Fleet Safety Basics
Goals of the Fleet Safety Program Save lives Prevent injuries Reduce liability for you and SMU Insure that all employees are aware of SMU’s driving requirements Improve employee productivity
Who is a part of the Fleet Safety Program? Anyone who drives an SMU owned or leased vehicle Anyone who regularly drives their personal vehicle on SMU Business
JOB RELATED MOTOR ACCIDENTS 200,000 workers are injured each year 3,000 workers are disabled either temporarily or permanently each year 4,000 workers are killed each year on the job in motor vehicle accidents
Motor vehicle accidents account to more than 1/3 of all the workplace injuries Motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of work-related deaths
What SMU Requires of drivers A valid driver’s license Proof of insurance/financial responsibility A good driving record Registered vehicle (current license plate) Current State Safety Inspection Sticker Mentally & physically able to drive
SMU expects all of it’s employees to comply with all Federal, State, and Local Laws.
Components of the Fleet Safety Program Driver Requirement/Responsibilities Vehicle Maintenance Program Driver’s Safety Training Driving Records Check Accident Review Driving Record Review
Its Not Always Your Fault!
Motor Vehicle Records The driving records of all authorized SMU drivers are checked once a year.
Program Responsibility Risk Management will implement the Program’s operating procedures and guidelines. Risk Management will annually review the nation-wide motor vehicle records (MVRs) of all University employees Human Resources will contact an employee and the employee’s department head regarding return of an unsatisfactory MVR for the employee. A Department Head or supervisor will remove from service any University Vehicle that Risk Management deems unsafe" for operating, according to the Program’s procedures and guidelines. Risk Management will periodically audit operating units for compliance with the Program and identify areas needing improvements.
Loss of Driving Privileges Employees will automatically lose their University- related driving privileges and may be subject to immediate termination if they are convicted of any one of the following offenses: Driving while intoxicated or under the influence of an illegal substance; Homicide, manslaughter, or assault from vehicle operation; Reckless driving; Failing to remain at the scene of an accident, or as otherwise required by law; or Driving without a valid license: having no license, or having a revoked or suspended license.
Student Drivers Students wishing to drive University Vehicles must request permission from the Director of Student Activities, whose office will check the student’s driver’s license, administer appropriate training on safe driving, and have the students sign a Release and Waiver of Liability.
Conditions of SMU Vehicle Use Over the most recent three (3)-year period, current and prospective drivers may NOT have accrued: - More than two (2) moving violations in any consecutive twelve (12)-month period; –More than one (1) motor vehicle accident in any consecutive twelve (12)-month period; –A restricted or suspended license; or –A conviction for Driving Under the Influence (DUI).
Rebate Requirements Regular Preventive Maintenance (every 3 months or 3,000 miles) No accidents At least 70% of the authorized drivers in the department take the State certified Driver Safety Course (given twice a year)