Introduction and Course Overview By: Craig Owen White, Esq. International Mergers, Acquisitions and Joint Ventures: Extractive Industries/Government Agreements May 2-3, 2014 Bulawayo, Zimbabwe Law Society of Zimbabwe
About Hahn Loeser Dedicated, diverse legal counsel since More than 130 lawyers and 7 offices in Cleveland, Columbus & Akron, OH; Indianapolis, IN; Naples & Fort Myers, FL; and San Diego, CA. Comprehensive services, creative and practical approaches, excellent value. Experienced team with national reputation. Proven track record as outside counsel for NYSE and Fortune 1000 clients.
ISLP Mission: The International Senior Lawyers Project provides the pro bono services of highly skilled and experienced lawyers to promote human rights, equitable and sustainable economic development and the rule of law worldwide. ISLP assists governments, non-governmental organizations and other institutions working to build legal capacity and to advance the rights and well-being of their citizens.
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Presenters Craig Owen White co-chairs the Business Practice Group at Hahn Loeser & Parks LLP, where he represents established growth- oriented companies. He takes an active leadership role in several boards, professional and civic organizations. In 2014, he was appointed to the Trade Advisory Committee on Africa advising the United States Trade Representative on US trade policy with Africa. See for a full biography. Sipho Methula is a partner of Webber Wentzel and is part of its Africa Mining and Energy Projects Team. He has extensive experience in mergers, acquisitions, competiton and tax law. See for a full biography.
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Big Five Take Aways The business lawyer: 1. Is to assist the client in identifying, quantifying and monetizing risk relative to the achievement of the clients objective(s). 2. Is to document the rights and duties of the client and the counterparties to the business transactions. 3. Has the right to charge and to be promptly paid for legal services rendered. 4. Is the steward and trustee of the rule of law and the commercial codes of his/her country, region and community. 5. At all times is to conduct himself/herself with high ethics and integrity in all business and personal matters and transactions.
Administrative ISLP website: Law Society of Zimbabwe: Craig O. White: Sipho Methula:
Course Overview – Day 1 Commercial Transactions for Business Lawyer’s Perspective Panel Discussion: Overview of M&A (Joint Venture) Environment and Process Introduction of Case Study
Course Overview – Day 2 Workshop: US Team Local Team Group Presentations and Critiques Extractive Industry/Government Agreements Key Issues in The Extractive Industry Take Aways and Summaries Certificate Ceremony
Business Law
Business of Law Legal Services as a Commodity Value–Added Legal Services
Business of Law
KNOWN RISK Counter Party Failure Market Changes Competition RISK LEVELS A second line of text here KNOWN BUT LESS PREDICABLE RISK Weather Event Government Intervention