PROCUREMENT OF GOODS AND SERVICES USING AGRESSO Niall Dixon, IT Training Manager Information Services
Welcome! Introductions Fire Exits Full day session 10am-5pm Break am Lunch 1pm to 2pm Afternoon break 3:15pm – 3:30pm
Objectives At the end of this course you will be able to: Explain the Agresso coding structure Logon to Agresso Requisitioning and navigate through the menus and functions Follow the requisition to order process (including workflow) Perform the associated tasks for a requisitioner
Topics Requisitioning – from requisition to purchase (PO)/ service order (SO) Accounts Coding The “Left to Spend” The product catalogue Before Requisitioning Tendering and Established Contracts What is a quote Requisitions– Advanced What is “eWorkflow”? Requisition Workflow and Requisition Workflow Function Approval Agresso 56 System Demo Left to Spend and commitment types Demo requisition in Workflow “Web - Requisition - PO Status Supp ID Name” Tasks Tax Clearance Parking Closing a Requisition Entering requisitions
Account Coding “Sub Account” College Budget Budget Account Nominal Account Product Nominal Account Product Budget Account Nominal Account Product Nominal Account Product BD21 Discretionary BD25 IT BD99 General 5711 IT Training 5411 Subsistence 5412 Air Travel 3011 Class Materials 4802 Furniture 4085 Computers AD0002MUSICAL SCORES AAAUDIO/VIDEO EQUIPMENT LLAELEMENTAL ANALYSIS QCCOURIER SERVICES PAPRINTING
Left to spend Enter Subaccount Run using search
Product Catalogue
Product Catalogue Did you know when you choose a product code you determine…. The rate of VAT that is paid. If function approval is required e.g (IT Spend) How the expenditure is categorised to funders, Department Tax deductions to Revenue. Products linked to 6000 range Professional Services withholding tax Whether or not your purchase request is processed efficiently and on time
Requisitioning - Tendering and Established Contracts Established contracts. Need Advice? please call. Procurement Thresholds, Net of VAT. Quotes: 0-5K 1 quote (duration of contract) 5K-25K 3 quotes, determine criteria or it’s all down to cost. Deadline, expected date of award. Fairness & Equality. (duration of contract) 25K + contact procurement (duration of contract)
Requisitioning What is a quote? Dated, with a validity period Indicates rate of VAT, exclusive/ inclusive and rate Not a web site screen shot Includes PO delivery costs
What is Workflow? Requisitions Approval process within Agresso 56, immediately moves to the next step of approval/rejection. Items appears in users task list Replaces the need for signatures (paperless) Workflow map and documents online for audit.
What is Workflow? Function Approval Certain categories of spend will automatically direct purchases for function approval Function approval occurs before budget holder approval IT / PR Check
PO Process Overview Invoice payment OFFICIAL PURCHASE ORDER to designated supplier address Local Accounts “Checker” (VAT rates tax quotes, contract) Approver Budget holder Requisitioner DIT Goods inwards input scan docket
Left to spend
Commitment Types Requisition – Soft Commitment Purchase order not GRN’d – Hard Commitment Deducted from budget as soon as requisition created
Requisition in Workflow Web - Requisition - PO Status Supp ID Name
Requisition in Workflow
Example of Workflow in a completed requisition
Task List - Amend Requisition Missing quotation Missing text on the product Missing Address Rejected in Workflow Approval Contract Product with wrong supplier (close)
Tasks List - Missing GRN
Tax Clearance Will not appear in tasks
Tax Clearance to get tax cert, and unpark
Parking/Closing Requisition Instruction Manuals at the following links resso56/stepstoclosearequisition.docx resso56/stepstoclosearequisition.docx resso56/TaxClearance.docx resso56/TaxClearance.docx
Useful Links Product catalogue Central Contracts List Thresholds EU Revenue VAT Rates Office of Government Procurement Guide at the end of the page on PSWT