Program Evaluation Key Informant Interview Themes Jack Thompson, Director Northwest Center for Public Health Practice University of Washington School of Public Health and Community Medicine
Objectives Background of our NWCPHP work Overview of project and program evaluation Share process of key informant interviews Discussion with you about initial themes found
About the NWCPHP Mission To improve the quality and effectiveness of public health practice, by strengthening the link between academia and the practice community NW Regional Public Health Workforce Development Network
NWCPHP Work with Partners Determine strategies for professional development Produce educational training activities Develop project, program evaluation and training needs assessments Conduct public health system research
Evaluation Overview Program Evaluation Evaluation of Healthcare Coalition program as a whole and it’s impact on increasing health systems preparedness in King County Logic model Key informant interviews Review of existing Coalition products, meeting minutes Exercise and training evaluation
Key Informant Interviews Interview protocol and questions developed NWCPHP University of Washington Institutional Review Board approved 32 key informants interviews, February-April, 2008 State, County and elected government leadership N=8 Healthcare Coalition leadership N=8 Coalition members – operational representatives N=6 Healthcare Coalition and public health staff N=10
Building the Infrastructure Government leadership described the Coalition’s role as “critical”, “very important”, a “linchpin” in emergency preparedness among healthcare agencies and providers.
Strengthening Organizational Capacity Building relationships, particularly in pre-event planning for catastrophic events, between medical and non-medical agencies has been a positive outcome.
Systems Development The value added to organizations has been the Coalition’s convening role and the clarification of roles and responsibilities in a “system” of emergency response.
Exercises and Technical Support Regional Medical Resource Center (RMRC), KCHealthTrac, drills and training were consistently mentioned across all four groups as the most important contributions to date.
Convincing Evidence Among the most convincing evidence to date of Coalition effectiveness mentioned by respondents was the response to the 2006 windstorm where an alternate care facility was quickly put into place.
Suggestions for Improving Strengthening strategic planning and coordination among local, state, regional, and national levels Strengthen interface with clinical and business communities
Coalition Sustainability Across the four groups, respondents described the need for ongoing sustainable funding with less reliance on federal grants.
NWCPHP Interview Team Jack Thompson Andy Stergachis Bud Nicola Carl Osaki Luann D’Ambrosio
Next Steps Acknowledgments Healthcare Coalition staff for their assistance coordination and outreach Respondent’s time and participation Next Steps Complete final analysis An executive summary available summer 2008 Write-up results for professional publication Healthcare workers survey launched Thank you!