Chapter 10-4 Lincoln and Secession By: Zilin Zheng Ally Shields Sam Sommer
Think About it “These differences cannot be attributed to any cause but slavery.”- Alexis de Tocqueville, Journey to America
Background Democratic Party split over the issue of slavery Northern Democrats - Stephen Douglas (people rule) Southern Democrats- -VP John C. Breckinridge of Kentucky (for slavery) Whigs and Know-Nothings (Constitutional Union Party- ignores slavery all together -John Bell Tennessee
Lincoln’s Election of 1860 Ballots Makes it in every free state Doesn’t appear in most slave states Votes Wins with less than half of popular vote Electoral vote 180 to 123 Lincoln has sectional votes not much national support
Think About It William Tecumseh Sherman: “Only in spirit and determination are you prepared for war. In all else you are totally unprepared.” –quoted in None Died in Vain
Southern Views on Secession Southerners feel that they had lost their political voice in national government Fear of Northern Republicans would make the South agree to complete submission and political bondage. “States rights” meant the complete independence of Southern states from federal gov’t control Last chance to defend the rights for slavery
Secession South Carolina is the first one to secede on December 20 th 1860 Mississippi Secedes January 9 th 1861 Florida secedes January 10 th 1860 Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas secedes
Think About It “‘ A house divided against itself cannot stand.’ I believe this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free.” President Lincoln, 1858 Speech
Lincoln’s Views Republican Views Didn’t want slave to spread Slavery is politically wrong Secession is unconstitutional, states do not have power to secede from the union.
Summarizing What We’ve Learned 1.The Democratic party is divided over the issue of slavery. 2.Lincoln wins in the electoral collage, but by sectional popular votes, he is anti-slavery 3.Southerners feel violated in the ways of state power and slavery 4.South Carolina is the First to secede 5.Lincoln believes that session is unconstitutional and slavery is politically wrong.
Works Cited Danzer, Gerald A. The Americans. Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell, Print.