Warm-up Which two systems work together when platelets stick together in order to heal small tears in the skin? Body system cooperation is the way in which the systems work together in order to maintain a state of what?
Skin is your first line of defense. (Immune working with Integumentary) Body secretions (mucus, oil, sweat, tears, and saliva) provide protection from pathogens. ● Tears and Saliva contain lysozyme- an enzyme that can actually kill bacteria. (Immune working with Respiratory and Digestive) Immune System
If a pathogen gets past your skin, the next step is inflammation of the tissues. ◦Redness, Swelling, Pain, and FEVER are all part of the immune response to rid your body of harmful agents. ◦White blood cells rush to the scene of the accident to prevent the spread of the pathogen.
Immune System The organs, glands, and cells of the immune system provide protection. They store and release the white blood cells.
Types of White Blood Cells Phagocytes (Fay-go-sites): white blood cells that surround, destroy, and digest invading organisms. Lymphocytes (lim-fo-sites): are white blood cells that allow the body to remember and recognize previous invaders.
Lymphocytes B cells – seek out pathogens and send antibodies (markers) to lock onto them T cells – T cells are like the soldiers, destroying the marked invaders.
Glands and Organs Lymph nodes: small masses of tissue that store white blood cells and filter pathogens from the body. Where are they found in your body??? Lymph nodes swell when you have a viral or bacterial infection
Glands and Organs The spleen stores white blood cells, and helps clean the blood (filtering out pathogens and dead red blood cells). stomach
Glands and Organs The Thymus gland stores white blood cells and releases a hormone that stimulates the production of white blood cells in the bone marrow and spleen. (Immune working with Endocrine)
Where are white blood cells made?
Immune system and allergies Things you are allergic to (dust, pollen, insect saliva, certain foods) cause your body to release histamine- chemicals that cause an OVER-REACTION of your immune system Histamine is responsible for the symptoms you feel: inflammation, runny nose, constricted smooth muscle (asthma), itching. Histamine binds (like a puzzle piece) to cells and cause an increased rush of fluid/blood to the area. histamine
Immune system and allergies Anti-histamines are medicines you take to help with your allergies. They block the cell’s histamine receptors so that they cannot connect to the cells and cause runny nose and inflammation. Anti-histamine Nose cell
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