Outline East v. West, Jewish Scriptures, Yahweh Etiological Stories: Creation, Fall, Flood, Tower of Babel The Patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob Sons of Jacob move to Egypt, enslaved Moses and the Exodus from Egypt The Giving of the Law, the Ark
Outline 40 Years of Wandering The Invasion of Canaan The Period of the Judges The United Kingdom Saul David Solomon
Outline The Split of the Kingdom into the Northern and Southern Kingdoms in 922 B.C. Israel falls to the Assyrians in 722 B.C. Judah falls to the Babylonians in 587 B.C. The Babylonian Captivity The Persians Defeat the Babylonians, Jews return to Judah, rebuild Jerusalem
Outline The Greek Conquest and Maccabean Revolt Roman Rule Rebellion and the Diaspora 70, 130 A.D. The Holocaust and Restoration of Israel in 1948 Life After Death The Messiah
Outline Job and the Problem of Suffering The Talmud Jewish Mysticism: The Qabalah Modern Jewish Sects
Kosher Large land animals Split or cloven hooves Chew the cud Fish Gills, fins and scales No shellfish! Birds: No predatory birds scavengers
Yom Kippur The Day of Atonement Sacrificial goat Scapegoat (Azazel) Excess sins transferred from people to priest to goat, who is driven into the desert Today: Time of repentance, reflection, resolution to do better in the coming year