1 10/2013
This training is provided for cashiers, phone-a-thon participants, and fiscal personnel involved in payment card activities that are never exposed to data from more than one card at a time. 2 This training may not be adequate PCI coordinators, executives who sign the annual PCI Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ), or I.T. professionals. These people should contact the University’s Payment Card Services to arrange for training required for their roles. ( Note Note: If you have not completed the Responsible Computing Tutorial for Faculty and Staff, please visit their website to satisfy that requirement as soon as you complete this training:
3 We work and live and work in a global community. Most of us give very little thought to handing over our credit or debit card to complete strangers or entering their card data into a website. We do this in good faith, expecting that our information will be protected. Yet in 2010, “there were reported losses of $48 billion dollars that affected 11 million Americans” from credit card theft. Source:
4 When most of us think about payment card fraud, we think of cyber crimes. You may think of a hacker sitting at a computer who is out to get you from thousands of miles away. Most payment card frauds are crimes of opportunity: Someone left the door open A computer was left unprotected A filing cabinet was left open or unattended A person was allowed unauthorized access to secure areas or carelessly left documents on a desk They handed data to someone they barely knew
5 Each day, people engage in payment card activity or transactions with the University of Virginia, believing that we will protect their data from thieves. We work hard to maintain a secure data environment. The loss of their faith can have serious repercussions for the University. We depend on you as University employees and volunteers to help us in securing all customer’s cardholder data (CHD) and other personal information You are working with sensitive information and should handle it accordingly. Treat payment card data like you would a $1,000 bill Cash and payment card information should be secured if left unattended.
Payment Card: A broad term, applying to any magnetic-coded card used to make purchases. Payment Card Merchant: Any entity that accepts payment cards for payment of goods or services. Primary Account Number (PAN): Unique payment card number (typically for credit or debit cards) that identifies the issuer and the particular cardholder account. Card Holder Data: At a minimum, cardholder data consists of the full PAN. Cardholder data may also appear in the form of the full PAN plus any of the following: cardholder name, expiration date and/or service code. 6
8 1.Do not request, send or accept payment card information by . a)Do not process any transaction with payment card data received by ! b)If someone s data to you, you should make them aware that, for their safely, they should not send it again. Remove the data when responding! c)Direct them to an approved method for submitting card data. d)Delete the and cardholder data securely from your account. 2.NEVER record card data in any electronic format, even temporarily. a)This includes Excel files, databases, Integrated System notes, etc. b)Comply with UVA Policy IRM-015 “Electronic Storage of Highly Sensitive Data”.IRM Do not store any of the magnetic stripe data which includes the credit card confirmation code, or cardholder account numbers with expiration dates. (The 3 digits on the back of many cards and 4 digits on the front of an American Express card, often referred to as the confirmation or “CVV2” code.) For Mail Order/Telephone order charges, you may collect the information as long as it is destroy ( cross-cut shredded ) immediately after processing. 4.Do not direct a payer to a specific computer or offer to enter payment card data into a hosted website or other system that is not a U.Va. authorized point-of-sale swipe terminal on someone else’s behalf. 5.Maintain a clean desk if you are processing card information. a)Do not have personal phones, laptop, or other belongings near the processing area.
9 1.Notify your supervisor and your department PCI Coordinator right away! 2.Your PCI Coordinator or Supervisor must contact the following areas. If your supervisor or PCI coordinator are not available, you should notify the areas below. a)Contact your LSP (computer tech) if suspected activity involves computers (hacking, unauthorized access, etc.). ITS Security must be notified as well at: b) the U.Va. Payment Card Services unit to alert them immediately at c)Contact U.Va. Internal Audit if fraud is suspected related to payment card activities; they will assist you further. Call
Review your department’s payment card procedures with your supervisor. Have signed the U.Va. Electronic Access Agreement either in ESHARP or printed from: Complete the University’s annual Data Security Training linked from: Protect your ID’s and passwords, as they may provide criminals with an avenue to data that the University stores, processes or transmits. 10
11 1)Payment Card Industry – Data Security Standards (PCI-DSS). SC%20Quick%20Reference%20Guide.pdf SC%20Quick%20Reference%20Guide.pdf a)Every merchant department or unit has a contractual obligation with the credit card companies to adhere to PCI Standards and to certify compliance with the standards annually. b)Fraud, as a result of non-compliance carries with it substantial fines, sanctions and may result in the inability to conduct future card activity. 2)The University of Virginia e-commerce website at: Please continue to next slide to complete your training
12 To complete your training, click on the following link, select Payment Card Documents in the upper right-hand corner, then select and print the UVA Payment Card Confidentiality Agreement from the Documents page found on our Training site: ement.pdfhttp:// ement.pdf. The Agreement should be signed by both you and your supervisor annually. It will be maintained in the department/office records. For additional questions regarding payment card practices please contact the U.Va. Payment Card Services. U.Va. Payment Card Services