bride ☼ Ketubah: Jewish marriage contract ☼ Bedekken: Before the ceremony, the chatan raises the bride’s veil to avoid making Jacob’s mistake ☼ Chuppah: A canopy that the ceremony is performed under; symbolizes the home the bride and groom will make together ☼ Circling: The bride circles the groom seven times; creates a wall of protection and symbolic family circle
Wedding ☼ Erusin: Betrothal cup of wine shared by the couple ☼ Ring Ceremony: Groom places ring on the bride’s right, index finger and says a one line vow ☼ Seven Blessings: First is chanted over the second cup of wine and the following blessings represent various components of keeping a Jewish home ☼ Breaking of the glass: Groom shatters the glass (multiple symbols) and everyone shouts “Mazel Tov!” ☼ Yichud: Seclusion
Wedding Different sects have different traditions TraditionOrthodoxConservativeReform Chatan wears white robe √ sometimes Bedeken √√ sometimes Ketubah √√√ Circling √ 3/7 times3 each/once together Ring Ceremony √ √ bride to groom Both/vows Seven Blessings √√√ Breaking glass √√√
Death ☼ When a loved one dies, immediate family (mother, father, sister, brother) are to mourn the death ☼ The body is never left alone before burial ♦ Shomerim: a guard or keeper who sits with the body; cannot eat, drink or perform a commandment out of respect ☼ Autopsies are not permitted (unless local law requires) ☼ People who have been in the presence of a dead body must wash their hands before entering a home
Death: Preparation ☼ Body is thoroughly cleaned and wrapped in a plain, simple shroud (men wear tallis) ☼ Simple coffin; a poor person and rich person should have the same honor in death ☼ No embalming ☼ No cremation; must be buried in the earth ☼ No open casket; exposing the body is considered disrespectful
Death: Mourning ☼ Immediate family tear their clothing over their heart ☼ Shiva: “seven” ♦ Observed by the family of the deceased for seven days ♦ Friends and family visit to pay respects ♦ Mirrors are covered, no leather, no bathing, no shaving, nothing for comfort or pleasure, no work ♦ Prayer services ☼ Shloshim: mourners do not attend parties or celebrations for thirty days ☼ Avelut: Twelve months after the burial of a parent, do not attend parties or celebrations ♦ Mourners Kaddish: Recited everyday three times a day ☼ Yahrzeit: Every year, after the first year of mourning, a candle is lit in remembrance of the deceased and the Mourners Kaddish is recited.