History of Universal Exposition The origin of Universal Exposition was Periodical market for European traders in the Middle Ages. Only involved with economic and trade. In 19 th century, the scale of market gradually expanded. More and more types of trading commodities and businessman appeared. In 1820, this kind of large market was called “Expositions.”
History of Universal Exposition The first U.S. commemorative coin is also the World Exposition currency. The World Exposition currency was made in The coin head is Columbus avatar, and the reverse of the coin is a yacht design.
History of Universal Exposition The Universal Exposition and Olympics have been had a tight relationship. Both were held just in the same year and the same place. Ex: The Universal Exposition in Athens and the first Olympics in 1896, the Universal Exposition in Paris and the second Olympics in 1900.
A commemoration medal of the Universal Exposition in Paris was made in To honor people who participated the Universal Exposition and Olympics. So, every participant earned the medal at that time, and showed that both rally were unity.
History of Universal Exposition The first Universal Exposition was held in London, England in Oil painting of the first Universal Exposition in 1851.
History of Universal Exposition England was the most powerful country. Founder of the first Universal Exposition: Prince Albert.(Queen Victoria’s husband) The first Universal Exposition is also called “Great Exhibition.” About 100,000 exhibits on display Most impressive exhibits: A steam engine, agricultural machinery, and loom.
History of Universal Exposition Two museums: Victoria & Albert Museum(1852)
History of Universal Exposition Canton Museum of Science and Technology of Lexington(1853) A standard of Universal Exposition Topics followed with the achievements of technology and the demand of social convention.
History of Universal Exposition Ex: Two World Wars, the Cold War Idea: Peace, building the world of tomorrow Ex: 21 st century Idea: Environmental conservation issue
History of Universal Exposition 31 countries signed international fair treaty in 1928, and established International Exhibitions Bureau to manage the Universal Exposition. In June 15 th, 2008, 153 countries became the member nations.
List of Universal Expositions
1851 London (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland) 1851 LondonUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland 1855 Paris (France) 1855 ParisFrance 1862 London (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland) 1862 LondonUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland 1867 Paris (France) 1867 ParisFrance 1873 Vienna (Austria) 1873 ViennaAustria 1876 Philadelphia (United States) 1876 PhiladelphiaUnited States 1878 Paris (France) 1878 ParisFrance 1879 Sydney (New South Wales, British Australia) 1879 SydneyNew South WalesBritishAustralia 1880 Melbourne (Victoria, British Australia) 1880 MelbourneVictoriaBritishAustralia 1884 New Orleans (United States) 1884 New OrleansUnited States 1885 Antwerp (Belgium) 1885 AntwerpBelgium 1888 Barcelona (Spain) 1888 BarcelonaSpain 1889 Paris (France) 1889 ParisFrance 1893 Chicago (United States) 1893 ChicagoUnited States 1897 Brussels (Belgium) 1897 BrusselsBelgium 1900 Paris (France) 1900 ParisFrance 1901 Buffalo (United States) 1901 BuffaloUnited States 1904 St. Louis (United States) 1904 St. LouisUnited States 1905 Liège (Belgium) 1905 LiègeBelgium 1906 Milan (Italy) 1906 MilanItaly 1907 Dublin (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland) 1907 DublinUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
1907 Norfolk (United States) 1907 NorfolkUnited States 1909 Seattle (United States) 1909 SeattleUnited States 1910 Brussels (Belgium) 1910 BrusselsBelgium 1911 Turin (Italy) 1911 TurinItaly 1913 Ghent (Belgium) 1913 GhentBelgium 1915 San Francisco (United States) 1915 San FranciscoUnited States 1915 San Diego (United States) 1915 San DiegoUnited States 1929 Seville (Spain) 1929 SevilleSpain 1929 Barcelona (Spain) 1929 BarcelonaSpain 1930 Liège (Belgium) 1930 LiègeBelgium 1930 Antwerp (Belgium) 1930 AntwerpBelgium 1933 Chicago (United States) 1933 ChicagoUnited States 1935 Brussels (Belgium) 1935 BrusselsBelgium 1937 Paris (France) 1937 ParisFrance 1939 New York City (United States) 1939 New York CityUnited States 1939 Liège (Belgium) 1939 LiègeBelgium 1939–1940 San Francisco (United States) 1939–1940 San FranciscoUnited States 1958 Brussels (Belgium) 1958 BrusselsBelgium 1962 Seattle (United States) 1962 SeattleUnited States 1964/65 New York (United States) (not BIE sanctioned) 1964/65 New YorkUnited States 1967 Montreal (Canada) 1967 MontrealCanada 1968 San Antonio (United States) 1968 San AntonioUnited States 1970 Osaka (Japan) 1970 OsakaJapan
1974 Spokane (United States) 1974 SpokaneUnited States 1982 Knoxville (United States) 1982 KnoxvilleUnited States 1984 New Orleans (United States) 1984 New OrleansUnited States 1985 Tsukuba (Japan) 1985 TsukubaJapan 1986 Vancouver (Canada) 1986 VancouverCanada 1988 Brisbane (Australia) 1988 BrisbaneAustralia 1992 Seville (Spain) 1992 SevilleSpain 1992 Genoa (Italy) 1992 GenoaItaly 1993 Daejeon (South Korea) 1993 DaejeonSouth Korea 1998 Lisbon (Portugal) 1998 LisbonPortugal 1999 Kunming (China) 1999 KunmingChina 2000 Hannover (Germany) 2000 HannoverGermany 2005 Aichi (Japan) 2005 AichiJapan 2008 Zaragoza (Spain) 2008 ZaragozaSpain 2010 Shanghai (China) 2010 ShanghaiChina 2011 Xian (China) 2011 XianChina 2012 Yeosu (South Korea) 2012 YeosuSouth Korea 2015 Milan (Italy) 2015 MilanItaly 2016 Antalya (Turkey) 2016 AntalyaTurkey Expo 2017 yet to be designated Expo 2017 Expo 2020 yet to be designated Expo 2020
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