Structures Clauses with: as soon as not until Determiners: with and without of (the)
Clauses with as soon as and not until First we saw him. Then we called the police As soon as we saw him, we called the police I won’t feel safe before I’m at home. I will not safe until I’m at home as soon as means “at the moment when” It is used to indicate that an action is performed right away or immediately after another action has been completed not until means “not before”. It is used with a negative in the main clause
1. When you finish your homework, I’ll give you a music lesson. 2. When you get in the car, fasten the seat belt immediately. 3. Right after you’ve finished your driving course, you can take the driving test. 4. I did not hit the truck, because when I saw it I stopped my car immediately. Make sentences with as soon as
1. First you must put sodium hydroxide pellets into the beaker. You should not pour the water before then. 2. Defrost the meat. You can’t cook it before then. 3. Clean up the bench. You should not start your burning experiment before then. 4. The electrons must fill up the s orbital first. It could not go to the p orbital before then. Make sentences with not until
Determiners with and without of (the) Generally if a quantity is indefinite or unspecified, of (the) is not used: all students, some students, several students Of (the) makes the determiner definite. all of the students in my class some of the students taking the test several of the students who failed English With the quantifiers both, all, and half, of is optional all of the people all the people With the quantifier every, one must always be used before of (the) every student every one of the students
Exercises : Fill in the blanks with of and of the as necessary Announcer: I hope you enjoyed tonight’s drama. Next week we will meet a brave young man who learns that he is afraid of being alone. Several __ his friends take him fishing at a lake far from the city. At the lake many __ strange things begin to happen. One __ young man’s friends disappears, for example. And a few __ nights later, two more __ them are gone. Well, I don’t want to tell you all __ the story. Let me just say that we can hide some __ our fears some __ time, but we can’t hide all __ our fears all __ time. The brave young man in the story is not very brave at all. If any __ you like mystery, watch “Mystery Theater” next week. Good evening
What is an idiom? words, phrases, or expressions that are not interpreted logically or literally unusual expressions that are either grammatically incorrect or have a meaning that cannot be comprehended through contextual clues
It’s Raining Cats and Dogs!!!! It’s raining cats and dogs means: a.Cats and dogs are falling from the sky. b.It’s raining very hard. c.It’s not raining much at all. d. The weather is horrible. a. c. d. b. HINT: I can’t go outside because it’s raining cats and dogs and I would get soaked!
Skeletons in Your Closet Skeletons in your closet means: a.Your closet is full of skeletons. b.You are hiding something in your closet. c.You have secrets or something that you don’t want anyone to know. d.You are not afraid of anything. a. b. c. d. Hint: Why shouldn’t you be able to answer all of my questions? Don’t tell me you have skeletons in your closet!
Shake a leg means: a.A dance move used in the Shag. b.Shake your leg to get a bug off of it. c.Hurry up! d.You are doing the Hokey Pokey. Hint: We’re going to be late for the plane if you don’t shake a leg! a.a. b. d.d. c.c.
To break the iceTo be the first to say or do something hoping that others will join you To have a chip on your shoulder Describes a person who is angry and defensive or who is always ready to argue or fight Hold your horsesBe patient; wait a minute Over the hillOld or too old to do something On cloud nineVery happy or excited Pulling your legTeasing you Common Idioms and their meanings:
has fun idiom games. has an a to z list of idioms with categories and quizzes. is a site about a software program you can buy about idioms. is another idioms review site. has practice quizzes. tells where specific idioms originated.
Exercise: Use the words in the box under the questions to complete the sentences (may be used more than once) 1. Several students wrote to the teacher to complain __ the exam score. 2. If we had to pay __ Uni bike, I would not ride it. 3. It is difficult to get __ without a phone gadget. 4. Atkin’s Inorganic Chemistry book is famous __ its well-written frontier subject on chemistry. 5. I am in favor __ more educational programs on TV. abouton of for along
Word game words that begin with: in-
Read the clues and try to complete the words begin with: in- 1. cheap 2. not guilty 3. not boring 4. a teacher 5. among nations 6. to ask someone to come 7. to plan to do something 8. a person 9. you use one to do chemical analysis 10. wrong in _________
Proverb Part of a common English proverb has been written below in a number code. What two letters should be used in the proverb instead of 3 and 4? 1 = t 2 = h 3 = ? 4 = ? 423r3 123r3’s a 4i ll, 123r3’s a 4ay
FUNNY ENGLISH NOTICES AROUND THE WORLD! Here are some signs and notices written in English that were discovered throughout the world. Don’t be shy, we all make mistakes! In a Tokyo Hotel: Is forbidden to steal hotel towels please. If you are not a person to do such thing is please not to read notis. In a Bucharest hotel lobby: The lift is being fixed for the next day. During that time we regret that you will be unbearable. In a Leipzig elevator: Do not enter the lift backwards, and only when lit up. Entertainment
In the office of a Roman doctor: Specialist in women and other diseases. In a Tokyo shop: Our nylons cost more than common, but you'll find they are best in the long run. From a brochure of a car rental firm in Tokyo: When passenger of foot heave in sight, tootle the horn. Trumpet him melodiously at first, but if he still obstacles your passage then tootle him with vigor. CNRS-INSU excursion guide, December 1996: Two nights in hotels are reserved with two persons per room. Mating will be done on site.
I’m at the end of my rope! I am so-o-o frustrated!
Go fly a kite! Go away!