The Wing and I Hassle-free Dissection
Safety Instructions Chicken may be contaminated with Salmonella! You must wear gloves and goggles at all times. Keep gloved hands away from your mouth and face! Do not touch other surfaces after handling the chicken. All waste must be placed in a plastic bag! Be careful with surgical instruments! Surgical instruments must be washed with soap and water, and placed in the beaker by the sink. Your work surface must be wiped down with soap and water. When all of this is finished, remove your gloves and wash your hands and wrists with soap and water.
Materials Goggles – put them on! Gloves – put them on! 2 paper plates – keep together Dissecting kit Zippered bag for tissue disposal Your instructor will bring you a chicken wing.
Procedure Carefully extend the wing and identify the sections and joints. Remove as much skin from the thickest parts of the wing as possible. Try not to damage the muscles underneath.
Procedure part 2 Identify skin, bone, muscle, tendon, ligament, cartilage and fat. Hold the wing down at each joint and alternately pull on each muscle group. Identify the flexors and extensors. What happens to wing movement when you cut a muscle?
Tendons and Ligaments
Clean Up!!! Place all chicken parts in small bag. Place all materials in garbage bag. Use soap and water for all clean-up. Clean dissection tools Place in beaker next to sink. Wipe down your tray and bench. Wash your hands thoroughly.
Human Equivalents?
Sample Questions What tissue is referred to when one speaks of the “meat” of a chicken? What is the function of a ligament? What is the function of a tendon? Name the two main types of movement that occur when a wing is raised and lowered in flight. What bone in the wing is connected to the chicken’s body at the shoulder? Name the two bones found in the forearm of the wing. What types of joint move the wing? What type of muscle did you observe?