All opportunities are unpaid Katie Wood (Manager of Volunteer Resources) oversees all volunteer programs, but each service area has its own supervisor(s) All opportunities help RWPZ in a different capacity The service area model allows volunteers to get the most out of their volunteer experience by finding an area that interests them the most Approximately 230 active, year-round volunteers
Duties: Interact with young children and their families in Hasbro’s Our Big Backyard exhibit space Supervisor: Katie Frazier (Play Partner Program Specialist) Age Requirement: 16 and older Training: 8 hours Time Commitment: 80 hours per year Uniform: Yellow smocks PLAY PARTNERS
Duties: Help facilitate zoo events Supervisor: Nicole Potito (Special Events Coordinator) and PR Department Age Requirement: 18 and older Training: 1 hour Time Commitment: 40 hours per year Uniform: Forest green smocks PUBLIC RELATIONS EVENTS VOLUNTEERS
Duties: Educating visitors about the Zoo Supervisor: Leigh Picard (Interpretive Specialist) Age Requirement: 18 and older Training: 50 hours Time Commitment: 72 hours per year Uniform: Red or khaki shirts DOCENTS
Duties: Educate visitors alongside the Docents Supervisor: Leigh Picard (Interpretive Specialist) Age Requirement: (7 th to 12 th grade) Training: 6 hours Time Commitment: Eight 6.5 hour shifts per summer Uniform: Irish green t-shirts ZOO CREW JR. DOCENTS
Duties: Help run ZooCamp Supervisor: Laurelin Sitterly (ZooCamp Director) Age Requirement: (7 th to 12 th grade) Training: 44 hours Time Commitment: 5 weeks (200 hours) of ZooCamp per summer Uniform: Irish green t-shirts ZOO CREW CITs
Duties: Help keepers to care for animals Supervisor: Katie Wood and keepers Age Requirement: years old Other Requirements: Must have completed at least one year as a ZC CIT or ZC Jr. Docent Time Commitment: 3 out of 4 Sundays or Saturdays every month (year-round) Uniform: Irish green t-shirts ZOO CREW JUNIOR KEEPERS
All volunteers involved in the previously-mentioned service areas are included in appreciation events Manager of Volunteer Resources is responsible for volunteer appreciation
Appreciation BBQ – July or August – Family-friendly venue – Staff and volunteers allowed to bring one guest plus their children (age 19 and younger) Holiday Party – December – Dinner party – Staff and volunteers allowed to bring one guest – Executive Director gives a “thank you” speech Annual Employee and Volunteer Appreciation Parties
First night of Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular – Can bring up to 3 guests for free Would normally cost $56 for 4 tickets Movie Night – Zoo rents out theater – Can bring up to 3 guests for free Benefits of having employees and volunteers together – Combined budgets – We are all a part of the “Zoo Team” Annual Employee and Volunteer Appreciation Events
Awards Night – September – Hours Milestones (100, 250, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, etc.) Logo pins – Years Milestones (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30) Book (5, 10), certificate (15), or gift (20, 25, 30) – Gregg’s Cake! National Volunteer Week – April 10-16, 2016 – Gift + fun event 2014: Tote + Movie Night 2015: Notebook + Trivia Night Volunteer Appreciation Events
Free individual membership with ID badge ($49 value) Discount on some RWPZ programs/events (i.e. Zoobilee, ZooCamp, etc.) Free/discounted admission to other zoos, aquariums, and historical sites around New England year-round with ID badge – Free/discounted admission to even more places with Summer Fun Pass (Zoo purchases these for employees and volunteers) Eight complimentary tickets to RWPZ each year 20% off at RWPZ gift shops (30% holiday sale) 35% off at RWPZ food concessions (50% specials) Occasional free tickets to sporting events, golfing, movies, etc. Docent Emeritus (retired volunteers with at least 10 years of service) Volunteer Benefits
Monthly Volunteer Meetings – March-September – 6:00pm-8:00pm, varying days of the week – Guest speakers Bird Identification Tracks Identification Improv Workshop Play Theory Newsletters Service areas also have frequent continuing education Continuing Education