“In The Beginning…” …
Lessons About Life Revealed In The Scripture’s First Book
“In The Beginning…” Resisting Personal Vengeance Scott Abernathy
“In The Beginning…” The Story of Joseph. Genesis 37, Joseph, one of Jacob’s sons. Favored by Jacob. Shown preferential treatment. Sold by his brothers as a slave into Egypt. Falsely accused by Potiphar’s wife. Imprisoned. Interprets butler, bakers dreams. Forgotten. Resisting Personal Vengeance
“In The Beginning…” The Story of Joseph. Genesis 37, Interprets Pharaoh’s dreams. Become 2 nd highest ruler in Egypt. Reunited with his brothers, father. Family moves to Egypt. Resisting Personal Vengeance
“In The Beginning…” Joseph Hated & Mistreated by Brothers What factors caused this? Jacob’s Preferential treatment of Joseph Jacob loved him more. Child of his old age. Joseph given a coat of many colors. Joseph’s Dreams Portrayed Joseph’s families as bowing down to him. Joseph’s Reporting of their actions Resisting Personal Vengeance
“In The Beginning…” Joseph’s Brothers’ Evil Actions Against Him Couldn’t speak peaceably to him. Disputed the implications of Joseph’s Dreams Plotted to Kill Him Stripped him of his coat Threw him into a pit Sold him to Ishmaelite Traders for 20 shekels of Silver Fabricated evidence to stage Joseph’s death before their father. Allowed their father to needlessly grieve for years. Resisting Personal Vengeance
“In The Beginning…” Problems Joseph Experienced Because of His Brothers Taken to Egypt. Sold to Potiphar, officer of Pharaoh Refused the advances of Potiphar’s Wife. Potiphar’s wife claims Joseph attempted to rape her. Joseph falsely imprisoned. While in prison, Joseph interprets dreams for butler and baker, but is forgotten by cupbearer. Joseph remains in prison for two full years. Emotional pain experienced by Jacob, and Joseph. Resisting Personal Vengeance
“In The Beginning…” Once he had risen in power, what actions might he have taken? Sought retribution against, Potiphar, Potiphar’s wife, Butler. Could have had his brothers imprisoned, tortured or executed. Could have made servants/slaves of his brothers. Could have refused contact with them. Resisting Personal Vengeance
“In The Beginning…” Joseph Refused to Take Vengeance After Jacob died, Joseph’s brothers become worried. Brothers remind Joseph of Jacob’s charge to forgive. “We are your servants.” Joseph Reacted Favorably Toward his Brothers. “Am I in God’s place?” God used these events for good. Joseph takes care of his brothers and their families. Resisting Personal Vengeance
“In The Beginning…” God Forbids Us to Exact Our Own Revenge. Leviticus 19:18; Proverbs 24:28-29; Romans 12:17, 19; I Peter 3:9; Matthew 7:12 Revenge belongs to God. Genesis 50:19; Psalms 94:1; Romans 12:19; Hebrews 10:30 Resisting Personal Vengeance
“In The Beginning…” Additional points to remember. Not seeking revenge against another doesn’t absolve our responsibility to correct error. Matt. 18: I Thess. 3: Resisting Personal Vengeance
“In The Beginning…” Additional points to remember. Revenge may appear in different forms. Physical Force. Hurtful Pranks. Use of the Tongue. Spreading gossip, lies. After being offended/wronged, duplicating the action in return. i.e. “doing to them what was done to you”. Resisting Personal Vengeance
“In The Beginning…” Examples of those who refused to take revenge: David Saul had mistreated and attempted to kill David on several occasions. But David refused to kill Saul despite several opportunities. Upon learning of Saul’s death, mourned instead of celebrating. Resisting Personal Vengeance
“In The Beginning…” Examples of those who refused to take revenge. Christ Was rejected by Jewish leaders. Death arranged by Jewish leaders, carried out by Roman officials. As God, He had the Power of Diety. Could have called twelve legions of angels to rescue him, but refused. Matt. 26:53. Resisting Personal Vengeance
“In The Beginning…” …