“ONCE Foundation employment strategy: the VALUE of disABILITY and TALENT” Human rights of Persons with Disabilities in the Balkans and Turkey” The UN CRPD and the situation in employment for persons with disabilities Istambul
Employment for PwD CONTENTS Disability and employment in Spain; some statistics Spanish legal famework and opportunity employment map for persons with disabilities ONCE Foundation employment strategy CSR- D as a reputation and profitability strategy for companies: Bequal certificate
Employment for PwD Disability and employment in Spain; some statistics
Employment for PwD 9% population 3,85 millon 1 in 5 homes 59,8% women
Employment for PwD It is very remarkable the lower employment rate: only 26,7%, are employed that is less than a half the same rate in non disable population (59,8%)
Employment for PwD Some more information… Activity rate decreases strongly with age: is 29% in pwd at range in comparison with the 71% in non disable population Higher activity rate at hearing disabilities: 54% Activity rate increases substantialy with study level; 57% in pwd with university degree. Studies have a major impact at employment rate: 49% of pwd with higher education are employed while only 13% in case of pwd without studies or only primary.
Employment for PwD Very remarkable is that unemployment rate is 12% in pwd with higher education while this rate at non disable population is 20%. Only 11% of pwd employed are self-employed (16% at non disable) 83% of pwd employed are at service sector companies (74% in non disable) Average annual gross salary is a 10% less than in non disable employees Some more information…
Employment for PwD Spanish legal famework and opportunity employment map for persons with disabilities
Employment for PwD CUOTA system: Alternative measures: Company has to show impossibility to hire PwD public employment services authorises «exceptionallity». Purchases to sheltered empleoyment centers (+70% staff are pwd) Purchases to self-employed pwd Donations to NGOs that develop employment and training programs towards labour inclusion of pwd. Mainstream employment + 50 employees at least 2% PwD
Employment for PwD Opportunities employment map Mainstream Sheltered employnment centers Occupational workshop (social services) – vocational training Sheltered employment Public (cuota 5%) Private companies Self- employment Supported employment
Employment for PwD ONCE Foundation employment strategy
Employment for PwD 75 / 25 ANNIVERSARY solidarity & cooperation tool Board: ONCE + Public Administration + NGOs representing PwD and families Member of CERMI and other Spanish and European organisations and networks Budget 80 milion €; 72% from ONCE, 20% European Social Fund. 2 priorities: Employment / Vocational training (70%) Universal accessibility, Design for all and Independent Living (30%) Grantmaking foundation application for funding +90% coming from disability NGO entities We like to define ourselves as Persons with Disabilities working to improve quality of life for Persons with Disabilities ONCE Foundation in en brief
Employment for PwD ONCE Foundation employment lines of action Mainstream employment through mediation in the labour market + Voccational training + INSERTA Programme to outstanding companies ESF finance Employers FUNDOSA Group Grants to other NGOs of pwd promoting VT and employment and occupational workshops Support to self-employment initiatives and promoting enterpreneurship (training + consultancy support + grants to initiate business initiative
Employment for PwD Mainstream employment: Mediation labour market users. Sheltered employment Owned group of companies
Employment for PwD Results 2012 Vocational training labour contracts Occup. workshop last years results
Employment for PwD
Employment for PwD R+D Projects Microlabora
Employment for PwD R+D Projects EcaTIC
Employment for PwD CSR- D as a reputation and profitability strategy for companies
Employment for PwD Value propositon for companies Responsibility opportunity to include in the business pwd as employees, customers and suppliers Reputation recognition & improvement of the public image Profitability improvement of economic results Allows continuous improvement External check of compliance with pwd employment legislation in Spain Basis to report on international standards like GRI
Employment for PwD CONTENSCATHEGORIES Nº VERIFICATION SOURCES - % OVERALL SCORE Governance 1) Strategy and leadership9 -10% Equal Opportunities and non discrimination 2) HR Management 3) Accessibility 4) Customers 5) External communication 18 – 33% 17 – 22% 6 – 6% 7 -12% Positive action 6) Responsible purchasing 7) Social action 4 – 4% 5 – 8% Free criteria Proposed by audited companies 5% Total:66 – 100%
Employment for PwD Certificate awarded by the Bequal Foundation Bequal Foundation also develops the standard, provides training and authorises external auditors Audit process conducted by an external audit firm report on findings addressed to the certification committee of the Bequal Foundation Prices vary depending on nº employees, turnover and nº of facilities to be audited (accessibility)
Employment for PwD
All togheter in short words… EMPATHY!! CAPABLE VIDEO
Employment for PwD MANY THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION !! Sabina Lobato