Greek Mythology Review Chariot of the Sun Callisto & Jason and the Golden Fleece
What God shaped the earth with his own loving hands? O Eros
The roof of what building was made of ivory? The Palace of the Sun
Who is the son of Apollo? Phaethon
Who was Apollo surrounded by as he sat on his emerald throne? O Fall, Summer, Spring, and Winter: The Seasons
What did Phaethon ask of Apollo? O To drive his chariot for a day.
What beast in the sky made Phaethon drop the reins in terror? O The Scorpion
Why did Apollo not want Phaethon to drive his chariot? O He feared for his safety.
The fields and forests of Northern Africa became what after Apollo’s chariot raced low to the Earth? O Sahara Desert
Which goddess cried as she lost everything she loved because of Phaethon’s naïve request? O Demeter
Who did Phaethon’s mother send to retrieve his body? O Her four daughters.
What were Phaethon’s sisters turned into? O Weeping willow trees.
What was Cycnus turned into? O A swan.
What did Zeus turn The Scorpion into? O The scale of justice.
Where do Artemis and her nymphs live? O Arcadia.
As Artemis carried the moon into the sky, what did she do? O Visit people in their dreams.
What do the Scales of Justice symbolize? O “…that ego can destroy the balance of the universe.”
Why is Callisto so unhappy? O Her father is a tyrant, and her brothers treat her like a slave.
Who tells Callisto to join Artemis and her band of Nymphs? Why? O Callisto’s grandmother, Cyllene, because she used to be in Artemis’s band of nymphs and is still obedient to her.
What does Callisto have to give up in order to join Artemis? O All earthly passions.
Why did Zeus fall in love with Callisto? O He loved her charm and innocence.
Who did Zeus disguise himself as in order to trick Callisto? O Artemis
How did Zeus’s disguise disappear? O He kissed Callisto.
Where did Callisto’s son, Arcas, go to grow up? O With Callisto’s cruel father and brothers.
How did Artemis find out Callisto was pregnant? O They were bathing in the stream.
How did Hera react to Callisto giving birth? O She turned Callisto into a bear with her human emotions intact.
What kind of pie was Zeus served for dinner and why? O Arcas’s pie because they knew only a god could tell the difference in the type of meat, and they wanted to know if it was a god dining with them.
Who was the only survivor of Zeus’s wrath in Callisto’s family? O Her youngest brother, Nyctimus.
Why did Zeus go to King Lycaon’s home? O He wanted to check on the treatment of his son.
What was Lycaon turned into? O A wolf.
Who is the goddess of the clouds? O Nephele.
How many wives did King Athamas have? O three
What follows power and wealth? O Treachery
What was ironic about the people of Colchis? O They were known to be barbaric but treated Phrixus like a hero.
Why did King Athamas marry Ino? Why is this ironic O He was bored with Nephele. Ino left him because she was bored.
Why did Themisto hang herself? O She killed her sons after her plan backfired due to Ino’s interference.
How did Ino plan to protect her sons after Themisto’s death? O She devised a plan to destroy the harvest and in turn sacrifice Nephele’s son, Prince Phrixus, for survival.
Who sent the golden fleece to answer Nephele’s prayers? O Hermes
Who did Phrixus sacrifice the ram to? O Zeus and gave the fleece to his father in law.
Who went to Jason in a dream and asked him to overthrow his uncle? O Hera.
Who raised Jason? O Chiron, the centaur.