By: ????
I was born in Rochester MN. I have lived In the Cities, Rochester, And I currently live in Spring Valley. I have gone to Kingsland Public School my whole life and I still go there. I have 2 siblings. And 1 nephew.!
I live with my sister, half brother, mom, dad, and nephew. My closest family is, My 5 year old cousin, my 3 year old cousin, my 5 month year old cousin, My Aunt & her Husband, My Grandma & her husband, and my 19 year old cousin.
My favorite colors Pink, and Blue. My favorite book is Twilight. My Favorite food is Cinnamon roles. My Favorite movie is Wreck it Ralph. I LOVE Justin Bieber. My Favorite band is Justin Bieber, & Tyga. They are my favorite(: My Favorite song is “Heres to Never Growing up” By: Avril Lavinge. My favorite things to do are : Tan, hang out with friends, HAVE FUN, get in trouble, go to Bonfires, and MORE! My favorite colors are Blue & Pink. My favorite pop is MTN DEW! I love texting!
I shop for a hobby(: My hobbies are: Tanning, Painting my nails, Painting art, texting, sleeping, shopping (all the time), Photography, going to bonfires, hanging out with friends, listening to music, and more!!
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