Review Warm-Up (before bell) Get into groups of four (move desks now!) Discuss your high-order questions: – What questions did you have about the section of reading? Did you find the answers? Can someone in your team answer them? – Create an essay question from the high order questions to present to the class in 5 minutes Present to class when the bell rings.
Review Day 1 Ancient Art
Where We are Going 20 Minutes: – Answer High-Order Questions in Groups – Review Ancient Art (Dates, Attributions, Key Terms) – Quick Dates Quiz (individual) – Share mnemonic devices 20 Minutes: – Write one full page answering a 30 min question (you will get good at this!) 15 Minutes: – Use Art Snapshots as Flashcards in Partners
Stone Age (30,000 b.c.–2500 b.c.) – Cave painting, fertility goddesses, megalithic structures – Lascaux Cave Painting, Woman of Willendorf, Stonehenge – Ice Age ends (10,000 b.c.–8,000 b.c.); New Stone Age and first permanent settlements (8000 b.c.–2500 b.c.)
Mesopotamian (3500 b.c.–539 b.c.) – Warrior art and narration in stone relief, first writing – Diestic Nation States, Ziggarats – Sumerian, Akkadian, Babylonian, Assyrian, Persian (SABAP) – Standard of Ur, Gate of Ishtar, Stele of Hammurabi's Code – Sumerians invent writing (3400 b.c.); Hammurabi writes his law code (1780 b.c.); Abraham founds monotheism
Egyptian (3100 BC–30 BC) – Art with an afterlife focus: pyramids and tomb painting – Predyanstic (3000 BC) Narmer unites Upper/Lower Egypt (3100 BC) – Old Kingdom (2600 BC) Imhotep, Great Pyramids (2500 BC) – Middle Kingdom (1800 BC) – New Kingdom (1400 BC) Hetshepsut Mortuary ( BC) Bust of Nefertiti Rameses II battles the Hittites (1274 BC.);
Aegean Art Cycladic ( BC) – Stylized statuettes of nudes Minoan ( BC) – Complex palaces – Knossos (1700 BC) – Snake Goddess (1600 BC) – Toreador Fresco (1400 BC) Mycenaean ( BC) – Cyclopean masonry – Treasury of Atreus (1300 BC)
Greek Art Geometric ( ) – Horizontal Lines, minimal Figures Orientalizing ( ) – Similar to Mesopotamian Archaic Art ( ) – Black Figure (Attic) to Red Figure (more detail) – Stiff, Idealized, nude – Kouros, Temple of Artemis, Calf Bearer Classical ( ) – Contrapposto, Polykleitos, canon (Doryphoros) – Kritios Boy (Praxiteles) – Parthenon: Doric Temple with geometric consistency (x=2y+1, or 9:4) Late Classical Art ( ) – Lysippos, Scraper Hellenistic (323-30) – Dying Gaul, Nike of Samothrace, Laocoon
Etruscan Height: BC Necropoli throughout Tuscany region – Tomb of the leopard (480 BC) Bronze and Terra Cotta (mostly Sarcophagus) Cerveteri (52), Apollo from Veii (510) – Focus on the family, Strange proprotions Capitoline Wolf (500 BC) – Beginnings of Rome
Roman Art Founding of Rome (752 BC) – Romulus and Remus Myth Roman Republic ( BC) – Old Man busts (Veristic) – Representative dem. Early and High Empire ( CE) – Julius Caesar and Caesar Augustus (Pax Romana). Augustus of Primaporta (20 CE) – House of Vetti: cubicula and atrium (axial symmetry) (200 BCE) – Colosseum (70 CE) Flavian, Tuscan, Ionic, Corinthian, double theater – Building with concrete, marble – Pantheon (118 CE) Domes, coffers, Oculus, Dedicated to all gods – Columns and Victory Arches (2 nd c. CE) Late Empire ( CE) Basilica of Constantine (306 CE), Pred. to Romanesque church
Extended Response Question (20 Min.) MAP the question. Write 1 full page (front and back). JUST START WRITING Nudity has often been used as a way of expressing ideal human forms. Fully identify two works of art that have figures represented as nude, or almost completely nude, each from a different period or culture. For each work, discuss how the nude body is rendered to create an ideal form in the context of the culture that produced it.
Flash Card Game In your teams, categorize the images you have into like piles (based on culture) Put them from left to right starting from earliest to latest Each member take a pile, attempt to find the corresponding word/description card to go with it. First team done wins 10 pts. Extra credit.