Nature of God keywords Cosmological argument – philosophical argument that states that only God has the power to start the creation of the universe so He must have been the one who caused the Big Bang and evolution. Omniscient – all knowing Design argument – philosophical argument that states that because of order and regularity in the world then this proves there must have been a God who designed and created it. Interventionist God – belief in a God who loves us so much that he intervenes in our lives to help us Lourdes – place of miracles in France where people go to be healed by the waters Jesus – son of God. Omnipotent – all powerful Omnibenevolent – all loving
Beliefs about the Nature of God: JOOLSETC J udge O mniscient Christians believe that God created the world and the universe from nothing. This story is the Genesis story in the Bible. S aviour Christians believe that there are three parts to God – the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. This is called the Trinity. This means that Christians believe that God is eternal. God has always existed and always will exist. O mnipotent L oving The story of the Sheep & Goats says how God will judge all souls and will separate good souls from bad souls like a shepherd separates sheep from goats. This means that God is all- powerful. Christians believe that God is so powerful he was able to create the universe from nothing. This story is the Genesis story in the Bible. This means that God is all-knowing. Christians believe that God is all knowing and knows everything that has happened and will what happen. This means that God is all-loving (omni- benevolent). Christians believe that God loves people so much that he sacrificed his son, Jesus, to save humans from sin. The death and resurrection of Jesus tells Christians that God loves people so much that he wanted to save them so he sacrificed his son, Jesus, to save humans from sin. E ternal T rinity C reator
Why do Christians believe in God: REDCU R eligious E xperience U pbringing D esign Argument C osmological argument The design argument is the belief that because the world has purpose and order so it couldn’t have just happened randomly. There must have been a designer and creator – God. This is where people have an experience of God. Numinous is the feeling of awe that people might have when they experience God. Conversion means to change to religion or to change from one religion to another religion. It can be gradual or sudden and can happen for a number of reasons including wanting to change. Scientific evidence supports the fact that a giant explosion happened at the start of time. Christians who believe in the Big Bang theory argue that only God has the power to cause the explosion and kick start the creation of the universe. (God is omnipotent: all-powerful Many Christians are religious because they have been brought up to be. They might have been christened as a baby and brought into the church at any early age. As a family they may attend church and be involved in Sunday School. As a child gets older they may decide to take part in Confirmation and promise themselves to God. Children may also attend church school where they will learn more and more about their religion.
How is the Bible used? Authority Holy book Guidance The Bible would be treated with respect and as a higher source of authority than other books. Difficulties Hope Authority refers to the importance of the Bible to Christians. It would be used for reference in times of difficulty They believe the Bible is the holy book and is the word of God so they will use it is different ways It would be a source of encouragement and hope It would provide Christians with ethical guidance Respect
Fundamentalist Christians attitudes to the Bible Literally true Meaning? Interpretation Fundamentalists believe that scientific evidence such as fossils are put there by God to test faith. They are not real Example: Genesis story Historical truth Tend to believe that all the stories within the Bible are the literal truth and that they really did happen as reported Example: Genesis Story: The Genesis Story is the first book in the Bible and tells how God created the world and everything in it. It says that God created the world from nothing over six days and rested on the 7 th day. It also tells how Adam and Eve disobeyed God and were punished. It is wrong to try to find hidden meaning in the stories in the Bible Believe that the Genesis story is historical truth and that the Bible literally tells the truth They believe that Christians who accept the Big Bang Theory are mistaken and interpreting the Genesis story as a myth is dangerous Science?
Liberal Christians attitudes to the Bible Symbolic Truths Why not how Liberal Christians believe that the story shows people are supposed to look after everything in the world Example: Genesis story Not fact Believe the Bible is important but that the stories might not be historical truth but symbolic stories Example: Genesis Story: The Genesis Story is the first book in the Bible and tells how God created the world and everything in it. It says that God created the world from nothing over six days and rested on the 7 th day. It also tells how Adam and Eve disobeyed God and were punished. Believe that the stories have special meaning and teach special truths. Do not believe that the creation story is historical fact. Liberal Christians believe that the Genesis story is symbolic and tells people why God created the universe not how. God created the universe for us because he loved us and that he loved what He created Symbolic
Miracles Interventionist Guidance Involvement Lourdes in France is a place where many Christians go in the hope that a miracle will take place Christians believe the creation of the universe is a miracle, whether they believe that God did create the world in six days or if they believe the cosmological argument (that God caused the Big Bang to happen Love Impossible events Christians believe that God is an interventionist God Christians believe that because God is an interventionist God this proves that God loves us all God is able to be involved in Christians lives and help guide them and help them Miracles are events which are impossible. Christians believe miracles are caused by God All miracles are evidence of an interventionist God who wishes to be involved in the lives of people Example: Genesis Story Example: Lourdes
Jesus Interventionist Saviour Example Jesus was to die as a sacrifice to save people from sin Jesus performed many miracles using the power of God. This shows that God could intervene in the world through Jesus’ miracles Plans Stories Christians believe that God is an interventionist God. Christians believe that God had many plans for Jesus Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God and was sent by God to save people from sin. This is a sign that God is an interventionist God. Jesus taught many important stories to people to show them the right way to be. Jesus behaved in a certain way to act as an example to people Miracles Sacrifice