Discovering Your Church’s Story: A Bible Study Session 1.


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Discovering Your Church’s Story: A Bible Study
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Presentation transcript:

Discovering Your Church’s Story: A Bible Study Session 1


The Great Commission Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given complete authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20

Purpose of the Church …to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

The Mission Field Definition The mission field of a local faith community is its parish, whether defined geographically or by affinity group.

The community that surrounds our faith communities is being called “the mission field.” This Bible Study is intended to help local faith communities self-assess their mission-field effectiveness and assist in planning their next steps.

John 15: A vine bearing good fruitOn the Road to Emmaus: Sad and disheartened like Cleopas and companion as they walk from Jerusalem to Emmaus on Easter evening (Luke 24) Ezekiel 37: Valley of dry bones waiting for new life Fishing boat: Tossed on stormy seas (Luke 8:22-25, etc.) Corinth: A church in conflict (I Corinthians 4-5) Jonah: Avoiding God's call (Jonah 1) Timothy: Eager to engage in this new work, but wanting and needing guidance and instruction (2 Timothy 1) Isaiah 40: Waiting patiently on God The Disciples prior to Feeding the 5000: Sensing the need, but overwhelmed by the task (Matthew 14, etc.) Laodicea: A church with lukewarm faith (Revelation 3) Eli and his sons: Difficulty in passing mantle of leadership to the next generation (I Samuel 2) Other: ____________________

Discovering Your Church’s Story: A Bible Study Session 2

Engaging Your Mission Field If we were writing a 3 chapter book titled “Living as Christ Directed,” what should the titles of those 3 chapters be?

Engaging Your Mission Field Matthew 28:18-20 Matthew 28:18-20 Matthew 22:35-40 Matthew 25:14-30

Engaging Your Mission Field Matthew 9:27-34 Matthew 14:34-36 Mark 2:1-12 Mark 10:13-16 John 12:44-50

Engaging Your Mission Field Matthew 9:35-36 John 21:15-17

Engaging Your Mission Field Luke 10:25-37

Discovering Your Church’s Story: A Bible Study Session 3

The Mission Field Definition The mission field of a local faith community is its parish, whether defined geographically or by affinity group.

Engaging Your Mission Field 1.What do you consider to be your congregation’s mission field? 2.How many people live within your mission field? 3.What is their average age? 4.Income level? 5.Family situation (married, single, single parent household, etc.)? 6.What are the main subcultures?

Engaging Your Mission Field 8.On a scale of 1 to 4 please rate your congregation's connection to its mission field: We do our own thing We know we’re disconnected We’re making adjustments to accommodate and/or invite our mission field Our ministry reflects and is in touch with our mission field 1234

Discovering Your Church’s Story: A Bible Study Session 4

Conversion Version Paul (Acts 9) – dramatic, one-time event Lydia (Acts 16:11-15) believed in God for a time before knowing Christ Philippian jailer (Acts 16:25-34) a crisis conversion Timothy (Acts 16:1-3, 2 Timothy 1:4-7) grew up in the faith

Read Genesis 18:1-8 What did Abraham show hospitality for his guest? Who were his guests? What does this passage tell us about how we should welcome others?

Hospitality Hebrews 3:12 Matthew 25:34-30 Deuteronomy 10:19 Matthew 22:8-10 Romans 15:7

Connecting with Christ On a scale of 1 to 4 please rate your system for making disciples: We don’t intentionally make disciples We’re considering starting a disciple-making system We have parts of a system in place Disciple- making is what we do 1234

Discovering Your Church’s Story: A Bible Study Session 3

Developing Disciples What does being a disciple mean to you?

A Disciple is… One who responds to God’s invitation to follow Christ in community by doing and becoming like Jesus through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.

Supporting Disciples Believervs.Disciple

Matthew 4:18-22 and Mark 2: Immediately they left their nets and followed Jesus.

Supporting Disciples Matthew 5:1 and John 14:15-26

Supporting Disciples John Wesley and Early Methodist

Supporting Disciples Developing Disciples

On a scale of 1 to 4 please rate your small group and disciple support system: We have no plans for disciple support We’re considering a disciple support program We’re starting a disciple support program right now We have disciple support in place 1234 Developing Disciples

Discovering Your Church’s Story: A Bible Study Session 6

The Mission Field Definition The mission field of a local faith community is its parish, whether defined geographically or by affinity group.

A Disciple is… One who responds to God’s invitation to follow Christ in community by doing and becoming like Jesus through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.

 To change in composition or structure  To change in character or condition: convert  To change the outward form or appearance of Disciples Transform the World Transform

Acts 9:1-22, 17:1-9 Disciples Transform the World Disciples Transform the World

Disciples Transform the World

On a scale of 1 to 4 please rate your congregation's success at engaging people in direct ministries of transforming the world: We give money but aren’t directly involved in transformational missions We have a few who are directly involved in transformational missions Many are directly involved in transformational missions Most are directly involved in transformational missions 1234 Disciples Transform the World

Discovering Your Church’s Story: A Bible Study Overview

How would you rate your faith community overall in its involvement with its mission field? Overall Rating and Reflection Won’t leave the building At the doorstepOn the sidewalk Walking alongside the community in direct ministry to community need 1234

Overall Rating and Reflection Is your study group comfortable/satisfied with where your faith community is along this spectrum? Please explain. Is it your perception that the entire faith community would agree with your assessment? Is there a desire within your faith community to move to the next step? What do you think it will take to do this? List specific steps you could take.