17, ,000 students - 3, ,800 foreign students nationalities 3, ,200 graduates a year Academic relationships with over 600 university institutions 461 worldwide (461 in Europe) - Relationships with developing countries -Higher and University Education Centre of Excellence in the Meuse area
PUBLIC AND PLURALIST: PUBLIC AND PLURALIST: a fully fledged player in the region’s educational, social, economic and cultural life OPEN TO ALL: OPEN TO ALL: at the service of society and the people who form it INTERNATIONAL: INTERNATIONAL: recognized for its skills and abilities, it has established numerous important academic partnerships throughout the world
Just 60 minutes away from Brussels, the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg and France, 30 minutes away from Germany and the Netherlands, the University of Liège is at the heart of Europe, at the centre of the Meuse-Rhine Euro-region, and at the heart of the Greater Region of Saarland-Lorraine-Luxemburg- Rhineland-Palatinate-Wallonia
The majority of University of Liège activities take place on the Sart-Tilman campus, situated 12km to the south of the city centre
Effective links with the town centre, which retains many other university sites, were anticipated from the very beginning of the project Sart-Tilman’s architectural and urban designs aim at perfect harmony with the area’s natural features, in preserving the wooded areas to the maximum A hundred artworks are integrated within the site, making it an open air museum
Many green spaces are open to the public An impressive buzz of laboratories, researchers, students and professors is found at Sart-Tilman
17, ,000 students 3, ,800 foreign students (2,100 from the European Union) 80 - Students originating from 80 5 countries and 5 continents 3, ,200 graduates a year 60,000 - Over 60,000 graduates
-8 -8 Faculties Philosophy and Humanities Law Sciences Medicine Applied Sciences Veterinary Medecine Psychology and Educational Sciences HEC – The University of Liège Management School -Social Sciences Institute - School of Criminology
One of the most major libraries in Belgium and Europe 3 millions 3 millions of books available for consultation 6,500 6,500 manuscripts early printed books Resource Centres connected to information networks and online data bases Resources available to students: Computerized catalogue consultation Access to dozens of international bibliographical databases 5,000 Electronic access to 5,000 journals
25 % 25 % of research financing has an international character research contracts research units 1,000 1,000 research projects subsidized by public authorities or by private companies 78 Active research partnerships in 78 countries
The average yearly budget: 269 millions50 % 269 millions Euros which 50 % are allocated to research
3,4002,200 3,400 employees, of which 2,200 are teachers and researchers 3,000 3,000 employed at the University Hospital Centre (CHU) 1,500 Around 1,500 jobs at the Liège Science Park (60 businesses) jobs in spin-offs resulting from scientific research
Ranked second amongst Belgian universities in terms of the number of high-tech companies created on the basis of university know-how Second ranked Belgian French speaking university in terms of spin-off capitalisation 80 spin-offs 65 are still active Since 1980, more than 80 spin-offs have been created, of which 65 are still active 100 millions Euros 900 highly qualified employees They represent a total turnover of more than 100 millions Euros and more than 900 highly qualified employees
Working contacts with 600 Belgian and foreign businesses 45 millions Euros ULg-Business relationships generate an annual turnover of over 45 millions Euros. A growth of 50 % over the last three years (45 % related to export)
-Developing links between the ULg and businesses -Getting the most out of university research through close contacts with industry -Participating in development and boosting the Liège region
For nearly ten years the University of Liège has contributed, on the basis of its skills centres, to local development integrated through technology clusters or centres. These link up economic actors, notably in industry, in the sectors normally associated with high technology Aquapôle Pôle Transport BioLiègeWallonie – Espace GIGANutrition Liège-Espace
The Business-University Interface (a central operator in getting the maximum out of research and relationships with businesses) Centre PatLib (metropolitan information centre: intellectual property, taking out patents) Gesval (affiliated to the ULg with the goal of economically maximizing university know-how)
Spinventure (pump priming funds to create spin offs and technological start-up companies; it also provides virtual ‘incubation’ and follow-up support to new businesses and looks for investors). This company is owned in equal measure by Gesval and Meusinvest WSL (‘incubates’ new high tech companies springing from engineering sciences)
Property rights to research carried out at the University belong to it and not to the people who contributed to it, nor to the public authorities which subsidised the research. The various actors, including individuals, benefit from a fair return for their research activities. The idea for a company OBJECTIVE : Maximising Research Results The procedure for creating a spin off
4 PILLARS Interface Small and Medium Company Research Centre Gesval Spinventure Research / Business cross fertilisation Research Training and Follow- up support Maximising patent value, managing royalties Managing contributions, capital supply
Situated a few minutes away from motorways and trains bound for Brussels, Paris, Amsterdam, Cologne, Luxemburg and London Close to the centre of Liège and the Liège Airport 100 business companies and 1,800 jobs
Yasser ARAFAT Amnesty International King Baudouin King Albert II His Highness Chulabhorn of Thaïland Winston CHURCHILL Emil CONSTANTINESCU Charles de GAULLE Louis PASTEUR Queen Elisabeth Helmut KOHL Shimon PERES Médecins Sans Frontières World Wildlife Fund Salman RUSHDIE Franklin D. ROOSEVELT Ilya PRIGOGINE Gaston THORN Shirin EBADI Ingrid BETANCOURT Ahmed H. ZEWAIL Jean-Claude TRICHET Marie-Josée SIMOEN Carla DEL PONTE Hubert NYSSEN Arsène BURNY More than 350 worldwide
Total : students
Two major characteristics -Pluralism: every network is involved -Geographical coherence
Higher Education Architecture Institutes Inter-municipal Higher Education Architecture Institute, Liège Lambert Lombard site Saint-Luc of Wallonie Higher Education Architecture Institute, Liège site Higher Education Art Institutes The Liège Royal Academy of Fine Arts The Saint-Luc Fine Arts Higher Education Institute The Liège Conservatory Social Promotion Higher Education The Saint-Laurent Social Promotion Higher Education Institute Saint-Luc Social Promotion courses The Social Promotion Centre for Educationalists Social Promotion teaching organised by the Province of Liège Social Promotion teaching organised by the Province of Namur Social Promotion teaching organised by the City of Liège Social Promotion teaching – The Namur Higher Education Business School University Institutions: The University of Liège The Gembloux university faculty of agronomical sciences The Luxemburg University Foundation High Schools Charlemagne High School The French speaking community of Luxemburg 'Schuman' High School The French speaking community of Namur 'Albert Jacquard’ High School The City of Liège High School The Province of Liège ‘André Vésale' High School The Province of Liège ‘Léon-Eli Troclet’ High School The Province of Liège ‘Rennequin Sualem' High School The Province of Namur High School The HEMES Meuse area Higher Education High School ISELL High School The Liège Commercial Studies High School
Document realised by the Department of the foreign Relations tel: + 32 (0) fax: + 32 (0) A member of the Wallonia-Europe Academy