Early Greece
The Minoans of Crete ◦ 3000 BC to 1000 BC ◦ Traders ◦ Named by archaeologists based on the myth of the Minotaur and King Minos ◦ Sailed all over the Aegean Sea ◦ Trade Colonies ◦ Buildings had basic plumbing
Information about the society comes from artwork ◦ Ships engaged in sailing, trading, and fishing ◦ Priests were women ◦ Dangerous game of leaping over charging bulls Language has not been deciphered ◦ We refer to it as Linear A
The son of King Minos was killed by Athenians In response, Athens had to send 7 young men and 7 young girls every year or ninth year as a sacrifice to the minotaur Theseus was the 3 rd man into the maze He killed the minotaur
Volcanic island near Crete blew apart affected weather patterns around the world Damaged crops and ports Weakened society Warlike Mycenaeans conquered them
Name based on fort they had built, Mycenae Society owed much to the Minoans ◦ Traded with them ◦ Developed their writing based on the Minoans We have deciphered this style ◦ Trade increased once they conquered the Minoans
Mycenaean was a warlike society Frequent warfare and powerful kings Kings taxed trade and farming to build great monuments ◦ Lion’s Gate at Mycenae Constant quests for power and glory inspired many later legends ◦ Battle of Troy led by Mycenae 1100 BC downfall of the Mycenaean States ◦ Drought, famine ◦ Warfare between states ◦ Dark ages for 300 years
Paris to judge between Hera, Athena, Aphrodite Got Helen as a prize Agamemnon led troops to get her back Ten year war
Greece was in chaos for 300 years 800 BC life stabilized and a new society emerged based on the polis, or city-state Travel and communication was difficult between cities Each polis developed independently of each other Each had its own form of government, laws, and customs
People did not consider themselves Greeks but by the polis they lived in (i.e., Athenians, Spartans) Typically a polis was build around a high area called an acropolis which housed temples Below was the agora, marketplace A gymnasium, training ground, and public baths Polis surrounded by a sturdy wall
One of the mightiest city-states in Greece Sparta would expand overtime and conquer neighboring cities (like Messenia) The people became slaves of the state, helots Helots did all of the work Spartans used their time to train for war Fighting was not for fun but to keep order in society Helots outnumbered Spartans by 7 to 1 on average
Spartans demanded their children to be strong and tough Babies, boys and girls, were inspected at birth for defects Any that were found with defects were left in the wilderness to die Boys were taught physical and mental toughness by their mothers until age seven Afterwards, they were sent into a combat school At the end of their training, boys were sent into the wilderness with no food or tools and expected to survive At age 20, boys became hoplites, foot soldiers “Come home with your shield held high or on it” common quote by Spartan women
Spartan women were trained in physical fitness Thought was that women had to be fit to bear strong children Women had the right to own property, a right forbidden to women in most of Greece Sparta was led by two kings who served as military commanders Over time, responsibility fell to an elected council of elders
The Gods of Olympus Almost all of Greece worshipped the same gods but each polis claimed one god or goddess as its special protector (i.e. Athens/Athena, Corinth/Apollo)
Before the Gods of Olympus, there were the Titans led by Cronus Cronus believed his children would overthrow him like he did his father So every time a child was born to his wife, he swallowed it whole When his youngest son, Zeus, was born, his wife hid him and placed a large rock in his baby blankets for Cronus to swallow
When he was older, Zeus got his mother to feed Cronus a drink that forced him to vomit his siblings out They fought Cronus and the other Titans and overthrew them from power Zeus and his brothers, Hades and Poseidon, drew lots to split the world between them Zeus won the sky, Poseidon won the oceans, and Hades won the underworld Zeus married his sister Hera, goddess of marriage and women
There were hundreds of Gods and goddesses but the most famous are: ◦ Demeter – goddess of agriculture ◦ Hestia – goddess of hearth and family ◦ Athena – goddess of wisdom ◦ Apollo – god of prophecy, healing, poetry, music, and the sun ◦ Artemis – goddess of hunting and the moon ◦ Ares – god of war ◦ Aphrodite – goddess of love ◦ Hephaestus – god of metalworking ◦ Dionysus – god of wine ◦ Hermes – the messenger god, god of trade
Heroes were used to teach Greeks where they are from and what sort of people they should try to be They would also have some great fall due to their great pride, hubris Heracles, son of Zeus Theseus, an Athenian prince who killed the Minotaur of Crete