Eagle P3 Project Update FasTracks Monitoring Committee Sept. 3, 2013
2 Cages made of steel reinforcing bars are formed in cylinders to help support concrete piers for the Utah Junction Bridge Project background Schedule Design Systems Rail cars Right of way PUC process IGA status Public outreach DBE/SBE status Aviation station Construction Today’s Agenda
3 East Rail Line offers 35-minute travel time to DIA Northwest Rail Westminster Segment offers 11-minute travel time to Westminster Gold Line offers 25-minute travel time to Ward Road Eagle P3 Project
4 Commuter rail vehicle in married pair configuration 36 miles of new commuter rail service 37 major bridge structures 14 new stations plus Denver Union Station hub Commuter rail maintenance facility and control center 50 cars in married pair configuration 29 at-grade crossings shared with Class 1 Railroads Background: Project Scope
5 U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood at FFGA ceremony – August 2011 Project Capital Budget – $2.2 billion FTA New Starts Full Funding Grant Agreement - $1.03 billion Private Activity Bonds - $396.1 million TIFIA loan - $280.0 million Other federal grants - $57.1million RTD local funding - $379.5 million Concessionaire equity - $54.3 million Local/CDOT/other contributions - $75.3 million Background: Financing
6 Schedule
7 Rendering of Commuter Rail Maintenance Facility – subject to change Civil/structural design complete Commuter Rail Maintenance Facility (CRMF) –Design complete –LEED™ (Green Building) –Incorporates expansion to support North Metro line Rolling Stock design complete Systems design due to complete this year Design Update
8 Electrical transformer installation at Sandown Substation Transformers built and tested Installation underway Two substations: Sandown on East Argo on Gold/Northwest DTP has acquired all systems cables including Overhead Contact System, in storage ready for installation Traction Electrification System
9 First 10 steel shells for commuter rail cars are wrapped and loaded in Masan, Korea, for shipment to assembly plant in Philadelphia, Aug. 18, 2013 All Eagle steel car body shells have been completed in Korea Pilot cars moved under own power in May Testing and inspections of two fully assembled pilot cars successfully completed in July First 10 steel car body shells shipped in August to final assembly plant in Philadelphia Rail Cars
10 First test run of four-car train, June 2013 Rail Cars
11 Interior view of Car #1 Rail Cars
12 I-70 Flyover 90+ percent conveyed to DTP o 200 separate owner closings o 250+ parcels Remaining parcels expected in next 90 days Schedule-critical parcels o Moffat Flyover (Gold Line) o Albion Pond (East) Next focus o Additional land requests o Replacement easements o Requirements resulting from development review process at station locations Right of Way
13 South Platte River Bridge, on Northwest Line in Denver All Local Match IGAs have been executed with the Local Jurisdictions Denver – Several supplemental IGAs in progress for: –First Creek Rehabilitation –Various betterments –38 th and Blake pedestrian crossing Westminster – Jim Baker Reservoir and Station IGAs completed, Station Amendment in progress Adams County – Amendment in progress for 60 th and Federal/Clay Community Trail Intergovernmental Agreements
14 Example of door hanger used to notify residents and businesses of upcoming construction Presentations (HOAs, RNOs) Face-to-face (individuals) or telephone Annual open houses Door hangers (construction) Newsletters monthly & quarterly Website & online photo slideshows Social media Public Outreach
15 PI Activity, 2013 through JulyPresentationsAttendance Open Houses4139 Public presentations811,982 Visits to Eagle Project website229,719 Visits to Denver Transit Partners website31,810 Door hangers – residential & business32,912 Flyers Distributed8,000 blasts to individuals93,284 Stakeholder requests handled826 Project newsletters distributed9,500 Public Outreach
16 Representatives from local and federal partners pour sand into glass cylinder representing their collaboration Halfway to Opening Day milestone on Aug. 22, 2013: Notice to Proceed in July 2010 Three rail lines open in 2016 Halfway mark for the $2.2 billion project late August-early September Collaboration among partners – local, federal, private – key to success Public Outreach
17 Gilmore Construction Design goals o DBE – exceeded goal by 10% o SBE – exceeded goal by 132% On target to exceed goals on construction o DBE – currently 86% of goal o SBE – currently 98% of goal * Through July 2013 Goal Paid* (Design) Contracted* (Construction) ActivityAmount% % DBE Design$17,134,62819%$18,803,32721% SBE Design$3,048,47319%$7,098,20444% DBE Construction$174,996,98020%$150,666,50617% SBE Construction$41,669,46718%$40,754,00018% Total Amount$236,849,548 $217,322,038 DBE/SBE Update
18 Proposed location Aviation Station
19 Station platform between 60 th and 61 st avenues DIA, the City and County of Denver and developer requested to add this station RTD environmental team reevaluated all environmental resource areas that were evaluated in the EIS; no significant impacts were identified Public meeting July 18 with approximately 40 attendees, two dozen comments received through close on Aug. 18 FTA will determine if there are significant environmental impacts to the proposed project change and will/will not approve the change IGA specifies cost responsibilities for this station Environmental Reevaluation Aviation Station
20 Upcoming Construction Gold Line Ward Road Station Ridge Road BNSF detour track Federal Boulevard CRT bridge Lowell, Tennyson crossings utilities Moffat Flyover CRT bridge Ralston Creek CRT bridge Kipling Parkway CRT bridge
21 Upcoming Construction Northwest Rail Westminster Segment Westminster Station area building demolitions Westminster Station construction Utah Junction Flyover 64 th Avenue bridge construction 43 rd Avenue pedestrian bridge demolition 41 st /Fox Station area demolitions
22 Upcoming Construction East Rail Line 38 th /Blake Station platform 40 th /Colorado Station platform Central Park Station platform Airport/40 th Station platform Track installation along Peña Blvd 40 th Avenue/Albion Street reconstruction Dahlia/Holly/Monaco at Smith Road reconstruction 33 rd Avenue/Moline Street reconstruction Chambers at Smith Road reconstruction
23 Ward Road Station platform construction, Gold Line, Wheat Ridge, July 31, 2013 Construction Progress
24 Wadsworth Bypass bridge girder placement, Gold Line, Arvada, Aug. 11, 2013 Construction Progress
25 Federal Station Platform area, Gold Line, Adams County, Aug. 22, 2013 Construction Progress
26 Utah Junction Flyover, Northwest Rail Line, Adams County, Aug. 1, 2013 Construction Progress
27 Commuter rail maintenance facility and yard, Denver, Aug. 22, 2013 Construction Progress
28 Jersey Cutoff Bridge over BNSF Railway, Northwest Rail Line, Denver, Aug. 5, 2013 Construction Progress
29 North abutment of the South Platte River bridge, Denver, Aug. 1, 2013 Construction Progress
30 Example of RTD- branded construction detour signage used at 40 th Avenue long-term closure Construction Progress
31 Steele Street grade crossing street reconstruction, East Rail Line, Denver, July 22, 2013 Construction Progress
32 Central Park Station platform construction, East Rail Line, Denver, July 19, 2013 Construction Progress
33 Overhead power pole and track hardening installation along Smith Road at I-225, East Rail Line, Aurora, July 22, 2013 Construction Progress
34 Girder installation on 5,000-foot Interstate 70 Flyover, Pagosa Street, East Rail Line, Aurora, Aug. 9, 2013 Construction Progress
35 Airport/40 th Station platform construction, East Rail Line, Aurora, July 3, 2013 Construction Progress
36 Green Valley Ranch Boulevard bridge construction, East Rail Line, Denver, July 12, 2013 Construction Progress
37 Track installation and joint welding, East Rail Line at 64 th Avenue, Denver, July 17, 2013 Construction Progress
38 Construction on 1,953- foot Peña Boulevard Bridge, East Rail Line, Denver, July 22, 2013 Construction Progress
39 DIA Station approach and platform, looking south, East Rail Line, Denver, Aug. 9, 2013 Construction Progress
40 Commuter rail “Triple Stack” underpass approaching DIA Jeppesen Terminal station, East Rail Line, Denver, Aug. 9, 2013 Construction Progress
41 Start of canopy construction over the passenger platform at DIA, Aug. 9, 2013 Construction Progress
Pier construction on the Clear Creek Bridge, Gold Line, Adams County Questions?