They don’t hang cowboys at Yankee Stadium and other things I hope for as a educator. Rhonda Boales May 28, 2014
Hope bHKQ bHKQ
Born of hope M8acM M8acM
What is hope? Hope is that something inside me that allows me to face each and everyday and make it through it. Maybe with or without a smile but I make it. Hope is the promise that it will be better tomorrow. Hope is knowing that others are searching for the same thing I am but I am going to find it first.
Where does your hope come from?
Let’s get some prospective Dr. Lopez developed an unscientific quiz called the Head, Heart, Holy test. He asked people to raise their hand to identify where they felt that they found hope. He learned that “people don’t hesitate—they each have a working theory of hope based on their experiences. And second, they inevitably look around for the people who share their brand of hope.”
Head, Heart, Heart Holy Test “The “Heart” almost always gets the most votes. Most people see hope primarily as an uplifting feeling that makes brief visits to our lives. But many others consider it a gift of the mind (Head) that builds on information while putting emotions on the back burner. And “holy” evokes a range of responses.” from churchgoers who immediately point straight up, to those who wave their hands around a bit and speak of a higher power, of faith, of the sacred, of nature, of whatever most gives meaning and purpose to their lives.”faithnature
Everyone has hope in some form that is important to them. I want to share with you what I think that people hope for. I hope that I always have a sense of time and that I never loose my day planner.
hopehopehopehopehope I hope that I always have hope for humanity in whatever form.
I hope that I am always able to express myself clearly,
I hope that I can be supportive of my husband for any reason.
I hope that I can be understanding of others.
I hope that I can control my anger.
I hope I can have high expectations for my students.
I hope I am strong enough to make my own decisions.
I hope I always remember the code of a dog.
I hope I can always control my speed no matter what!
I hope I remember why I like dogs so much.
I hope that I can always take time to relax.
I hope I can keep up with new ideas. Teachers smile
I hope I can always control my jealousy.
hopehopehopehope I hope I can always find something to laugh at.
I hope I can keep up with technology. Just where is the “any” key?
I hope I always see myself in a better light. I really am a wild thing at heart.
I hope I always have good insurance. Always check the small print.
I hope I can always keep the faith and never teach higher math.
I hope retirement gets here really soon. No more alarm clocks!!!!
I hope I never forget how to spell. (LOL stands for loosing our language)
I hope I never have to deal with the dreaded C word (common core)
I hope I remember my diversification training Why T-Rex does so poorly in school.
I hope I someday get the nerve to ride one of these. As Fonzie says “Heyyyyyyy”
I hope I can always find beauty in a sunrise or sunset.
I hope I can remember to be humble. Because Jake will put me in my place.
I hope I always remember who my best friends are. What a crew
HOPE RfVv4 RfVv4
The end