W HERE WE ARE : Pier 36, stands for great food, company & craic. Overlooking Donaghadee harbour we stand in a unique, picturesque location.
V ISITORS & P IER 36 Visitors come to Pier 36 from the local area, the U.K & Ireland and Worldwide. VISITOR CUSTOME R TOURIST
W HY D IVERSIFY ? Within our sector there is a constant need to develop and improve our offerings for visitors. Increase visitor spend Increase return visits Improve product / service Increase visitor numbers
Diversifying becomes easier and is promoted in an innovative atmosphere. Ideas welcomed from all levels. Innovation
P IER 36 THE B EGINNING.... Restaurant capacity 80 Bar capacity 50 Husband and Wife Team Denis & Margaret work & live on site as front of house and head chef. Opened 3 rd September 1999 November 1999 Begins building reputation winning runner up in all Ireland seafood pub of the year
P IER 36 ADDS B EER G ARDEN F ACILITY (2000) Pier 36 Began diversifying for increased business only a short time after opening. The Beer Garden gave competitive advantage during summer months when external visitor numbers increase Adding a beer garden to the bar and restaurant gave another dimension to the premises Making it a welcoming place during the summer months for enjoying out door drinking and dining.
P IER 36 J OINS FORCES WITH A RDS T OURISM & NITB In 2002 Pier 36 becomes A local information office (LIO) Open 10am-12am This is a clear diversification to improve the service Pier 36 provides for visitors with information on events, local attractions and accommodation.
OCEAN DRIVE (T HE 2 ND P UB ON THE P IER ) In 2002 the Waterworth Family purchase Port o Call Bar, four doors up from Pier 36. Following Extensive refurbishment, Ocean Drive opens as a sports friendly bar.
NITB P UB OF T HE YEAR (2004) Hard work pays off again as Pier 36 extends its awards Recognition from the NITB helps Marketing plans giving press coverage, improving visitor numbers
C RUISE S HIP T OURS Cruise liner visitors arrive at Pier 36 Pier 36 Welcomes Single Time Visitors Irish Coffees & Irish Entertainment
B ILL B OARDS Diversifying Marketing efforts
S PORTS SPONSORSHIP Pier 36 Sponsors Local Rugby & Cricket Ocean Drive Sponsors Local Football Sponsoring local teams increases awareness as visiting teams get to know the sponsors & brings Pier 36 to the forefront for many local events
2005 Diversification focuses on increased visitor numbers Non Smoking Bar Area +50 Restauran t Seats New Kitchen & Stores +4 en suite guest rooms
FRLT P UB OF T HE YEAR (2006) Continued marketing & raise in visitor numbers to pier 36 sees recognition as field leader in 2006
O UT D OOR S MOKING A REA April 2007 Smoking Ban Hits Northern Ireland Forcing change in how Pubs & restaurants attract The section of visitors ‘smokers’
G UEST ROOMS I NCREASE + 3 guest rooms (2007) Diversification to Guest house status showed clear increase to other areas of business 90% of guests will dine in our restaurant, many with local visitors joining them
NITB T ASTE OF N.I. (2009) Current economic climate Evermore important for focus on continued improvement & recognition
G UEST H OUSE (2010) 4* status NITB & AA Renovation and service improvement for guest rooms
Local Food & Drink Suppliers Open for Breakfast Staff motivation Premises has different uses Own label products Wi Fi Special offers Social Networks S MALL C HANGES B IG I MPACT
With over 35 years experience in the hospitality industry and the personal attention from the owners and their team means that whatever the reason for the visit Pier 36 customers receive a warm welcome and have an enjoyable experience. Our commitment to quality food and service through diversifying has seen Pier 36 go from strength to strength.
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