What is Scripture?
Scripture: A sacred writing or book. A passage from such a writing or book. A sacred writing or book. A passage from such a writing or book. 1.A book or piece of writing that is considered sacred. For example: The Bible or the Gospel of Matthew 2.2. A passage from a sacred writing or book. For example John 3:16
Different religions have different scriptures. Islam’s scripture is the Qur’an or Koran. It was revealed to Mohammed. Mohammed is said to have received it from the angel Gabriel.
Judaism’s scripture: The Tanakh is composed of TORAH (Pentateuch) NEVI'IM (The Prophets) and KETHUVIM (The Writings)
The Tanakh is the scripture of Judaism. The Tanakh is the scripture of Judaism. Koran: The Koran is the name of the Islamic scripture.
The Bible Christian Scriptures
What is the Bible? The Bible is a collection of books. The Catholic Bible has 46 books in the Old Testament and 27 books in the New Testament. 73 total books. The Protestant Bible has 39 books in the Old Testament and 27books in the New Testament. 66 total books.
The Bible is like a library building. It is divided into sections containing different types of books and literature.
4 sections of Old Testament/Hebrew Scripture 1.Pentateuch 2. Historical Books 3. Wisdom and Poetry Books 4. Prophets Please Help Wilma Plant
4 sections of New Testament/Christian Scriptures 1. Gospels 1. Gospels 2. Acts of the Apostles 2. Acts of the Apostles 3. Letters 3. Letters 4. Revelations 4. Revelations
Each section has different books 5 Books of the Pentateuch 1. Genesis 2. Exodus 1. Genesis 2. Exodus 3. Leviticus 4. Numbers 5. Deuteronomy
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Each section is divided into books Find the New Testament Find the Gospel of John
Each book is divided into chapters Find Chapter 3 of John Each chapter is divided into verses Find verse 16 of Chapter 3
John 3:16 John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave 7 his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life. 7 7 [16] Gave: as a gift in the incarnation, and also "over to death" in the crucifixion; cf Romans 8:32. Romans 8:32Romans 8:32
What is the Bible? The Bible is actually a collection of books. It includes both the Hebrew and Christian scriptures. The books of the Bible were written over a period of approximately 1000 years. The books of the Bible were in existence long before they were written down. (Oral Tradition) The Books of the Pentateuch (Torah) are the oldest books in the Bible.
How is the Bible organized? Old Testament or New Testament Book Title Chapter Verse
Just like a Library the books of the Bible are found in different sections The Bible is divided into two main sections: The Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) and the Christian Scriptures (New Testament) Each of these 2 main sections is further divided into smaller sections with similar content
How did the Bible come to be a book? The stories in the Bible began as Oral Traditions Because the stories were important people wanted to make sure that the stories were always repeated correctly Around 1600 years ago people began to write down the books that became known as the Bible
Which books to include? Early Christians used many more books than are included in the Bible The books in the Hebrew Scriptures were already decided before Jesus was born. The Church looked at all the different Christian books and determined which were to be included in the Bible and which ones were not to be included.
The Canon of the Bible Church councils determined which books were to be included in the Bible Rules that councils make are called canons The Canon of the Bible was set that there are 46 Old Testament books and 27 New Testament books This number of books cannot be changed because it is a canon.
The Council of Rome in 382 AD determined how many books to include in the bible. It’s decision was later confirmed by the Council of Trent in AD. Protestant bibles have 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 books in the Old Testament and 27 books in the New Testament. Protestants do not New Testament. Protestants do not follow the Catholic Canon of the Bible. They do not recognize 7 books that are in the Catholic Bible as being part of the Old Testament because copies of these books were not known used by Jews in Jerusalem. follow the Catholic Canon of the Bible. They do not recognize 7 books that are in the Catholic Bible as being part of the Old Testament because copies of these books were not known used by Jews in Jerusalem.
Apocrypha: The books missing from Protestant Bibles are: Tobit, Judith, Baruch, Wisdom, Sirach, 1 and 2 Maccabees, and parts of Esther and Daniel. They are called Apocrypha by non-Catholics. This word means that they do not believe these books to be authentic inspired books that belong in the Bible. Catholics call these seven books Deuterocanonicals because their inclusion in the canon came after the other books. THESE 7 BOOKS ARE CONSIDERED INSPIRED BY Catholics. Catholics consider other books to be apocrypha.
Many of the Catholic Church’s teachings about the Bible were summarized in Divino Afflante Spiritu. This document was written by Pope Pius XII in 1943.
The writers of the Bible were guided by the Holy Spirit in the truths about faith contained in the Bible. The Bible is true in everything that it reveals about the nature of God and the human relationship with God. For instance, the Bible reveals the truth that God created the world and that all of creation is good. However it doesn’t give us a scientific explanation of how God went about creating the world.
Three Main Beliefs that Catholics are taught by Divino Afflante Spiritu are… 1. The Bible is a primary way in which God reveals God’s self and God’s truth to us. It is a form of revelation. 2. The Bible has many authors but all were inspired by God to write truths about God. This is called inspiration. 2. The Bible has many authors but all were inspired by God to write truths about God. This is called inspiration. 3. The Bible is without error in all matters of faith. This is called inerrancy.