SMA Solar Technology AG How PV Inverters Support Electrical Grid Stability Integration of solar power into the electrical grid
Overview Renewable Energy (RE) and photovoltaic (PV) power in Germany Present & future plans Tools for grid management Generation control Frequency control Voltage control Dynamic grid support (“fault ride through“) 2
3 Renewable Energy capacities in Germany Origin: Branchenprognosse Stromversorgung 2020, Bundesverband Erneuerbare Energien e.V. Berlin Jan Renewable Energies will replace a significant part of conventional power plants Electricity mix in 2020 in Germany: Renewables will cover 47% of the supply
4 Renewable Energy Targets in EU Origin: Eurean Photovoltaic Association, Paris
5 Ambiguous goal of EPIA: 12% photovoltaic in Europe by 2020 European PV industry (EPIA) has set their goal at 12% of all electric energy consumption in Europe in Origin: 1 EPIA (European Photovoltaic Industry Association) Press Release, Valencia, 4 September 2008 Approx GWp PV-power must be installed in Germany (> 350 GWp in Europe) by 2020! This is approximately equivalent all currently existing conventional power plants in the UCTE region
6 How much PV-power supports the German grid? PV power is peak load power!
7 More than 50 GWp of PV-power can be connected without problems local generation: no new transmission lines neccessary no additional storage neccessary! PV must be integrated into grid management SMA inverters meet all requirements for static and dynamic grid support Large scale grid integration of PV can be done! Consequences for grid integration of PV
Tools for grid management Generation control Frequency control Voltage control Dynamic grid support (fault ride through) 8
9 Tools for grid management: Generation control Manage temporary generation/load imbalance conditions in local grid sector Limit power generation via remote control and SMA Power Reducer Box to e.g. 100%, 60%, 30% or 0% of maximum power Already put into practice by DSOs in Vattenfall control zone (small picture, green area) Available for all SMA inverters of SC, SMC and STP series.
10 Tools for grid management: Frequency control Momentary reduction of generated power depending on frequency in case of emergency in case of generation/load imbalance to avoid instability Available for all SMA inverters of SC, SMC and STP series. Quelle: Erzeugungsanlagen am Mittelspannungsnetz. BDEW, Entwurf Dezember ,0550,251,2 f in Hz P PMPM 50,9 Frequency raises up to 50.9 Hz Power is reduced to 28% of P M Power stays constant until frequency is below Hz Back to MPP
11 Tools for grid management: Voltage control Feed-in of active power has influence on voltage (voltage rise) Voltage rise can be compensated via feed-in of reactive power Available reactive power modes: cos Phi = const. Q = const. cos Phi (P) Q(V) Available with SMA inverters of SC xxxHE-11, SC xxxCP, STP and SMC 1 series Influence on dimensioning of inverters! _______________ 1 cos Phi = const. only
12 Tools for grid management: Dynamic grid support (fault ride through) source: German technical guideline for generating plants connected to the medium voltage grid. BDEW, June 2008 Generating facility must not disconnect during voltage fault! Required behavior: above „Grenzlinie 1“ stable operation between „Grenzlinie 1“ and „Grenzlinie 2“ may disconnect in accordance with grid operator below „Grenzlinie 2“ and below 30% V nom may disconnect
13 Tools for grid management: Full dynamic grid support source: German TransmissionCode 2007 Provide reactive current during voltage fault Limits the influence of voltage faults (dips) in transmission lines on the grid Prevention of simultaneous disconnection of large generating facilities blackouts! Available with SMA inverters of SC xxxHE-11 1, SC xxxCP, STP and SMC 1 series No influence on dimensioning of inverters _______________ 1 limited dynamic grid support only (no reactive current during fault)
14 Summary: The role of photovoltaic energy in power generation > PV and SMA inverters provide ideal conditions for grid integration > local generation, close to consumer > provides peak load power > In Germany integration of more than 50 GWp is possible! > Grid stabilization has to go hand in hand with the expansion of photovoltaic power plants > Requirements must be adjusted to plant size and voltage level ! > The integration of renewable energy sources into grid management allows for the unlimited access of RE to the grid!
15 Contact: Hakki Karacaoglan SMA Solar Technology AG Sonnenallee Niestetal Phone Fax