Starting a Business in the Town of Apex Welcome to Apex! We are glad you chose us for your business.
We’re here to help! There are a few municipal approvals needed to get your business up and running. You will be working with staff from the following departments: Planning for Certificate of Zoning Compliance, site inspections, and sign permits Building Inspections/Permits to obtain permits for any interior renovations and building inspections Engineering site/civil inspections and site Construction Plans, if required Fire for fire code inspections Public Works for backflow preventer testing and reporting Finance to open a utility account
Planning reviews the application to determine occupancy class and forwards to other Town departments as needed. Submit a Certificate of Zoning Compliance (CZC) Application and fee to the Planning Department Starting up or moving a business into existing space Are you doing any renovations to the interior space? Planning responds to applicant with any questions and conditions for use. Inspection requirements are identified and provided to applicant. Submit a Commercial Building Permit Application, required architectural plans, and fees to the Building Inspections Department CZC Approved Applicant and Town sign the Certificate of Zoning Compliance Approximately 5 business days NO YES Schedule inspections outlined in the approved Certificate of Zoning Compliance Once Building Permit is issued, commence with construction and required building inspections Include written business operations plan This flow chart is intended to be used as an overview of the Certificate of Zoning Compliance process. For more detailed information, please contact the Planning Department at (919) or visit our website at Town of Apex Business Development Process Flow Chart (Existing Buildings)
Complete a Commercial Utility Application and submit to the Finance Department Page 2 Open a Utility* Account Obtain a Sign Permit Complete a Permanent Sign Permit Application and submit to the Planning Department Temporary signs/banners require a Temporary Sign Permit Application. Submit to the Planning Department A separate permit is required for temporary signs or banners. These are typically used for “Grand Opening” or “Coming Soon” signs and can be displayed for a specified length of time. After the Sign Permit is approved by Planning, it will be submitted to Building Inspections Department for approval. * Requests for Commercial Utility Services Accounts established for commercial service will require a Federal Tax ID number and the signature of an authorized representative. Accounts established for non-incorporated business' will require the Social Security number and signature of the individual operating the business. Deposits for commercial accounts are based on two month's average bill for the location.
What should I do first? If you are moving into tenant space in an existing building, you will first be working with the Planning Department to obtain a Certificate of Zoning Compliance (CZC). A CZC ensures that all proposed businesses comply with the Town of Apex zoning standards and applicable ordinances, protecting the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Apex. We strongly recommend that you obtain CZC approval from the Town prior to signing any lease agreements.
A written business operations plan should be included with the CZC application. This should include items such as hours of operation, number of employees, type of business, primary use and accessory use, equipment, company vehicles, etc. Planning will review the CZC application and forward it to other Town departments for review as needed. In approximately five business days, Planning will respond to the applicant with any questions or clarifications needed and let the applicant know what other Town departments’ requirements are.
Are you doing any interior renovations? Interior renovations typically require a Building Permit. After you receive approval on your CZC, you may turn in your architectural building plans at the Building Inspections/ Permits Desk. Plan review takes approximately ten business days. Work cannot commence until your building plans are approved. After hours Express Review is available for an additional fee. Please see our website for a list of Frequently Asked Questions about building permits:
What about fees? Below is a list of some fees your project may be subject to: CZC Application Fee Building Permit Fees Water & Sewer Capacity Fees – Possible matching grant for CBD Sign Permit Fees Transportation Impact Fees For a complete list of fees, please visit our website:
How do I get a sign permit? After you submit your CZC Application, you may apply for your permanent and/or temporary signs in the Planning Department. All signs must comply with Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Section 8.7 Signs. The Sign section of the UDO was adopted by the Apex Town Council on May 4, 2004 and is enforced by the Town’s Zoning Compliance Officers.
Permanent signs go through a dual review process. The Planning Department reviews the application for compliance with the development’s Master Sign Plan (if applicable) and the UDO. The Building Inspections Department reviews the application for NC Building Code compliance and issues the installation permit after Planning approves your Sign Permit Application. Temporary signs such as banners that read “Coming Soon” or “Now Open” are allowed for a total of 60 days. Signs are not permitted in the rights-of-way or sight triangles at driveways and intersections.
Developing a site on vacant land? Developing on vacant land requires either a Major or Minor Site Plan Application, depending on the size of your building. If you are interested in developing a vacant site, please refer to the documents below and call the Planning Department to set up a meeting to discuss your project. Major and Minor Site Plan Process Major and Minor Site Plan Process Flow Chart
Starting a home-based business? You should first contact your Homeowners Association and review your covenants to see if a home-based business is allowed. Home-based businesses require a Home Occupation Permit through the Planning Department and a $25 fee. A home occupation shall be incidental and secondary to your residence and shall be no more than 25% of the total floor area, or 500 square feet, whichever is less. Please review Section of the Unified Development Ordinance for more information on home-based businesses.
Who do I call? Planning Department Rezonings, Site Plans, and Special Use Permits Dianne Khin Dianne Khin, (919) : Planning Director Brendie Vega Brendie Vega, (919) : Principal Planner Amanda Bunce Amanda Bunce, (919) : Planner Small Town Character Overlay District (for businesses located in downtown Apex) Mike Clark Mike Clark, (919) : Senior Planner Certificates of Zoning Compliance and Sign Permits Brenda Culbertson Brenda Culbertson, (919) : Planning Technician Chris Bronczyk Chris Bronczyk, (919) : Planning Technician Zoning Compliance Steve Yates Steve Yates, (919) : Zoning Compliance and Landscape Supervisor
Who do I call? Building Inspections Building Permits and Fees Anne Brock Anne Brock, (919) Senior Permit Specialist Building Plan Review Rudy Baker Rudy Baker, (919) Plans and Permits Supervisor Building Inspections Rudy Baker Rudy Baker, (919) Code Enforcement Supervisor Engineering Site Civil Construction Plans Jean Weatherman Jean Weatherman, (919) Development Projects Coordinator Finance Utility Accounts Main Number: (919) Fire Fire Final Inspections Karl Huegerich Karl Huegerich, (919) : Fire Marshal David Dillon David Dillon, (919) : Deputy Fire Marshal Public Works Backflow Preventers Steve Miller Steve Miller, (919) Engineering Projects Coordinator Lindley Paynter Lindley Paynter, (919) Senior Administrative Assistant
Town staff is committed to providing excellent customer service! Please feel free to call us with any questions you may have or to set up an appointment.