Welcome to the Advancement Session a breakout of the Unit Support Conference
Welcome and Overview 2
It is the goal of the Pathway to Adventure Council to build and serve the healthiest and strongest units in the communities we serve
"Scouting's Journey to Excellence" is designed to set goals that encourage and reward success and measure performance and continuous improvement in key objectives in our units, districts and our council. It provides a road map, with benchmarks, to deliver the promises of the Scouting program and to operate at the most optimal level.
5 Journey to Excellence: Advancement PACK BronzeSilverGold TROOP CREW
6 The Methods of Scouting Cub Scouting Boy Scouting and Varsity Scouting Venturing Living the idealsIdealsThe ideals Belonging to a denPatrol methodGroup activities Using advancementAdvancementRecognition (advancement) Involving family and homeAssociation with adultsAdult association Participating in activitiesOutdoorsHigh adventure and sports Wearing the uniformUniform Though not an expressed method, a uniform is available and often worn Serving home and neighborhoodPersonal growthService Leadership developmentLeadership and mentoring
7 Ranks of Advancement Bobcat Tiger Wolf Bear Webelos Arrow of Light
8 Ranks of Advancement Tenderfoot Second Class First Class Star Life Eagle
9 Advancement Awards
10 What Scouts need to Advance? Scout Handbook Other Literature Parents Guiding them along Trained Leaders Planned Program Events UNIT ADVANCEMENT CHAIR
11 The Unit Advancement Administrator/Chair Is Responsible for ensuring ALL Advancement is Reported to the Boy Scouts of America “Internet Advancement Reporting,” PACK: Den advancement reports, compiles and maintains them in pack records, reports advancement to the council and purchases recognition. TROOP: Verifies all requirements have been completed, compiles and maintains them in Troop records, reports advancement to council and purchases recognition. CREW: Verifies all requirements have been completed, compiles and maintains them in Crew records, reports advancement to council and purchases recognition.
Tools and resources 12
Advancement Report 13 pdf
14 Advancement Resources Guide to Advancement 2015 Scout Handbook for Rank ement/InternetAdvancement.aspxhttp:// ement/InternetAdvancement.aspx Other extremely helpful resources can be found here: ancementandAwards/resources.aspx ancementandAwards/resources.aspx ds.aspx
15 Q: If a boy completes the Wolf badge early, may he begin working on the Bear badge? A: No. In the Cub Scout program, all boys in a den work toward a badge that is geared to their level of development.
16 Q: What supplies and equipment are needed for Boy Scouts? A: The single most important piece of equipment you will need is the Boy Scout Handbook.
17 Q: Is there a workbook similar to the Eagle Scout Project Workbook for the Summit Award Service Project? A: A Summit Award workbook will be released soon to help Venturers organize and document their Summit Award Service project.
Thank you for attending the Advancement Session a breakout of the Unit Support Conference