Sourcing (in LS1) CMS week December 11 th, 2012 Ianos Schmidt The University of Iowa
HF Sourcing introduction Each tower of the HF absorber is equipped with stainless steel tubes used for guiding a radioactive source installed in the tip of what we call a source wire. The source travels along the Z-axis of the absorber parallel to the quartz fibers. Source tube Source tubes Fibers “Long” fibers “Short” fibers
HF sourcing introduction (cont.) A machine call a source driver is used to deploy the source wire into the selected tube. There are plastic tubes in protective metal conduit used to guide the wire to the tubes within the absorber wedge. There are two source drivers mounted on each HF, with 288 tubes connected to each for a total of 576* tubes/HF (~3.7 Km meters of tubing!). * 558 tubes go to the absorbers (some towers have more than one tube), others are for reference for the driver system. Source tube conduits Source driver Drivers located on top of lower level racks
What’s needed to perform sourcing “Zone interlock” system. – Required by RP to secure a safety zone around the sub-detector being sourced. Must be interfaced to the source driver control electronics. Source driver control electronics. DAQ and Driver control software. Source drivers. RP approval (sources at CERN in RP storage). Time to do the sourcing (potentially prohibits other work).
Status of Interlocks and control electronics Interlocks: Master interface and zone Interlock units at CERN. Needed Items for completion of the interlock system: – Procurement and wiring of zone door switches and warning lights. – Installation of switches, lights and interlock interfaces at the HF garages in UXC. ~ 8d technician work. – UXC to USC cables (connect zone interlock units in UXC to master interface in USC)*. – Installation and commissioning of system. * The SD Interlock system was originally designed to share the 50 conductor “HCAL safety system (HSS)” cables. HSS cables will be entirely consumed by the HSS replacement UXC to USC cables need to be installed. ~2.2 KCHF for 8 zones (HF+/- garage & beam position, HE+/- HB+/-). Control Electronics: Electronics at CERN. – Still require testing. (Firmware and test adapters have been developed for rapid testing). Power supplies at CERN, but still need setup and testing. Controller Firmware: – All basic functionality working. – Crates need to be assemble, and tested. Final Commissioning at P5 Zone box Master unit
Software status Software work has recently resumed after being dormant since 2009, thanks to the effort of Paolo Rumerio (Univ. of Alabama), José Afonso Sanches (UERJ Brazil), and the CERN based HCAL DAQ experts. Soft milestones set to re-establish the sourcing system both for use in LS1 as well as for HCAL R&D related to the new front end electronics (LS2 upgrade). – Source Driver Control (stand alone): first version ready, Dec 2012 – HTR Firmware and associated histogram readout: Dec 2012 – Source Coordinator: first version ready by Feb 2012 – Setup and operate system in H2 with source (early 2013) – Database of connections to follow immediately Lots of recent progress.
Source transport and handling equipment Source transport and handling equipment: – Provides shielding of the source – Protects the fragile source wire from damage – Necessary for source installation, removal and inspection. Shielding “pigs”: At CERN, but without wire locking mechanisms (Iowa). Boxes: Originally planned to be recycled RBX shipping crates, however wood is no longer considered an acceptable material. – Need metal boxes. Some assembly required - Have provisional equipment on hand at CERN to be able to work with one or two sources (though RP may not be happy with it).
Overview of requirements for use at P5 Commission system (hardware+software+interlocks). Completed before request to use the system with sources! System review (HCAL, CMS)? Rewriting of handling and operating procedure documents for RP, adapted for the UXC environment. Establish planning for use of sources (when, where, how long…) with technical coordination. Approval of system and procedures by GLIMOS and RP. Request use of sources. Demonstrate operation of system and procedures. Necessary to get approval for use and transport of sources. Finding, measuring, and inspection of sources (including check of paperwork). Installation of source(s) safety monitors…, and again demonstration. If all is ok, use of source. This is not a trivial amount of work. Decision to source must be made well in advance of desired date.
Schedule considerations (Equipment and infrastructure) P5 Sourcing system I&C~60d(~Mon 2/11/13~Fri 5/3/13) Switches, lights, zone interfaces~10dCan begin at start of LS1 Interlock cabling (UX-US)~10dCan begin at start of LS1 Master interlock I&C in USC~5dAfter above items complete Controller I & C~5dCan begin at start of LS1 Complete system commissioning~5d Needs P5 infrastructure operational including DAQ (Not expected before April26, 2013) Int.I&C Start of LS1 (Feb.11, 2013) Central services (cooling, power) Available April 26, 2013 Install zone equip Install cables Interlock I&C Ctrl.I&C Controller I&C Comm. Commission entire system ~ 2 Months Could be ready beginning of May Could be ready beginning of May, but if not necessary at that time should not be allowed to take resources from other critical tasks
Schedule considerations (Sourcing) Assuming all the initial requirements have been met to allow sourcing: Source must be inspect and put into transport container~1d but must be scheduled at least a week in advance. Transport of source. Depends on RP schedule (in past within a week). Source installation and full demonstration of driver and safety systems. ~1day, but good to reserve an extra day in case RP has concerns that need to be addressed. Once sourcing is completed source must be removed and transported back to CERN storage. Again needs to be scheduled in advance, and depends on RP schedule (plan on at least a week before source removal). Estimated time to source one HF is about 5 working days. At least two weeks with source should be allocated in the schedule per HF to account for uncertainties in the transport to/from P5 as well as possible issues interrupting work*. * Working with sources requires care and attention. Anything unusual in the behavior of the system or safety equipment requires stopping of the work and investigation by experts.
Possible scenarios There are several HF sourcing periods under consideration: Source all of HF prior to starting ROBOX rework and re-cabling: – Establishes channel by channel corrections for initial post LS1 calibration constants. – Delay ROBOX rework and cable installation by ~12 Weeks (~June). Large delay because it requires DAQ and infrastructure (power & cooling, work completed ~4/26/2013 ). Source at least a portion of HF before being altered (before last quadrant of boxes removed): – If want samples from Both HF’s, first sourcing would need to happen before July – If only part of one HF, could happen as late as November – Would introduce a delay of 2 weeks in work on the HF being sourced, but could be compensated by shifting work to other HF. Necessary sourcing after All rework and re-commissioning (including backend): – Necessary, not just for calibration, but to fully verify mapping (ROBOXes, cabling, digital fibers, and new backend). Source is the only tool that can do this. – Schedule suggests that we have from early 2014 till the time HF come out for the master magnet test in July 2014 for sourcing. – However our sourcing is not entirely independent from other UXC activities. In particular YE4 work will be taking place just outside of the HF garages. – YE4 Plus side~7/11/13 to 10/30/13 – YE4 Minus side~11/1/13 to 9/11/14 <- Note work after master magnet test (critical path activity!) Requires detailed planning with TC. – Exact dates will depend on specific “conditions on the ground” at the time
YE4 work HF in garage HE4 Work area (Example. More details in backup slides)
Summary Sourcing equipment needs to be prepared, installed, and commissioned. – Can be ready ~beginning of May. Sourcing estimated to take ~2 weeks/HF 3 HF sourcing periods being considered: – Source all HF prior to ROBOX and cable work ~First half of June. Would delay HF work by ~12 weeks. – Partial sourcing of at least one HF: For first HF, would need to happen ~before July For second HF would need to happen ~ before November 2013 Delays other HF work by ~2 Weeks, but can be compensated, with minimal impact on overall schedule – Final sourcing (mandatory) Any time between when HF is re-commissioned (early 2014), and the Master magnet test (July 2014). Relationship between YE4 work and HF sourcing needs to be well coordinated.
HB intervention 27/01/2012 TC workshop A Kaminskiy / I.Schmidt 15 Now HCAL (HB) interventions are now scheduled before Tracker sealing very reasonable DAQ should be available (local runs) Even if VACTANK is accessible for a long time, HCAL should anyway be quick to free the working space the tracker sealing but it gives a very long testing period We have to work on both ends in parallel (=2 teams) Work sequence. For each of 18 RBXes per end: Disconnect optical cables from readout module (RM3) Remove RM3 Remove CCM Insert reworked CCM, test. Insert RM3 Connect optical cables, test Long term test
HB work sequence We start with lowest sectors (HBM14&15) it will be some learning/training curve – 5 days for those 2 sectors TK crews are working on bulkhead then we will continue with rate of ~1 sector per day For each sector we are estimating intervention – 1 day test/qualification – 2 days ( in meanwhile we are working on the next sectors) So the sector is signed off after 3 days As far as I understand, TK sealing crew needs a block of several adjacent sectors ( how many? A quadrant?) to seal. So we need about 8-10 working days to fill the pipeline, and then we proceed with ~1 day per sector staggered by 1 week 27/01/ TC workshop A Kaminskiy / I.Schmidt
Latest Top Level Master Schedule Work on YBs Most challenging 04/07/13 27/02/14 Master Magnet Test + CRAFT From Martin Gastal (July 30-Aug 20)
Rad safety requirements documents Documents in EDMS but can also be found at Pawel’s SX5 hcal web pages:
RAD safety requirements(1:3) For γ sources, collective protection is preferred to individual protection, i.e. the source is protected by a physical barrier and automatism instead of relying on human actions. Nevertheless, human action is always necessary to check automatic mechanisms, but should not supersede them. B. An automatic system is required to move the source outside of its garage (a drawing and all appropriate explanations of the mechanism must be given to RP well in advance; preferably, RP must be involved in the design phase). Safety first: in case of failure of the system whilst the source outside of its garage position, a automatic process must send the source back into its garage position (usually using ‘gravity’) Our primary protection is a physical barrier Our source wires are ~11m. The time it takes to garage the source is considerable and could lead to unnecessary exposure when the source is moving between the detector and the garage. Consequently we are required to stop the source movement when the zone has been opened, or a failure has been detected. This “override” of the above requirement is written into our document/checklist created specifically for each case where we use sources. The interlock input on the controller serves this purpose.
RAD safety requirements(2:3) Nobody is allowed to enter/stay in the irradiation area while the source is being moved outside of its garage. To ensure this, additional security measures are required: K. A warning panel on the top of every door which flashes when the system is switched on (warning panel to be purchased at CERN Store: "indicateur lumineux à feux clignotants" - SCEM ; please find a template for making the warning panel at EDMS – this is to be printed on transparent papers and to be attached to the warning panel). Our zones require search and secure by key. Item K above along with “mini-alarms” provided by RP have satisfied out lighting requirements. Regardless the driver controllers do have outputs for indicator lights located near the drivers, should they be required in the future. L.A warning panel, that is to be located near the garage and visible from everywhere in the area, is to flash whenever the source is being moved out (warning panel to be purchased at CERN Store: "indicateur lumineux à feux clignotants" - SCEM ; please find a template for making the warning panel at EDMS – this is to be printed on transparent papers and to be attached to the warning panel). M. The lighting of the warning panels must be interfaced with the remote control system or to a source presence detector (and not be manually switched on/off). For us the lights are switched on after the zone is secured. This is part of the zone interlock not the driver controllers.
RAD safety requirements(3:3) The system used to move the sources must be interfaced with the system controlling the door. This interlock fulfils two criteria: P. The source must be prevented from being moved out of its garage if the door is not closed Q. People must be prevented from entering the irradiation area when the source is out of its garage. One possibility to accomplish this requires a trigger (either on the door, or on the lock – the control of this trigger must be placed as close as possible to the door to ensure that nobody can enter the area between the moment when people carry out the survey and the moment the area is electronically closed). An interface between the doors of the zone and the interlock input of the driver controllers is necessary. For our installations the zone is locked with a key. Entry is only allowed by the key holder (fire brigade, RP, designated HCAL person). The source driver controllers do not control access to the zone.
System HF+ HE+ HO+1,+2 HB+ HO0 HO –1,-2 HE- HF- Services: Air drivers Electric drivers * * 2 3* * 0202 Total HB DAQ PC Power supplies 5V,16V,24V Notes: * Indicates cable for connection of temporary driver. HO can use a temporary portable system, and HE or HB zone interlocks depending on position of HO rings. Master Interlock Source driver Controllers Zone safety interlocks UXC USC
YE+4 installation [11/07 – 22/08/13] – 31d YE4 is to be assembled on the feet of the YE3 cart
YE+4 installation [11/07 – 22/08/13] – 31d Assembly of bottom sectors first